Any MFP people who have Mental Illness?



  • Brook70
    Brook70 Posts: 164
    I suffer from Anxiety and Depression. I am on meds. When I exercise I do feel so much better.
  • mrdalton
    I have had BiPolar disorder for 20 years now. And only the last few years has it been undercontrol. I live a fairly normal life now. But I understand how hard it is. Especially trying to loose weight on anti-pyscotic medications that cause weight gain. But it can be done. If you suffer from bipolar also feel free to add me. I have never known anyone else with this disease and would love some new friends and support. :)
  • AmyJo54915
    Bipolar, on Lamotrigine and Geodon and (believe it or not ) Fish Oil!
    Anxiety, on Lorazepam
    Meds seem to be if only I could sleep...was on Ambien for that, but now trying Melatonin.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I suffer from depression. I am not on medication for it though, but easily could be.

    This is me also along with social anxiety, exercising keeps me from needing anti depressants at this point. Sometimes on rest days I feel more depressive due to lack of the "exercise high" and winter time is harder for me than other times of the year. Also recovering from disordered eating and am working hard to not binge and emotional eat or undereat. I am finally balanced eating wise most of the time, but I work on it everyday.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Recovered anorexic currently on happy pills to help cope with the death of my father, 2 aunts, my grandmother and my mom's alzheimers. With the addition of walking 1,000 miles this year for charity, I'm taking fewer happy pills. :)
  • deethinks
    bi polar, eating disorder, anxiety
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    Depression & Anxiety, for sure. The doctors suspect bipolar, but I do not have the same behavior as a"typical" bipolar patient - Mostly because I have lived with both bipolar mother, exhusband, and roommate and don't want to exhibit the same behaviors I have seen from them.

    There is also a suggestion going around with my docs that my former marriage (psychologically abusive) may hae caused some PTSD.

    I have also been REALLY sick for the past several years. Like in the hospital a minimum of once a month for 2 years. They finally told me that it was all in my head and that I should go to a psychiatric hospital next time. So, I did. They told me I didn't belong there. 2 months later, I suffered a minor heart attack due to prolonged stress. Turns out a lot of my "psych problems" were actually a heart problem.

    PS - I do NOT recommend the psych hospital unless you are really at the end of your rope. I wasn't quite there, but it was the only thing I knew to do, and I would have tried anything. I also enrolled myself in an intensive outpatient program that was MUCH more suited to my needs.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    adhd count? and some disordered eating
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    I suffer from anxiety and depression as well, and take medication, which I don't think I will ever go off of. I don't want to go off them, either, because I feel so much better on my meds. But - losing weight and exercising every day has REALLY helped my moods, and I think I am in a very good place now.

    Same with me. I currently take Paxil daily to help manage mine. It doesn't make it go away, but it does make it manageable for me. I don't see me being able to go off of it any time soon.
    The weight loss and exercise does help (I just wish it would kick in for me! - I'm still waiting for this 'benefit')

    Best wishes for continued success/strides in your loss and health!

  • SkinnyShadow
    SkinnyShadow Posts: 106 Member
    Diagnosed with severe depression when I was 9... started taking meds when I was 12 or 13... nothing worked until later on in life when I was re-diagnosed with bipolar 2, and OCD, and treated differently. It's hard to live with - it's embarrassing - I wish I didn't have it - med changes suck, but are inevitable. People don't understand it.. but I don't blame them - I know a lot of people with mental illness, and only a small percentage have their **** together, or get help before things get too bad... and I don't tend to hang out with others who suffer from mental illness for this very reason. :/
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    chronic depression, social and general anxiety, suicidal tendancies, recovering addict and all of the lovely compulsive problems that go with that. making it through without meds b/c of the addictive personality.
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    Not anymore, but about 10 years ago, I tried to kill myself to end a deep depression. It comes back to haunt me from time to time tho. My wife and I can not adopt because of some of things I said while I was in the hospital for it. I was scared, and not in a very good place.. And I may have threatened a few doctors, and got a little violent, it was recorded, and bam! No kids for us.

    *kitten*. I mean 10 years ago, a lot has changed. And if I was that dangerous, really why the hell was I allowed out to begin with?

    I'm very sorry to hear this. It's a shame that most people don't understand how mental illness works. I'm glad you are better and I hope the adoption process works out for you.

    Same here...I'm very sorry about your situation. People are ignorant when it comes to mental illness. I often don't talk or share enough about what's going on in 'my head', for fear of people doing just that. I am an awesome mom, and I'll be damned if anyone is ever going to say otherwise just because I suffer with mental issues!

    Do you and your wife have any friends/family who would be willing to surrogate for you?
    Good luck! I hope things work out for you.

  • LizJ08
    LizJ08 Posts: 127
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Also I think I have Depression but have not been diagnosed. Prescribed Trazadone 100 mgs. Took Effexor XR for about five years and then got off it bc it affected my memory so badly and was making me feel lethargic all the time. Anyone on here who wants to request me as a friend is welcome too...I'd be glad to offer you support in this area as well.
  • karylee44
    Not anymore, but about 10 years ago, I tried to kill myself to end a deep depression. It comes back to haunt me from time to time tho. My wife and I can not adopt because of some of things I said while I was in the hospital for it. I was scared, and not in a very good place.. And I may have threatened a few doctors, and got a little violent, it was recorded, and bam! No kids for us.

    *kitten*. I mean 10 years ago, a lot has changed. And if I was that dangerous, really why the hell was I allowed out to begin with?

    amazing.. that really sucks.. i can't get life insurance because im bi-polar..
  • karylee44
    Social anxiety disorder and general anxiety. I've done therapy off-and-on for the last few years, and I've got a medication consult coming up in a few weeks. I have mixed feelings about the medication idea, but it's at least worth a try, I figure.

    I fought the medication thing for years.. right now i take something for my bi-polar.. its not perfect.. but i feel better over all and can function better.. still needs tweeking every six months or so..
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Although I have never been clinically diagnosed, I believe I suffer from different forms of anxiety.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Rapid cycling bipolar with extreme depressive episodes. Anxiety about, oh, everything. My meds are pooping out on me too, so it's been a fun ride lately. Been in the hospital twice. On disability for bipolar at the moment. I think mental illness brings emotional eating to a whole new level. ;P

    I'm right with you. Trying to find the right meds is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I am currently on a cocktail of 5 different meds. I can't even tell you how many I tried that didn't work. Plus, one of them is the culprit for putting 90 lbs on me in the course of a year. I know exactly what you're going through.
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    I suffer from depression that I take medication for. But with the exercise I'm doing, I don't get as depressed and my confidence is building
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    i feel terrible for you and your wife! 10 years ago was then and alot has changed. others can have theyre own babies and dont get them taken away they are given the chance which is right i might add and you should be given the chance to. good luck.