


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member

    It is, however, a migraine trigger for me.

    Same here. Migraines and nausea. I'm now so sensitive to the taste that I can't force myself to drink anything with it. I can handle the small amount in a stick of gum without getting sick, but that's it. I can't stomach the taste of Splenda or stevia based products (Truvia, etc.) either, but that's just the taste.

    That's why I stick with real sugar, in limited quantities. Artificial sweeteners and I just do not get along!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I am taking a bootcamp class and part of it is nutrition information... well I found out that aspartame (in diet pop, crystal light, equal packets, etc). can cause blindness and paralysis!!!!

    I googled it and found this website...

    Excuse me while I throw out my crystal light packets! Yikes!!!!

  • I stay away from ANYTHING with aspartame in it. Even sugar free gum. I have bad side effects from it not to mention all the horrible things I have heard and read about it. Try stevia or agave.
  • sweetyedie
    sweetyedie Posts: 104 Member
    From personal experience. Not medical though. I used it in sweetners and diet pop for years. So quite a bit had accumulated in my body. My sis while handing me a sweetner (with aspertine) handed an article on it she found on the internet. It described all kinds of symptoms that I was then currantly having. One of them was leg cramps. I stopped ingesting it in many foods and after two mos. the symptoms went away. This may not have the same effect on all people. I now stay away from a constant diet of it.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
  • naiomi85
    naiomi85 Posts: 29 Member
    Depends on how many gallons of diet soda you can down in a day.

    It is, however, a migraine trigger for me.

    ^^^ Agreed. I get migraines from it too. I think it also depends on how much you consume in a day. Lots of diet sodas, gum, and sugars have it in the ingredients. Personally i wouldn't eat a large amount of it over a long period of time just for the simple fact of not knowing what it actually could do in the long run.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I've mentioned this before, but I'll go ahead and say it again. Aspartame is aspartic acid + phenylalanine. Both are amino acids required by the body. Phenylalanine happens to be an essential amino acid. You get as much "aspartame" from a 4 oz piece of chicken breast as you would get from 23 cans of diet soda. Any protein source, both animal and vegetarian, have aspartic acid and/or phenylalanine in them, if it was so poisonous, the human race would be extinct just based on our diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    It tastes disgusting, you'll realize it after you quit then have a diet pop a year from now.
    I'm part of the headache crowd. I'll take real sugar over aspartame any day.
    Subjective. I love balut. I think it tastes great.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Even though it has been around for years, doctors still tell women not to use it while pregnant. It is also a trigger for many people for migraines.

    Generally, I stay away from ALL chemicals in my food. Better to eat a little of the real thing than use a chemical.

    As far as flavoring water, you're best bet is to go with regular old lemon or lime slices.
    ALL foods are nothing more than chemicals bound a certain way. Just sayin'

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • acook104
    acook104 Posts: 14 Member
    Sigh, another one falls to the scaremongering

    Is aspartame safe?

    Yes. Aspartame has been tested for more than three decades, in more than 200 studies, with the same result: Aspartame is safe. In fact, the FDA Commissioner, upon approving aspartame, noted, “Few compounds have withstood such detailed testing and repeated, close scrutiny, and the process through which aspartame has gone should provide the public with additional confidence of its safety.”

    Have other regulatory bodies reviewed aspartame's safety?

    Yes. In addition to FDA, aspartame has been reviewed and determined to be safe by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization, the Scientific Committee on Food of the European Commission, and the regulatory bodies of over 100 countries.

    Have independent health organizations reviewed the safety of aspartame?

    Yes. The American Medical Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Dietetic Association (ADA) have reviewed research on aspartame and found it to be safe. In fact, the ADA’s 2004 updated position paper states, “A comprehensive review of the safety of aspartame has recently been published. The review covers previous publications as well as new information that support the safety of aspartame as a food additive and negates claims of its association with a range of health problems...” Links to numerous other health organizations, which have confirmed the safety of aspartame, can be found at

    Can aspartame affect vision?

    No. Although scientists know that huge amounts of methanol can affect vision, only small amounts of methanol are formed when aspartame and many fruits, vegetables and juices are digested. In fact, a glass of tomato juice provides about six times as much methanol as an equal amount of a beverage sweetened with aspartame. During the digestion of aspartame in the gastrointestinal tract, the released methanol is then easily further metabolized by normal body processes in the same way as when methanol is derived from other dietary sources. Numerous scientific studies have shown that the methanol from aspartame does not accumulate in the body and thus cannot reach harmful levels

    Is there any truth to the negative information about aspartame on the Internet or in the media?

    No. Allegations spread via the Internet and the media by a few individuals that aspartame may be associated with a myriad of ailments are not based on science. These have come to be called “urban myths.” Here is what the National Multiple Sclerosis Society had to say about such allegations:

    “These stories claim that Aspartame is the cause of a variety of illnesses, including MS, lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, birth defects, Desert Storm syndrome, brain tumors, and seizures. However, please bear in mind the following:

    The claims are not documented;
    There is no evidence for “epidemics” of multiple sclerosis, lupus, and some of the other diseases as claimed in the articles;
    There is no evidence that authors of the claims have any scientific, medical, or academic credentials; nor is there any evidence that they have done any scientific research to support their claims; and
    No published, peer-reviewed scientific research exists that supports the claims being made in the articles.”
    An October 2005 issue of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) carries an editorial concluding that aspartame has been “demonised unfairly” in sections of the press and on the Internet. The BMJ editorial states:

    “Evidence does not support links between aspartame and cancer, hair loss, depression, dementia, behavioural disturbances, or any of the other conditions appearing in websites. Agencies such as the Food Standards Agency, European Food Standards Authority, and the Food and Drug Administration have a duty to monitor relations between foodstuffs and health and to commission research when reasonable doubt emerges…The Food Standards Agency takes public concerns very seriously and thus pressed the European Scientific Committee on Food to conduct a further review, encompassing over 500 reports, in 2002. It concluded from biochemical, clinical, and behavioural research that the acceptable daily intake of aspartame remained entirely safe-except for people with phenylketonuria.”

    The safety of aspartame has been proven again and again, backed by more than three decades of research and over 200 scientific studies. Recently, several governments and expert committees carefully evaluated the Internet allegations and found them to be false, reconfirming the safety of aspartame. In addition, leading health authorities, such as the American Medical Association, the American Dietetic Association, and the American Diabetes Association, agree that aspartame is safe.

    Excuse me while I take this and slap my old chemistry teacher in the face with it.
  • maverick48
    maverick48 Posts: 69 Member
    I heard aspartame causes mass hysteria in people that believe everything they read. Is it true?
    without a doubt.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Excuse me while I take this and slap my old chemistry teacher in the face with it.
    Smack some of the "health police" too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • maverick48
    maverick48 Posts: 69 Member
    Even though it has been around for years, doctors still tell women not to use it while pregnant. It is also a trigger for many people for migraines.

    Generally, I stay away from ALL chemicals in my food. Better to eat a little of the real thing than use a chemical.

    As far as flavoring water, you're best bet is to go with regular old lemon or lime slices.
    ALL foods are nothing more than chemicals bound a certain way. Just sayin'

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    You mean there's CHEMICALS in NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? HOLY CRAP NOTHING IS SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Some people suffer from allergies to it, or side effects. Most don't however. It certainly doesnt cause the things you described.
    I, personally, suffer from some allergies or side affects to it. I don't know if I'm exactly allergic to it, and it's not causing blindness or anything, but I feel my throat is tighter whenever I have food with aspartame in it so I try to avoid it. Sometimes I'll have sugar free gum, but that still causes me some problems so I don't chew gum very often.
  • My mom came off of it after being hospitalized with migraines. It was a big trigger for her. I continued on my Crystal Light because I was drinking more water that way. When I was having a lot of back problems & went to a chiropractor & he told me to come off of it. & that given the choice between diet & regular soda, choose regular. I switched to regular & cut back quantity to control the calories. I tried the Crystal Light Pure but it just wasn't as good.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    This topic....AGAIN! It's obvious there are 2 distinct sides to this, and I highly doubt this arguing is going to change anyone's mind one way or another. I personally avoid the stuff like the plague...and it works for me, but for those of you who "have never seen a study implicating aspartame" here's a few
    Study of 2 individuals with chronic pain where aspartame was exposed as the the cause
    Liver damage due to long term use to aspartame
    Defects and brain inflammation in zebra fish given aspartame vs. saccharin and control groups

    Edited to add:
    Shows aspartame as a carcinogen, and lifelong exposure starting in the womb increases carcinogenic effects
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    This topic....AGAIN! It's obvious there are 2 distinct sides to this, and I highly doubt this arguing is going to change anyone's mind one way or another. I personally avoid the stuff like the plague...and it works for me, but for those of you who "have never seen a study implicating aspartame" here's a few
    Study of 2 individuals with chronic pain where aspartame was exposed as the the cause

    n=2 doesn't even come close to statistical significance.
    Liver damage due to long term use to aspartame

    Eighteen adult male Wistar rats, weighing 150-175 g, were randomly divided into three groups as follows: first group was given aspartame dissolved in water in a dose of 500 mg/kg b.wt.; the second group was given a dose of 1000 mg/kg b.wt.; and controls were given water freely.

    A single diet soda contains 180mg of aspartame. So for a 75kg adult, that's the equivalent of 200 - 400 sodas per day.
    Defects and brain inflammation in zebra fish given aspartame vs. saccharin and control groups

    Zebra fish? Really?

    Edited to add:
    Shows aspartame as a carcinogen, and lifelong exposure starting in the womb increases carcinogenic effects

    Again, rats, supraphysiological doses, and results which barely met statistical significance.
  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    It's people. Aspartame is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!

  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    Coronary heart disease
    High blood pressure
    Glucose intolerance
    Congestive heart failure
    Sleep apnea

    All associated with obesity................ But hey everybody drop the aspartame cause it might cause long term health problems.
  • I don't know much about the science, but I do know a friend of mine who drank 2-3 diet Dr peppers a day and started to have seizures. Which promptly stopped upon discontinuing use of any products with aspartame. Good enough for me to stay away from it.