Slim-fast... anyone else?


Just wondering if anyone is using the slim-fast diet or has done in the past.

I'm doing it for a couple weeks now and not seeing any results.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    All slim fast does is create a calorie deficit. You can do the same thing via MFP and eat real food. Same thing with the Special K diet and all of those other meal replacement diets...they all are just creating calorie deficits. I don't know what the ingredients are in a slim fast shake to really tell you what the problem could be, but I would recommend eating real food for a couple of weeks and stay within your calorie goal set by MFP and see if that works. If not, your calorie goal may be incorrect. Chances are with slim fast, you are at a 1200 calorie goal which may be too low for you (it was for me) which is why your body won't let go of the weight.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I've tried it a couple of times and all it gave me was a raging appetite (it's loaded with sugar) and terrible wind! Like you I never lost a pound.

    They have around 200 cals a serving, so I prefer to just calorie count now using MFP. So, for example, for the same calories as Slimfast I can have three Ryvita (rye crackerbread) and scrambled egg. Much yummier - and keeps me full for longer.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I started off by using Slim-Fast, then I realised how much sugar was in the stuff, I avoid it like the plague now!
  • I started it last week and have lost 3 pounds. Im doing that 3-2-1 diet, and following it right to a t. I realize that it has sugar, but it seems to work for me. Of course I exercise too. Every body is different.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Nothing will truly work until you change the way you eat. Diets are temporary. Make a lifestyle change!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I tried it for breakfast after I had my son to start my diet. It worked but as soon as you start eating a normal breakfast again I gained a few pounds. All it really does it starve you. And its loaded w/sugar.
  • Take a natural multi vitamin and drink whey protein before your workout, and you should do fine :)
  • i did it years ago and lost 30 pounds in a short amount of time, but gained it all back once i started eating real food again in a short amount of time. it's so sugary that it always made me feel on edge.
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I have used it before, about 7 1/2 years ago, and i lost 44lbs. I then got pregnant so i am not sure how well i would have kept it off! I was hungry all the time and could happily have eaten my left arm by 7pm every night. I am never hungry logging my food in MFP, some days i have alot of calories left and am very full so haveto have something like peanut butter to use up some calories.

    I didnt realy think about using it this time round for 2 reasons, 1 being the cost and the second being i have 2 young children and i wanted to learn to eat properly so that anything i have they can have as well and learn along with me.
  • wendi0719
    wendi0719 Posts: 18 Member
    I did it a few years ago and lost some weight on it but i have gained it back after having two kids. Now i use the shakes as a breakfast replacement on days i dont feel like cooking or dont have time. Also i see it as a way to drink milk and get my calcium!
  • Thanks for all the replies :D I've been loosing weight for the past... around a year and a half. Lost a stone and a half, but I don't seem to be able to move any further. I like to eat only natural foods and drinks, as much as I can and lost weight doing that.

    I just wanted to try Slim-fast as a sort of "boost" as i'm getting a bit desperate! I exercise nearly everyday now and my weight just doesn't budge.

    Hopefully i'll figure something out soon :)

    Thanks guys :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You're better off with real food, or at least protein shakes and bars that supply better nutrition.

    For example, one scoop of Slim Fast chocolate shake powder:
    Calories 110
    Total Fat 3 g
    Total Carbs 18 g
    Protein 2 g

    Market Pantry (Target brand, because I'm cheap!) chocolate whey protein powder:
    Calories 140
    Total Fat 2 g
    Total Carbs 5 g
    Protein 25 g

    The protein shake will be a little more calories, but lower fat, way lower carbs and way higher protein.
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    Slim fast is also full of sugar not recommend for those wanting to cut down on sugar/ or has health issues that come with high sugar consumption. I think each shake/ powder drink is about 14g or sugar twice a day thats 28g of sugar off the bat. You would think a slimming product wouldn't have any sugar it does.
  • I started off by using Slim-Fast, then I realised how much sugar was in the stuff, I avoid it like the plague now!

    I agree! Body by Vi is the way to go for me. <1 g sugar per serving and a lot more tasty!
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    To echo what others have said, I did lose weight because it created a calorie deficit but was always hungry. At least with Special K bars I feel full while knowing how many calories I'm consuming away from home.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I did it a lost 120 pounds. I gained it right back after trying to incorporate food from other sources. And here I am again, going Slim Fast free :)

    Slim fast is good for creating a decficit in calories and by replacing your own thinking with regards to portion and what healthy foods are. Also, it is very high in carbs and low on protein.

    I'd say you'd benefit from either route - Slim Fast or not, but you'd benefit more from teaching yourself good eating habits. You're wallet will benefit too...

    Just my experience. It worked but I was miserable and hungry and this go around I am not.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I used it in my very early 20's and I lost about 30lbs...But all I was consuming was 2 shakes a day and a small salad that consisted of veggies only, and I used very little fat free dressing. (Talk about unhealthy!!)

    I tried it again a couple of years ago. Followed the whole "replace 2 meals and 2 snacks a day with Slim Fast products and then have a sensible dinner"...I lost NOTHING!

    I'm in agreement with other posters; eat healthy food and count your calories, drink your water, and you'll see results.

    Good luck!
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    I use the slim fast bottles/shakes as breakfast when I'm on the go or don't feel like eating because it does keep me full for a few hours. But that's the only slim fast product I use and it's not an everyday thing because it does have a lot of sugars. I hate powders and trying to mix them so I avoid Whey Protein. Slim fast is just easy and cheap so i went with that. There's this Special K water that's supposed to do the same but it's water and it didn't do anything for me. But everyone is going to have different opinions on the stuff.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I only keep them in stock for when I'm too busy during the day and and can't break away for lunch (which isn't very often). I get the ones that have 2g sugar and like 20g protein or something like that. They are a little bit more $ than the rest but worth it I think.

    LOVE :heart: your hair by the way! :bigsmile:
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    They have new ones you guys with a lot less sugar. Check this link out.