Sincere question here



  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    Also, some people that are having a difficult time eating their 1200 cals a day have had or have eating disorders and they use this as a tool to retrain themselves to EAT. I myself do not have a problem eating a TON, but I have encountered many people who are trying to put weight on because they suffer from anorexia or have a difficult time not purging after they eat.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I felt like that in the beginning. BUT I was 279 pounds and not working out that much. I ate plenty through out the day, it was just low calorie foods. Eventually it got to the point were I was working out more and I wanted/needed to eat more. Now I hate my off day when I have to try to keep it @ 1300 lol
  • I think a lot of it is fear of eating too much and messing up the weight loss process and a lot of misinformation floating around.

    A lot of people think that you have to eat very little or they won't lose weight. They will stick to healthy foods only, things like fruits and veggies, low carb choices and very little fat. With so few options to eat, the calories don't really add up. But because they are eating lots of the low calories foods, they may feel fuller without getting as many calories. They don't realize that they can eat something with fat in it, or eat a little more of this or that. Most have been over eating all their lives and are over weight and don't know how to properly portion control so they go in the extreme.

    I do think fear of eating too much is really the biggest problem. When they see those numbers add up they get worried they are going to gain it back. Also I find it kind of weird that if your goal is 1200 and that is the bare minimum but you are at a calorie deficit already at 1200, why do you go in the red when you hit 1210? No one wants to see that red, and that red is meaningless because you "aren't supposed to go below 1200".

    It's a struggle figuring all of this out and it's a mind game that can really mess with you. It can go from one extreme to the other. Eating too much to not eating enough.
  • not me personally...I have to eat 1490..but
    I have some very dear friends who struggle with EDs or
    are emotional Non Eaters...

    they have sincerely posted topics about their struggle and got ripped apart and called names and judged...
    it's like all the mean kids from middle/high school joined one forum to shred the self~esteem of someone
    who is suffering....for being too thin....Seriously??

    It was disgusting
  • I just started this weight loss journey and find myself measuring everything as well as checking the calorie and nutritional contents. It's a tedious and overwhelming task but I feel I have to do it this way for now until I get my eating under control.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    I eat 1200 cals a day since starting this, and to be honest, I feel like I'm eating more than I did before. Probably because I used to live on fast food, so I'd eat chocolate during the day (2 or 3 bars) and then a big meal from KFC or similar in the evening.
    You only need to look at my diary now to see how much more I'm eating. Some days it feels like i don't stop lol.
    Yes, it's mainly healthy foods too, so you get more bang for your buck, but it fills me up, and I can honestly say I haven't felt hunger pangs since starting this.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I do have a weight problem, at 89kg and 170cm I am obese. I occasionally have problems eating the whole 1200 calories because taking care of my 8 month old really takes up a lot of time. Before I knew about MFP I kept a paper journal of my eating habits I found out that I was not eating anything during the day while I was taking care of my son and when my husband got home at night eating everything in the kitchen. So I tried eating during the day, I discovered I was carb loading because it is easy, simple, right there and super comforting when dealing with a screaming, teething baby going through a growth spurt. So to make sure I get my vitamins I have been drinking meal replacement shakes during the day. Now I use MFP and I measure and weigh and count everything. My problem isn't that I don't have the appetite, I most certainly do otherwise I wouldn't have gotten up to 89kg in the first place. My problem eating the full 1200 calories is my schedule. Getting up at 5:30 making a bottle, feeding baby, getting up with hubby making his coffee and breakfast, seeing him off to work, my home work out, shower, dress, get ready for the day, 9am change baby, dress baby, feed baby. Out the door for play group, strollercize, etc. back by noon, feed baby again out the door for errands, grocery shopping, post office, meetings at the day care my son will be attending when I go back to work, meetings at work discussing the terms I will return from maternity leave on home by 4pm feed baby again he goes down for a nap then it's household chores, then hubby's home and it's time to start dinner. I do have some days that are not as busy as others and I eat healthy snacks then nuts and whole grains. Those days I easily hit my target. Just my experience. Sincere answer to a sincere question.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Having been on MFP now for several months I am truly questioning the posts that ask "How can I possibly eat 1200 calories per day." Do the subscribers who ask that truly have a weight problem? I have to wonder if those posters are measuring/weighing their portions. Is it a matter of incorrect recording.

    Shoot I can consume 1200 calories without a blink of a fridge door.

    Curious and asking asking.

    I have been on 1200 calores per day since starting this diet on 1st January 2012, during exercise I may go into them by 100. It is 100% possible.

    The tricks are to not eat cakes, biscuits, sweets, chocolate - these are high in calories and will take an enormous chunk out of your daily allowance - if you eat these, then yes, you will be hungry and most likely go over the 1200 calories later in the day due to being ravenous.

    Eat lost of protein and filling foods, do not just eat foods high in carbs, they will not be enough to repair your body after exercise, plus high carb foods again, take a large chunk out of your 1200 calorie per day allowance.

    Eat lots of fruit and veg.

    Space your meals out, do not eat the majority of the calories for breakfast - it is damned hard and would take a lot of willpower to get through the day on the remaining 200 calories for just one day, let alone doing such a thing for weeks on end!

    Yes, it can be done and you can lose weight on it. You do not go into starvation mode on it either.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I have to exercise if I've eaten anything with fat or carbs in. Today I got cravings and had cheese on toast so have to go on exercise bike for at least 30 mins to cover it. If I don't want to exercise again later I'll have to have salad or something really low cal.

    Yesterday I had chilli with rice I made it with quorn so was much lesser fat than red meat (also split into 3 small portions as froze two for later) but wasn't even 10 minutes after eating I was on bike for an hour to make sure I burned about 600cals to cover it.

    If I'm having a bad day and have no energy to exercise or too much pain I just have shakes for breakfast and lunch and one really low cal meal to cover basic BMR, if I can't exercise and straight on scales next morning to make sure I haven't gained from not exercising.

    It's taken me nearly a year to get 3 stone off as I have other medical issues too but I'm 5lb off goal now but starting menopause and keep reading about people who put like 50lbs on after menopause so I'm terrified of regaining it all now! .. so decided to permanently eat a deficit rather than go into maintenance when I reach my goal to help me stay under 10st throughout menopause!
  • Honestly, I eat a 1200 calorie a day diet. I know some people consider it "the bare minimum" because it is the lowest that MFP will let you go. However, I am 5'2" and considerably overweight due to PCOS. My doctor and a dietitian have both told me that 1200 calories a day is a good number for me. Believe it or not, I eat 1200 calories a day and I am not starving all the time. I strive to get the bulk of my calories from low-calorie high-protein and high-fiber foods that keep me full. Nothing is off-limits to me though - except full sugar sodas. Having said that, some days are easier than others, but ultimately, 1200 calories a day works for me, and I am losing weight at a healthy, steady pace and feel better than ever.
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    I am a person who only ate 1 to 2 meals a day and ate very unhealthy. It was a very bad habit. Once I started dieting, I started to make better choices but my stomach is still adjusting to eating more often during the day. Consuming more health food fills you up more than the bad foods. Eating healthier lowers the amount of calories I consume at one time but is actually more food I have to consume to make the 1200 to 1400 calories a day. I have lowered my metabolism and really did damage to my body eating the wrong way for so many years. My stomach just isn't used to it and many times I feel so full but have only eaten 900 calories throughout the day. I really have to make myself eat more because I know if I don't that I won't lose weight.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I have to exercise if I've eaten anything with fat or carbs in. Today I got cravings and had cheese on toast so have to go on exercise bike for at least 30 mins to cover it. If I don't want to exercise again later I'll have to have salad or something really low cal.

    Yesterday I had chilli with rice I made it with quorn so was much lesser fat than red meat (also split into 3 small portions as froze two for later) but wasn't even 10 minutes after eating I was on bike for an hour to make sure I burned about 600cals to cover it.

    If I'm having a bad day and have no energy to exercise or too much pain I just have shakes for breakfast and lunch and one really low cal meal to cover basic BMR, if I can't exercise and straight on scales next morning to make sure I haven't gained from not exercising.

    It's taken me nearly a year to get 3 stone off as I have other medical issues too but I'm 5lb off goal now but starting menopause and keep reading about people who put like 50lbs on after menopause so I'm terrified of regaining it all now! .. so decided to permanently eat a deficit rather than go into maintenance when I reach my goal to help me stay under 10st throughout menopause!

    No offense, and I do feel kinda bad singling you out, but this sounds like a horrible way to live. I'm 54, finished menopause about 4 years ago, and have not had any trouble losing weight now that I've found that right method for me. When I started, I did it much like you describe and hated living that way. After reading the many discussions on here about repairing your metabolism, I set out to do that. I had chronically under-eaten for years. I can now eat about 4000 calories a week more than I was eating previously and still lose weight. I encourage you to try upping your calories slowly over time so that you can enjoy food and living without having go through what you're dealing with now.

    Of course, you did say you have other medical issues so it's possible those are part of the problem. And that could totally negate my advice. If so, I encourage you to discuss these issues with your doctor and a dietitian. Best wishes.