starting C25K tomorrow! =)



  • angelskye6
    angelskye6 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm on W10D3 of my Couch to 10K app by Heavy Duty apps. In the beginning, I just set up my phone on the treadmill and listened to music so I could get all my prompts from the app. Now that I'm running for a total of 50 minutes, I watch TV or movies on Netflix on my iPhone to keep me going. I watch my time on the treadmill instead of being tuned into the actual app...for me, I can't run 30 minutes straight on the treadmill (which is in my house) just listening to music. I get SOOO obsessed with the time.

    I was barely able to jog 60 seconds and in 3 more weeks I'll be jogging for 60 minutes! My advice would be to take it slow and easy to avoid injury. Drink TONS of water before and after your runs, and don't worry about how fast you're going. Focus on the time versus the distance.

    I'm focusing on stamina, which for me, means I'm "running" anywhere from 3.6-4.0 depending on how I'm feeling at that point. Eventually, I will focus on increasing my speed, but I'm just super pumped to be jogging without stopping! It really does make a difference! Good luck to everyone.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Gonna be doing wk 3 d1 later tonight, is everyone still on course with the challenge?

    Week 3 day 1 tonight too! Im nervous about 3 min jog! Ugh...time will tell! I dont know if i can do that! Will let ya know later!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I don't think I found that I lost any weight directly. When I am running I'm not eating, when I have a run day I'm must less likely to binge.
    I think I have massive amounts of endurance from c25k.

    Here are some reasons NOT to do it.

    Your going to want to buy new running shoes, then want real running shoes.
    Your going to start actually caring about your socks
    You will want an HRM
    If you have GPS your going to get obsessive about tracking how far you actually went.
    Those 5k races, they usually start early in the morning, no sleeping in on those days.
    When you finally do a race, your going to realize just how f-en slow you are, which is going to make you start to freak out, and do interval training.
    You will start thinking about the half marathon

    So funny and tru expecially the running shoe part! Lol...i bought some running shoes, now i want to go to a real running shoe store and get fitted! Lol.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Gonna be doing wk 3 d1 later tonight, is everyone still on course with the challenge?

    Week 3 day 1 tonight too! Im nervous about 3 min jog! Ugh...time will tell! I dont know if i can do that! Will let ya know later!

    Oh my god I hadn't actually looked at the prog for week 3 - I just did! TWO sets of 3 minute runs, oh, my, GOD! Somehow I think I'm gonna be repeating this week ( or maybe even last week!) a bit til I can get up to that lmao :)
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    WOW oh my god, not only did I do it, t DIDN'T kill me! In fact, I felt so grea that I stuck another 3 minute run on the end of the session, I can't tellyou allhow fantastic I'm feeling about this right now! I just hope everyone else is feeling *kitten* great as I do right this minute!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Ok so my results for w3d1! It didnt wear me out at all. But but but...ohhh my word my calves where dying! I was bearly what u would consider jogging cause they hurt so bad! Maybe cause i havent done it since last friday, idk? But poor calves and shins! But i bearly probaby lifted my heart rate! Ran so slow! Lol
  • kseacrist
    kseacrist Posts: 11 Member
    today is my w3d2 run, and i am going - for the first time so far - to venture outside. i know that it's totally mental/mind-over-matter, but i am stressed about it! sigh....
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I am so proud of myself today! W3d2! major success compared to w3d1! Where my calves killed the crap outta me! Today i did it no pain whatso ever. Got my heart rate up to 164! idk much about heart rate but i was happy, and ran walked sooooo much further then monday! Woohoo! My paced picked up! What a nsv!
  • kseacrist
    kseacrist Posts: 11 Member
    I am so proud of myself today! W3d2! major success compared to w3d1! Where my calves killed the crap outta me! Today i did it no pain whatso ever. Got my heart rate up to 164! idk much about heart rate but i was happy, and ran walked sooooo much further then monday! Woohoo! My paced picked up! What a nsv!

    great job! you've inspired me - now let's hope that i have the same success. :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You are doing awesome! I'm on Week 7 and can't believe how fast it's gone by! Six weeks ago I was huffin' and puffin' through the short runs, and yesterday I ran for 25 minutes straight! I won't say it was easy, but it was doable, and I did it!

    Keep at it, stick with the program, and don't be afraid to go slowly - slow jogging is still jogging. You can do it! :bigsmile:
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    You are doing awesome! I'm on Week 7 and can't believe how fast it's gone by! Six weeks ago I was huffin' and puffin' through the short runs, and yesterday I ran for 25 minutes straight! I won't say it was easy, but it was doable, and I did it!

    Keep at it, stick with the program, and don't be afraid to go slowly - slow jogging is still jogging. You can do it! :bigsmile:

    Wow 25 mins. Crazy! That is so awesome! I cant wait! Thanks!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    ouchy ouch ouch! How come wk3d2 hurt more, WAY more than d1?!

    Is it because I got too brave and pushed myself through a gruelling half hour cardio yesterday instead of resting?

    Still, I did it! Pushed on through, and ready for d3 on friday - I think I might allow myself a bit of respite tomorrow though!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    ouchy ouch ouch! How come wk3d2 hurt more, WAY more than d1?!

    Is it because I got too brave and pushed myself through a gruelling half hour cardio yesterday instead of resting?

    Still, I did it! Pushed on through, and ready for d3 on friday - I think I might allow myself a bit of respite tomorrow though!

    Wierd! I was dying in my Calves and shins w3d1! But today was so much better w3d2! total opposite then u! Lol. Hopefully fridays a breeze for us both!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    On some of the weeks I found that the second day of running was the hardest. I usually run Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, and do a DVD workout daily too, with Sunday being my rest day and no workouts at all. But at least 2 or 3 times I struggled with the run on Thursday, and was feeling beat and sore by Saturday, so made that my rest day, and waited until Sunday to run - that two day break between the running really helped!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    well that's week three completed - not sure how I'm going to fare with week four, might repeat three again, but I'd feel pants having to do that!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    C25K changed my life. I was never a runner, but after doing the program last year I kept running. Now I'm training for a half-marathon. And yep, lost weight and inches for sure. (:
  • NicoletheFaye
    NicoletheFaye Posts: 19 Member
    Just completed Week 5, Day 3! I got winded and a stitch in my side Week 1 Day 1, but my running mate wouldn't let me stop. I'm so glad she didn't.

    Unfortunately, I have not lost a single pound since I started C25k in mid February. In fact, I've gained a few. Even if I mysteriously keep gaining weight, the fact that I just ran for 20 minutes straight is kinda worth it. I've NEVER been able to do that!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Just completed Week 5, Day 3! I got winded and a stitch in my side Week 1 Day 1, but my running mate wouldn't let me stop. I'm so glad she didn't.

    Unfortunately, I have not lost a single pound since I started C25k in mid February. In fact, I've gained a few. Even if I mysteriously keep gaining weight, the fact that I just ran for 20 minutes straight is kinda worth it. I've NEVER been able to do that!

    Wow 20 mins awesome! I cant wait to see that!
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Finished week 3 today! I did it! Realized the music i listen to helps get me pumped, when im listen to a song thats just seems like 3 mins is forever! But when i listened to this song i loved, three mins was no biggy! Stretching before i jog is a must now! I realize the benes! I hope i can do week four! We will see! Two days off now! Till monday yall! Ttyl!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I just did the first day today! I guess I am in better shape than I thought because it wasn't as hard as I was expecting lol... although I took my 4 year old son with me on his bike and he was NOT helpful lol. He was whining the whole time. So I wont be bringing him along again.