First Lady Arms

Hey everyone, I have really, really fat arms...they run in my family. Someone had told me that I should start doing pushups to help burn the fat and tone my arms up. I have bad knees and can't do regular pushups, not yet anyway. I did some research and I found that there are two modifications that I can do.

Wall Pushups - Floor pushups require you to lift a larger percentage of your body weight than wall pushups, which allow you to practice your form without straining through the torso. You can also try these on a stair rail or other raised surface to reduce the amount of body weight you're lifting.

Modified Incline Pushups - When you've mastered wall pushups, add intensity by trying a modified incline pushup, with the upper body elevated on a step or platform.

So, I'm challenging myself to building up to doing 50 pushups a day by March 25, 2012.
I am starting out doing 26 pushups on March 1 and adding an additional pushup each day. On March 25, I will be at 50 pushups and will continue my quest to have "First Lady arms".

I am hoping that I can get a few people to join me in this challenge, it sure would give me more incentive in accomplishing my goal. Or, you can just check in and make sure I'm doing the pushups. Thanks.
