Weirdest body changes due to weight loss?



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,769 Member
    The thing that surprises me the most is my ring size. I have worn the same size ring forever, since I was about 14 years old. I gained weight, had babies and always wore a size 7 ring, even when 9 months pregnant. Now my rings would fall off if I didn't have the jeweler put a thing on it to make it smaller... the name of which I can't come up with to save myself.....
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Mine have already been mentioned
    - deflated boobs
    - arm pits: I didn't realize I had muscles there!
    - my feet are smaller too!

    I would love it if my feet would get smaller! As I have gained weight, they have grown. I am hoping that as I lose, they will spring back into shape.
  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    TMI ALERT!:embarassed:

    Us guys who have lost a lot of weight have things that appear to have grown!:blushing:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Would that be your feet, pdj ? :wink:
  • laurenjill
    laurenjill Posts: 94 Member
    for me i won't say that it is weird just usually the exact OPPOSITE of what girls have happen. i have above average size boobs as it is and when i lose weight the still don't get smaller. so even when i do lose weight i still feel like i look fat in clothes cause my chest is just OUT THERE.

    also i don't have much of a rear but unlike my breasts when i lose weight my butt dissappears even more. not fun.

    what do i have to do get a rear end? lol
    I feel you! My boobs never get smaller! Even when I was nineteen and at my goal weight(125), I was still packing D's. On the other hand, my butt never seems to change! I could wear size five jeans but had to go for size large shirts just to make sure I had chest room. I just wanna be proportionate!:sad:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my DH and DD tell me i now have a lap. i guess i do.

    yes pdj...that's what i hear..........
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I lost a lot of my boobs with weight-loss but pregnancy is bringing them back for a bit! :wink: :laugh:

    I enjoy having bones of any kind.

    I am enjoying actually seeing the shape of pregnancy and not having it get lost in my heavy body like it did last time.

    I no longer look like a cabbage patch kid! I still have cheeks (can't seem to get rid of them no matter what I do) BUT it's not quite cabbage patchish. Though by the end of the Summer, it might be!:laugh:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    TMI ALERT!:embarassed:

    Us guys who have lost a lot of weight have things that appear to have grown!:blushing:

    Brains?? :laugh: :laugh:
  • I lost weight in my Arm Pits! Go figure.

    Yup, that would have to be my weirdest and most irritating. I have to hold the razor at all sorts of angles to get everything smooth because I have a huge crevasse in there now.

    And my head looks sort of funny on my neck now. I kind of look like I have a bobble-head when I'm doing sit ups on the decline bench. :frown:
    the bobble-head mental image cracks me up!

    I have a neck now, which is kind of new. And, my stomach is like a slowly deflating balloon. :noway: Still, I am very glad it is deflating. Also, that oh so cruel flap of skin under a woman over 40s arm.
  • Oh no...the dreaded the arm that keeps on waving thing..... I was in the truck with the window down and happened to look in the side mirror and I swear my armpit has rolls....and my flapping arm hangs half in half out the window. I am doing great day 3 of new lifestyle ( I refuse to call it a diet) yet I haven't added the exercise piece to it yet!! I tell ya the armpit thing was sure a motivator!!! YUKEEEEEE!!!!!:blushing:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I had to move a few rings because they were slipping off.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    My biggest thing Ive noticed I think would have to be the boobs:laugh: I seriously went from a 46DD to a 40D so far. I also have the bat-wings thing goin on with my arms, had to have my rings taken down 2 sizes so far, and I can see collar bones!:laugh: I can feel ribs when I lay down now that I didnt even think were there anymore lol.
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