T.H.E. Team April 24-30 - Week 12



  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Well guys, I started personal training sessions at the gym! They're having a contest for May, who can lose the most body fat during the month. It includes 6 training sessions this month, then after that I'll be doing it 3x/mo (skip the TOM week). If you win the contest you get 5 more training sessions added in. I worked with a trainer today and will do it again tomorrow to officially start the challenge! It also includes 5 weeks of nutrition help from max muscle, and if you win you get another 5 weeks... i may not need that much nutrition help with MFP on my side already, but hey, you can always learn more!

    I'm pretty pumped although I can't believe I just comitted to personal training for a whole year! But when that year is done, I should be done with my weight loss goal, so really, it's perfect!

    I hope the nutrition people don't give me the 800 cal/ a day is good for you routine... but guess I'll have to wait and see... I do need help with knowing how much protein before a workout, etc.

    He worked my abs, ohhhh I'm sore... :wink: but it's a happy sore! Now i have to break the news to hubby that I just spent all that money and he doesn't get his new monitor yet.... (yeah he wants stuff to sit around the house more, I want stuff to get up and move more!)

    I think this month thing, whether I win or not is not really relevant, but I will learn a lot and it will jump start my next 40 pounds of weight loss. There are currently 4 other women at my weight or within 2 pounds also doing it, for me, that's exciting, it's a range of people, some pretty small, some pretty large.

    Oh yeah and I burned 833 cals in 38 mins... whoo-hoo!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    hey Team, back from my sisters... It is raining hard and I hate drivig in the rain... and I have to go to parent teacher conferences for my one daughter Julia she is 11th grade and she gets all A's and 1 B lol but she love when the teachers rant and rave about her and she likes to hear it so I go for her... even though I dont really need to... I want to go to the gym and at least do my cardio today cuz I went out to eat with my sister we split a meal but still... I had 1 egg 3 peices of bacon and about 1/2 cup of hashbrowns.. then we went and did the running around the to lunch at olga's yep!!! I need the elliptical for sure!!! cuz if not NO dinner for me... only water... ha ha ha .. I prob gained 5 pounds!!!

    check back after I get back from hearing about my daughters A's LOL

  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I'm pretty pumped although I can't believe I just comitted to personal training for a whole year! But
    Oh yeah and I burned 833 cals in 38 mins... whoo-hoo!

    Adopt4 - Good for you! Ok, I must know...what did you do to burn 833cals in 38mins!!! :noway:
    I burn around 800 in an hour of kicboxing! I need to start doing what you are doing :happy:
  • prayerfulmom
    Recently, 16-year-old Jordan compared diabetes with riding a unicycle.
    "It is a constant balancing act. We all fall from time to time.
    And it may only be the fear of falling that keeps us going."
    What a smart kid. That is exactly what this diet thing is...like riding a unicycle=)

    getfit-I feel you P90x Yoga pain. My core and my upper body is soooo sore and I only did 30 minutes. Hows the rest of the program going for you? I'm going to recommit next week after the marathon.

    swignal- I had to gloss over your food so I wouldn't want it. Moving the body to compensate is awesome. Tomorrow on the scale may be a shocker with the sodium. Be ready with mental toughness.

    Renayeb- I agree about just having a little and moving on if that is what you can do to make the urge go away and not cause a bigger binge. But again we are all unique and just one bite might send ya over the edge. Carefully consider how you work and work it.

    Adopt4- ugh. I'm a migraner too. Hope its subsided now. that is very cool on your controlling your calories and on the personal trainer. When I have a personal trainer or coach or am working out with a group I always work out harder. over 800 calories in a 1/2 hour????:noway: You go girl!

    Dwray- that is great that you got a mental boost from the leg exercises. Preceed with caution. Oh do be careful.

    Jamie- the perk of my renal diet is its high carb. :tongue: Don't be jealous.
    I list seditary and just eat my exercise calories. Incentive to move more.

    L4G- too bad about the yoga. wanted to compare owies=) i've done the cauliflower for my family and they liked it. good luck with that. enjoy your evening workout.

    ok i used my lunch break for this. back to work now.
  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    I don't know if you can really tell much by my new profile picture, but my hair is blue in it. This picture was taken last weekend at the Opry. This is Charlie Cushman, myself, and my husband Tony. I've put some pictures on my profile from last weekend, so feel free to look at them!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Hello all...

    I just finished reading the last two pages, so if I act confused about who said what...sorry.
    I just about did well last night - not eating before bed, but I popped one of my daughter's little chocolate eggs into my mouth, as I was shutting off the lights. Sheesh...Mindless.
    I've been too busy the past few days, but not in a good way. Even though I'm rushing around, I don't feel like I'm being productive. Instead, I feel rushed, no time to get my focus on...
    And I'm trying to resist the urge to call my friend (who I usually have lunch with on Friday) and cancel. I'm really wanting a quiet day, but I'd be letting him down, I know. (I'm not normally a person who feels guilty for saying no, but I've cancelled on him before.) Someone...anyone...talk me into cancelling! His favorite place is "All You Can Eat Fish And Chips." Not a good food choice, eh? I was telling myself that I could definitely cancel the chips and ask for extra salad, but the fish. Battered. I'll go and check on the calories, fat, etc. before I leave this site...

    On the positive side, my daughter is out for supper...again. But when I checked her lunch bag, I realized that she hadn't eaten the fruit/vegetable tray I'd packed for her. I forgot her lunch was paid for today...
    So my supper will be her tray. Cucumbers, baby carrots, pineapple, strawberries, a slice of cheese...
    And no dishes!

    It's funny - about carbs. If I sip room-temperature water in the evenings, I don't seem to need my bedtime feast.
    And I'll definitely have to jump on the chocolate milk bandwagon. Sounds wonderful...

    Almost forgot...Tomorrow is weigh-in. I'm trying really, really hard not to dread it.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok.. I promised you guys that I would share some of my BBQ recipes with you. Here is a super easy Kansas City Style Apple BBQ sauce that has a bit of a kick and is tangy. I use it on Pork ribs or chicken and it works every time! Very yummy and will keep in the fridge for a month or so IF you can get it to last that long. LOL

    Heres what Im doing tonight. I got some boneless port tenderloin on sale at winco. Its cut up into pieces like boneless pork spareribs, just isnt as fatty as the ribs. We cook a family pack thats about 5lbs of this for our family and there are usually no leftovers. The kids love it!

    Make the sauce first....

    In a large saucepan, combine the following:

    1 bottle of Ketchup, size 14oz (I use hunts)
    1 cup apple juice
    2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
    1 tablespoon molasses
    1 tablespoon cider vinegar
    1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
    1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or 1/2 tsp if you want it less spicy)
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
    1/2 teaspoon celery seed
    1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

    54 calories per 1oz serving according to my nutrition calculator. Recipe makes 3 cups of sauce.
    (its already in the MFP food log as "losingit4good- homemade kansas style apple bbq sauce")

    Whisk all together in the pan and heat over medium heat until boiling. Reduce and simmer sauce for 30 minutes, stiring occasionally to prevent burning. Sauce will thicken as it cooks. Use immediately. If you have leftovers, store sealed in the fridge for up to a month.

    I mix 1/2 cup sauce with the meat and let it marinade in the fridge for about 4-6 hours in the fridge. Pull it out about an hour before cooking it and let it come to room temp before throwing it on the grill.
    Heat the grill to about 325. You will want to slow cook them over indirect heat on the grill. (if you have a gas grill with 2 burners, after the grill is heated this means you will turn one burner off and place your meat over the off burner.) Cook slowly for about 1- 1 1/2 hours, Marinading with more sauce occasionally. Sauce with thicken and get sticky. Cook until a meat thermometer shows the pork is cooked throught.

    You could also cook them in the oven on a broiler pan. I just hate doing dishes so I use my grill whenever possible.. :wink:

    Bon Appetite!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello all...

    I just finished reading the last two pages, so if I act confused about who said what...sorry.
    I just about did well last night - not eating before bed, but I popped one of my daughter's little chocolate eggs into my mouth, as I was shutting off the lights. Sheesh...Mindless.
    I've been too busy the past few days, but not in a good way. Even though I'm rushing around, I don't feel like I'm being productive. Instead, I feel rushed, no time to get my focus on...
    And I'm trying to resist the urge to call my friend (who I usually have lunch with on Friday) and cancel. I'm really wanting a quiet day, but I'd be letting him down, I know. (I'm not normally a person who feels guilty for saying no, but I've cancelled on him before.) Someone...anyone...talk me into cancelling! His favorite place is "All You Can Eat Fish And Chips." Not a good food choice, eh? I was telling myself that I could definitely cancel the chips and ask for extra salad, but the fish. Battered. I'll go and check on the calories, fat, etc. before I leave this site...

    On the positive side, my daughter is out for supper...again. But when I checked her lunch bag, I realized that she hadn't eaten the fruit/vegetable tray I'd packed for her. I forgot her lunch was paid for today...
    So my supper will be her tray. Cucumbers, baby carrots, pineapple, strawberries, a slice of cheese...
    And no dishes!

    It's funny - about carbs. If I sip room-temperature water in the evenings, I don't seem to need my bedtime feast.
    And I'll definitely have to jump on the chocolate milk bandwagon. Sounds wonderful...

    Almost forgot...Tomorrow is weigh-in. I'm trying really, really hard not to dread it.

    All you can eat fish n chips... ouch! That would be hard for me to resist also.......BUT, you do have options If you decide to go. See if the place has website with thier nutritional information listed so you can go prepared with the knowledge of what to order. Maybe they have a grilled fish option instead of the battered stuff which, after being deep fried isnt any good nutritionally. Either way, knowing WHAT your eating will better prepare you to make a good choice when faced with a menu of endless options.

    Stay away from the chips and deep fried fish....greasy and no nutritional value.
    Salad bar would be great and a way to get in lots of fresh veggies! Use low-cal dressing.

    I wouldnt say you need to cancel on your friend. Maybe explain to him that you need to be really careful with the type of things your eating right now and ask him if he wouldnt mind trying a healthier place to eat. Be prepared to make some suggestions of places to go instead, who knows... you guys might find a new "healthier" hangout for lunch :wink:
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    Hi, so I'm new to the group but looking forward to getting to know you and having a little accountablility to help with the process. I'm 29, married and teaching HS art in TX. I want to loose weight so that I can do anything that I want to. I do't want to be limited.

    As for today it was the last day of state testing at the high school. The whole week has been kinda insain so I'm glad that it is over. I'm looking forward to a mediation retreat that I'm going on tomarrow. I could use the quiet and relaxation.

    Well I guess I'll see you all at the weigh in tomarrow.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I'm pretty pumped although I can't believe I just comitted to personal training for a whole year! But
    Oh yeah and I burned 833 cals in 38 mins... whoo-hoo!

    Adopt4 - Good for you! Ok, I must know...what did you do to burn 833cals in 38mins!!! :noway:
    I burn around 800 in an hour of kicboxing! I need to start doing what you are doing :happy:

    I was thinking the same thing.. Most I burn is about 600 in an hr.. And I have to work my butt off for that.. So please fill us in...
  • indianagranny
    Manda - welcome to the group. you will enjoy it here - very knowledgeable, helpful, supportive and fun.

    Adopt4 - glad you are feeling better. good luck with the trainer. and I also want to know what you were doingto burn 833 calories in 38 min.

    Cnydeebee - I agree with LI4G. no need to cancel. Research and see if nutritional information is on internet. if not ask them if they have it in the restaurant. Salads with low cal dressing a good way to go.

    LI4G - thanks for sharing the recipe - I will definitely be trying that - Sounds delicious.

    well I got in an hour nap before my daughter- in - law called me - I love her though. I have piddle around with the wogging and walking on the treadmill, threw in some weights and added some of my Leslie Sansone tapes. Gonna try to watch a little tv but walk on treadmill as I am doing it. Just had some dish baked fish in the oven and only 98 calories. I will try to check in later but if not I flopped on the couch and fell asleep.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome to you, Manda1111! :happy:

    I checked on the calories for battered fish and it ranges from about 230 to 400 a piece! Holy smokes! That...and full of bad fats. So I'm going to ask my friend for a raincheck. Besides, I really need a quiet day. I've been on the go all week and I need to wind down...

    I'll have to work on getting my friend to consider other restaurants. He's a very big man, and boy...Can he ever pack the food away! He's supposed to be watching his weight, but I don't see much effort. He's had a heart attack (while in his early 50s), but the man loves his food. I'll suggest a healthier location, but I suspect he won't be very receptive. This Friday lunch thing started out with us trying different restaurants, but he fell in love with the fish...

    Just finished my fruits and vegetables supper, and had to add a bowl of Primo Chicken soup...but it was the healthy kind.

    Okay...I'd better go and cancel a lunch date...
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Welcome to the Team manda... I am sure you will like all of us...

    Team I ran out and did the elliptical after eating olgas!!! I couldnt sit here and not exercise after lunch... then I went to parent Teacher conferance.. of coarse she has all A's lol didnt expect anything less!! and her sciece teacher that she dont like seems to be very nice and said she is a pleasure to have in class?? hmmm why she dont like him I have no clue.. but he likes her and she has an A!!!

    well not eating dinner tonight just a glass of choc milke cuz lunch was a bunch and I dont want to eat my exercise calories...

    I will see you all in the morning cuz Greys Anatomy is on tonight!!!!! and I must spend time with hubby...

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Guess What Team...

    I did it... I really did it... I was in my room getting ready to put my pj's on and my shorts was stearing at me LOL so I decided to try them on!!! I did it I really did it I sealed the deal.... I buttoned and zipped then I did he sexy dance for hubby.... he said I am silly ... welll I just wanted to share my excitement with MY TEAM cuz if you guys didnt keep me in line I wouldnt have done it... so Thank You bunches and bunches...

    Choc Milk for everyone... Mt Dew for Jamie.... Love ya all

    talk to you tomorrow

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Guess What Team...

    I did it... I really did it... I was in my room getting ready to put my pj's on and my shorts was stearing at me LOL so I decided to try them on!!! I did it I really did it I sealed the deal.... I buttoned and zipped then I did he sexy dance for hubby.... he said I am silly ... welll I just wanted to share my excitement with MY TEAM cuz if you guys didnt keep me in line I wouldnt have done it... so Thank You bunches and bunches...

    Choc Milk for everyone... Mt Dew for Jamie.... Love ya all

    talk to you tomorrow


    Yeah Sheila.. I'm so proud of you....
  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member


    THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Go Sheila! It's your birthday! Not really! Go Anyway!!!!! Cuz you sealed the deal on those shorts! Next step - the shorts get too big! You are amazing and you are working so hard! What an inspiration!

    Manda1111 - SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Glad to have you!! Can't wait to get to know ya!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Hey Anita! There's a ladybug on your kitty's nose!!!!!!!!! (on your ticker!)
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Anita! There's a ladybug on your kitty's nose!!!!!!!!! (on your ticker!)

    HAHAHA!! Thats so cute!!