First Lady Arms



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hey everyone, I have really, really fat arms...they run in my family. Someone had told me that I should start doing pushups to help burn the fat and tone my arms up. I have bad knees and can't do regular pushups, not yet anyway. I did some research and I found that there are two modifications that I can do.

    Wall Pushups - Floor pushups require you to lift a larger percentage of your body weight than wall pushups, which allow you to practice your form without straining through the torso. You can also try these on a stair rail or other raised surface to reduce the amount of body weight you're lifting.

    Modified Incline Pushups - When you've mastered wall pushups, add intensity by trying a modified incline pushup, with the upper body elevated on a step or platform.

    So, I'm challenging myself to building up to doing 50 pushups a day by March 25, 2012.
    I am starting out doing 26 pushups on March 1 and adding an additional pushup each day. On March 25, I will be at 50 pushups and will continue my quest to have "First Lady arms".

    I am hoping that I can get a few people to join me in this challenge, it sure would give me more incentive in accomplishing my goal. Or, you can just check in and make sure I'm doing the pushups. Thanks.

    I think this is an excellent goal. I teach group fit classes and give wall and bench push ups as the modifications for those who find it too difficult to go to the floor. Be aware push ups are a chest exercise and work through the rest of your arms is secondary work. I would also suggest picking up some dumbbells and working bi's and tri's (the heaviest weight you can do at 8 reps or less 3 times . . . low weight high reps is herp derp).
    You may not see the gains you're looking for as quickly as you would like, it sounds like you genetically hold your fat in your arms (one of your trouble spots). As you can't spot reduce, you will see greater gains as you lower your bf % over time. Awsome goal, good luck!
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm getting a half-sleeve this summer. My consultation is on March 20th and I have MAJOR bingo arm. I've always hated my arms, even when thin. Please feel free to add me because I plan on working my arms every single day to get this under control before I get my tattoo! :bigsmile:
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    A push up challenge? I'm totally on board with this! I too want First Lady Arms and I have a NSV (non-scale victory) of completing the crazy push up routine that my personal trainer can breeze through!!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    bump to check out those links later :)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I should get on board with this too, not only to tone, but to get my PRT score better as well. I did 44 push ups this morning for my mock PRT (and I wanted to fall over afterwards). I'd like it to come more easily to me as well. Plus, fat upper arms run in my family, I may be able to do push ups, but my arms are atrocious. The triceps always need more work.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    One other thing you can try with the traditional floor push-up. Instead of being in the full plank position, hands and toes on the ground, try it with your hands and knees on the ground. That reduces the distance between contact points, reducing the ammount of strain through the rest of your body.
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    Bump for later! My flabby upper arms are a big problem area and only seem to get flabbier as I lose weight and body fat!
  • kolyn75
    kolyn75 Posts: 30 Member
    count me in!! woo hoo
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm with ya. My arms need help too! They have gotten alot smaller, but still not small enough! Thanks for posting this thread! :)
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    One other thing you can try with the traditional floor push-up. Instead of being in the full plank position, hands and toes on the ground, try it with your hands and knees on the ground. That reduces the distance between contact points, reducing the ammount of strain through the rest of your body.

    I have bad knees. The wall pushups are good for me. I can really feel it when I'm doing them and for a few minutes afterwards.
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    I did the pushups this morning, 28 of them. Now I'm about to do my First Lady arm exercises.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    I've been doing some kettlebell routines, and have seen some dramatic changes in my arms in the last month. :D Kettlebell is a lot of fun too!!! :D
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member


    How awesome is it that this is our first lady. No disrespect to the women who preceded Ms. Obama, but none of them f'n flexed like that, at least on camera. I suspect even off.

    Here's to flexing first ladies! :drinker: And to you, OP, for your push-up extravaganza!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    To get arms that look like Michelle Obama's, you will need to do more than just pushups. I do dumbbell hammer curls, barbell curls, tricep pushdowns and extensions. Weightlifting will definitely give you the definition you are seeking.
  • Bump
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    To get arms that look like Michelle Obama's, you will need to do more than just pushups. I do dumbbell hammer curls, barbell curls, tricep pushdowns and extensions. Weightlifting will definitely give you the definition you are seeking.

    I found a regime that they say is her's. I do that also. I'm just on the beginner's level right now. I am also doing the 30 DS that incorporates some arm and shoulder exercises. I also do aqua aerobics 2-4 times a week and that incorporates lots of arm movements. Once I get some of the body weight off, I will start to use heavier weights. Right now, I don't go no higher than 5 pounds.
  • Bump for the links later. Thanks :)
  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    i've just started doing some weight training (like yesterday), and i think that i will join you! i want to have "first lady arms" too! haha.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    To get arms that look like Michelle Obama's, you will need to do more than just pushups. I do dumbbell hammer curls, barbell curls, tricep pushdowns and extensions. Weightlifting will definitely give you the definition you are seeking.

    I found a regime that they say is her's. I do that also. I'm just on the beginner's level right now. I am also doing the 30 DS that incorporates some arm and shoulder exercises. I also do aqua aerobics 2-4 times a week and that incorporates lots of arm movements. Once I get some of the body weight off, I will start to use heavier weights. Right now, I don't go no higher than 5 pounds.

    why are you waiting to lose weight first? lifting will HELP you lose weight faster
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    To get arms that look like Michelle Obama's, you will need to do more than just pushups. I do dumbbell hammer curls, barbell curls, tricep pushdowns and extensions. Weightlifting will definitely give you the definition you are seeking.

    I found a regime that they say is her's. I do that also. I'm just on the beginner's level right now. I am also doing the 30 DS that incorporates some arm and shoulder exercises. I also do aqua aerobics 2-4 times a week and that incorporates lots of arm movements. Once I get some of the body weight off, I will start to use heavier weights. Right now, I don't go no higher than 5 pounds.

    why are you waiting to lose weight first? lifting will HELP you lose weight faster

    Because I know me...If I try to do too much too fast, I will find an excuse to quit. I decided to chanllenge myself with the pushups because I felt that I needed to do more than what I was doing. So, let me do this push up thing and the First Lady's routine for a month and I wll go from there. Thanks for the advice though.