Why Would You Keep Your Food Diary Private?



  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    In the beginning my diary was open, then i started seeing horrible posts on here about people wanting to unfriend people because of their eating habits and not "listening to their advice" and messages etc: that was enough for me.. PRIVATE!!

    Everyone on here is on their own journey and at different places in it, do you really NOT know your not getting in enough veggies?? Do you really NOT know that entire half a chocolate cake was not a good idea that day?? Perhaps I had PMS or my dog died, perhaps thats something thats bieng worked on and struggling with,, perhaps seeing a small fry on their meal plan every day is a bad idea to you but they used to do a large everyday and are baby stepping their way down..

    I see WAY more judging and co signing and back slapping on the negativity than anything, i have nothing to hide, but at the same time I don't need to feel judged. If there becomes someone I trust enough to offer constructive criticism and is coming from a good place, then I will password it and share the password..
  • bxbutterfly
    bxbutterfly Posts: 55 Member
    i'm quite surprised at the number of people who say they've been criticized for what they eat. if not solicited a polite or not so polite "your critique is not welcomed" would be in order.

    i think having the diary public is a great idea because when i see peoples success stories i like to look at that persons diary to see what they are eating and maybe get some ideas on different foods to incorporate into my diet. i also like to see that people are not restricting their diet for the sake of losing weight and still having success but that is the beauty of MFP we have the choice to make it public and private and we have to respect one's choices to do what they want with their account.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Oh I love being judged by what I eat I find it hilarious with such gems as -

    "You know, you would be a lot more successful if you stopped having ice cream at night" so says the user who no longer has a profile.

    "If you actually lowered your sodium you might live a little longer" so said the 350 lb woman who only quick added calories and it was always exactly meeting her calorie goal

    "I cant believe you eat like that and lose weight, its no wonder you are fat " so said the "life fitness" guy who last I saw binged like 6k calories - posted a rant about how much he hates life and is over with it and then became an unregistered user.

    Yeah I welcome it. Its fun and delightful for all.

    Remember kids when you point a finger you have 3 pointing right back at you, unless you had terrible luck with a wood chipper.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Well said Gargwin82!!!!
  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    I definitely get the benefits to sharing my food diary... but I'm scared! I feel like that's something I'm working my way up to, and will probably open it up to the public within the next couple weeks. Just got to get that confidence up and really get used to this lifestyle change! Never been so open with my eating/dieting habits before. It's a lot to get used to!

    I couldn't have said it better!
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    My diary is to keep me accountable to ME! Only!
  • I1ahunt
    I1ahunt Posts: 72
    Because I am doing this for me and not for anyone else .................if I want someones advice or opinion, I will ask on the message boards.......
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hi hi;

    When I first joined MFP I kept my food/exercise diary private. One of my friends advised me that by making it open people would be able to give more constructive compliments and advice. It's true! I never reazlized how few vegetables I ate until every time I added one people were patting me on the back for getting them in. Same with other friends who have open diaries, it's neat seeing different meal ideas, exercise programs, ect. When people "go over" their calories it's easy to look and see if it's something minor like they had an apple and reassure them it isn't the end of the world. The other hand if friends aren't eating nearly enough calories you can drop a bug in their ears trying to find out why they have suddenly dropped off the ammount they're eating. Most times it simply comes down to illness.

    I know it's scary having people viewing your habits. Fearing that you're going to be judged is hard to cope with. However after opening my diary up I can say it has been a huge help. It is nice to know friends are actually paying attention to what you're doing and not just typing, "Good Job" everytime (In no way am I saying a Good Job is a bad thing, I appreciate those very much as well :D ) I feel guilty I'm not able to give more imput than a Good Job to my friends with private diaries, that I'm not able to share greater in their success and possibly learn from their changing habits.

    ANYWAYS that's all I really wanted to say. I can understand completely that some people just don't want to share that much information about themselves. However in the end I would like to believe nobody is on hear to judge or put down others :flowerforyou:

    I'm glad it's been a huge help for you. I have seen the ugly, judgmental, self-involved side of this website, and the MANY people who judge without knowing any circumstances. I lost 100 pounds without the support of these self-important people. I joined MFP only because it has a better calorie database than FitBit's has without MFP. Forums are great, and it's great to ask questions and get other people's ideas, but my diary is private because you don't know my circumstances and because of that are not qualified to advise me anyway, so why open myself up to the judgment of the know-it-alls?
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Well I decided to open mine. I enjoy what I eat and if it fits into my daily intake I eat it.
  • herdthinner
    herdthinner Posts: 21 Member
    Because I don't want anyone making comments about what I eat. Ever.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I keep mine private because its what works for me. I've seen MANY times others criticizing each others diaries and I don't like it. I LOVE it on MFP and I don't want anything ruining it for me. So keeping it private works best for me. I share my foods, calories etc. when my friends ask...I just don't put it all out there. IF and when I get in a plateau and think I need the assistance then maybe I will share it with friends for a day...but for now it remains private.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I am fairly new to the site.....how do you put your diary private or public? I have no idea if mine is or isn't.

    Yours is public. To change it go to the My Home Tab, Settings, Diary Settings. Privacy is near the bottom. To make your whole profile private as well: My Home, Settings, Profile Privacy Settings.
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    Mine is private, I havnt joined MFP as a social network to make friends to judge or advise on my diet, Im happy to make friends and I have met some lovley people, but I know what Im doing works and Ive researched and talked to people who work in a health and nutritional environment so I dont feel I need to share what Im eating with others, If people ask what Ive eaten Im happy to tell them but I used MFP mainly as a calculator

    but totally get the main point of the original post, not trying to contradict it or anything
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    Because I want to. Hasn't there been enough threads about this? I often see people comment on their friends diaries all the time, giving them advise that they difn't even ask for. No thanks, that's annoying.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    for the same reason I dont have a facebook / myspace / twitter / etc account (and i have no profile picture or info). I dont think all that info needs to be out there for the world to see. There's a ton of data out there to be "mined", it really is called data mining in the nerd world. I know, i'm one of them. my eating habits aren't there for anyone but me. plus, i dont track everythign perfectly, i only add in things w/ real calories. i dont count my 20 calories worth of lettuce or bell peppers. it's too much effort for me.

    The nerd world? Trust me, you have enough here for a halfway decent cracker to "mine." And I'm sure you'll be joining anonymous next week, you nerd you. Riiiiight.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Mine is open, but I am seriously thinking about closing it. I can't have a large lunch and a small dinner without having people tell me I need to eat more dinner. Can't you have a late lunch and eat more and then have a smaller dinner before bed? If I am late for work and miss breakfast, I hear about it. Then, I feel the need to explain why I ate the meals I ate and when and I feel I have to defend my choices. To me, it is becoming a lot of negative energy. I need positive energy right now.

    It's actually good to eat that way... that's how they eat in Europe and they're not like us overweight Americans lol

    First of all, lots of people using MFP are overweight and European. Secondly, correlation does not imply causation. Even if all Americans were fat and all Europeans were thin AND they really DID eat as you suggest in Europe, it wouldn't prove eating a large lunch and small supper causes you to be thinner. Correlation doesn't work that way.

    It doesn't matter what time you eat.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    My diary is open to my MFP "friends" and to date I have gotten zero comments about it.
  • Malaika946
    Malaika946 Posts: 107 Member
    i would really like to open it but likenyou said, scared of judgement. i hope i will get over it and open it for support.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I started with my food dairy puplic, but it is kinda stressing me out now, even if I don't go over my cals I will have people say I need to do this I should stop doing that, then I have freinds post how they unfreinded some one cuz the bad food choices, and I just came to the relizastion its no ones buisness what I eat and how I eat, it became not so supportive as it was deconstructive, I am the type that If I feel like I will fail I will just give up
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    I find knowing that other people can see what I eat motivates me to make better choices. . . . most of the time anyway.

    Agree. I need to see some options when I am stuck in my food routine.
    I have mine open to friends. It holds be accountable for what I eat. Although, I guess you could like about it either way. Not log all your intake or make up stuff.
    I would make it private if I was getting rude comments made.