Unreasonable People!



  • msmissylowe
    One of my favourite things about the 10 pounds I've lost so far is that I did it the healthy way. No gimmicks, no pills, just hard work and smart choices. And I'm so proud of myself, and that's something you don't get out of a bottle.

    Well said! Same shoes and I couldn't agree more!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    It makes me so sad that so many people on here are still looking for that magic pill or diet that will make them lose weight! It's so sad that people do not really want to put in the work to make a LIFESTYLE change! People are constantly looking for something or someone to tell them that losing weight and eating right is easy. Well news flash it's not! You've got to put in the work...you've got to eat right and exercise! I am so grossed out reading about people who are trying crap like HCG, Atkin's, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 2000 at the gym, or an all liquid diet. This is SO bad for our bodies! UGH I just had to rant I wish more people would be reasonable and do this journey the right way instead of harming themselves!

    It is not really cool to lump Atkins in with HCG, ultra calorie restriction, and other unhealthy approaches. Please educate yourself on a topic before you discourage others from it. While Atkins is not for everyone, it is an eating strategy that focuses on consuming whole foods and a reasonable quantity of carbohydrates. The amount of carbs consumed on Atkins is lower than what many people eat, but it is not at all within any sort of danger range for most people.

    Please become educated before you speak out on a topic. It can harm others if you do not.

    UMMM you do know that the creator of Atkin's is DEAD right? I am very educated and have struggled with weight loss before I joined this site so yes I have done a ton of research. Thanks though!

    You DO KNOW that he died from slipping on an icy New York side walk and cracking his head at 70+ years of age right? Atkins is a valid way of eating for those that have issues with weight gain associated with carbohydrates, diabetics, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance etc. I certainly wouldn't lump it into the same category as HCG and starvation diets since people actually eat plenty of real unprocessed foods. Also excaliming about the "right way" to do something makes you sound like someone who is not only uneducated about anything other than what they know personally to be true, but someone who is close-minded to considering that there are even other valid ways.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    UMMM you do know that the creator of Atkin's is DEAD right? I am very educated and have struggled with weight loss before I joined this site so yes I have done a ton of research. Thanks though!

    You DO KNOW that he died from slipping on an icy New York side walk and cracking his head at 70+ years of age right? Atkins is a valid way of eating for those that have issues with weight gain associated with carbohydrates, diabetics, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance etc. I certainly wouldn't lump it into the same category as HCG and starvation diets since people actually eat plenty of real unprocessed foods. Also excaliming about the "right way" to do something makes you sound like someone who is not only uneducated about anything other than what they know personally to be true, but someone who is close-minded to considering that there are even other valid ways.

    This^^^^^ x 1000.

    Thank you for saying it with much more skill and finesse than I would have due to the fact that she had obviously not done any research at all.