Has anyone recently completely cut out soda?



  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I quit drinking soda but already being prone to migraines it was a killer. So I switched to a diet supplement that included caffeine in it and it has been a life saver! It makes my multivitamin a little more expensive but it is soooo worth it!
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    I cut it out and only rarely really want any. the only time i have it is if i go out and its in my mixed drinks. other than that i dont need. The first week or so was bad with headaches but then i tried teas and coffees to replace my caffeine in take.

    good luck on your journey !
  • nightscare0
    I quit Pepsi cold turkey a little over 3 weeks ago, and I was a hardcore fan too. Over a 2 liter a day! It WAS my coffee lol The headaches will pass (mine were bad) in about 7-10 days then your body will have adjusted. I'm so sorry, cuz I know how much they hurt. :frown:
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    the headaches are totally normal!

    I had a glass since new years. I haven't completely cut it out, but I'm only going to drink soda if I'm really craving one.
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    Yep! I'm actually still getting it out of my system. The headaches are getting lighter and lighter and I'm starting to notice them less. It's hard, but I know it's better for me in the end not to drink it.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I completely gave up soda for a year a few years ago. I expected my weight to go down just from that (simple math), but I guess I must have compensated in other ways, because I didn't lose a pound. I probably didn't drink a dozen sodas in 2011, but I've had a few diet Dr. Peppers already this year (just needed a caffeine fix). I haven't missed it one bit. It's tasty, but useless.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    I drank Diet Dew for ages but read that the artificial sweeteners can trick your body into wanting to eat more sweets. So the theory goes, the flavor of Diet Dew is not enough to satiate your cravings for sweets. Supposedly, aspartame even increases your sugar cravings. Here comes the disclaimer: Now whether that is true or not, I honeestly do not know. But I can assure you that I had headaches for a couple days, but then it went away. Without the artificial sweeteners (or maybe it is coincidence), in any case, I feel so much better. Water is so much better!
  • ramahgirl97
    I'm new to this site too! I admit, only five days without soda (not very long!) But so far, so good! No headaches or cravings... I don't really think about it anymore. Keep trying! It'll all be worth it!

    I was also totally addicted to it, and had like three cans a day at times, but once you don't have it for a few days, it really doesn't seem that "essential" anymore! When I think about drinking soda now, I'm like "Why did I ever like that nasty chemical drink anyways?!"

    I am now proudly ONLY drinking water... I might start an occasional tea if I feel I need a caffeine hype.... we'll see!

    Best of luck to you!

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  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    I was exactly the same as you - college student, always drank lots of soda, probably 3-5 cans per day. I haven't completely cut out soda yet, because I know it will give me bad headaches if I do. I plan on getting off of it for the most part, but I am trying to change my lifestyle one bad habit at a time.

    I decided to meet with a nutritionist because I didn't understand why I was still getting headaches since I was still having 1 per day to satisfy the caffeine need. Here are a couple tips she gave me;

    If you are planning on completely eliminating it, I would try getting some natural sugars into your body a little before the headaches start, or try ingesting some other form of caffeine like coffee or tea. You can wean yourself off of those as well, but it would probably be an easier process!
  • manasunshine
    i haven't had soda in almost 2 years now. i don't even feel like it anymore. infact i dont even like the taste of it anymore :smile:
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I had horrible withdrawals from Pepsi, headaches, shakes, nausea. I switched to Caffeine-Free Pepsi, if I must have one, but I try to skip pop entirely.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member

    I gave up sugared sodas last year. First few weeks were tough!

    I still have a club soda every now and then but no more Coke.

    Keep your focus!! After a while you will not even miss sodas!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I have. Only water for me.
  • wvbuckeye
    I'm new to the site, and new to the concept of trying to lose weight the right way. As a start I decided to cut out soda- I live on a college campus and even before that I was a huge soda drinker. I drank it with every meal, and had anywhere from 2-5 cans a day. I stopped drinking it on Wednesday and really upped the amount of water I drink, but I've been getting these headache's all of the time. Could it be from the soda, has anyone else had this issue? I've been eating better too, but I really don't think that's causing it.

    My only liquid intake was good ol Diet Dr. Pepper! I drank about 5 pops a day. I made the decision to stop drinking soda completely and only drink water, except for a cup of coffee I drink daily(NOT GIVING IT UP). I had THE worst headaches for two weeks. I know longer get those headaches and feel sooo much better. Try a cup of coffee a day to try and ease the pain. Then if it helps, you can even wing off of it also. Best of Luck to you!
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    I used to be a BIG coke drinker, i had a very bad addiction to it, but then i decided that for lent i was going to give up all pop and hopefully by the end of the 40 days i wont even want to drink it.
    So far i have never felt so clean inside.
    I only drink water and coffee now and im hoping to stay that way :)
  • tiggergrrl23
    tiggergrrl23 Posts: 98 Member
    Definitely a caffeine headache...especially since you drank so much of it. I recently gave up soda completely for lent, but before lent I wanted to avoid the withdrawal headache so I weaned myself off slowly before lent began. It should only last about a week or so and it will get better.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I cut out caffeine last April and, after the first few days of some caffeine-withdrawal-related headaches, I have felt nothing short of AMAZING being without that crap. As long as I get enough sleep, I have more energy on water than I had on caffeine. Stick with it through this first week and you are going to love yourself for this decision before long :)
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    yes!! I gave it up 2 weeks ago. Yes it you quit soda cold turkey you will get headaches, its "caffeine withdraw". I weaned myself off of soda. Those lil 7oz soda cans work great for that. I'd do one 12oz a day for a week, then for a few days do one 7oz can. I didnt have any headaches.
  • pepper396
    I gave it up for a little over two months and I sometimes treat myself but yes, it does not taste as great as it did before and I only sip on it never have the full bottle. I should keep drinking the water... it makes you pee!
  • Nichole23225
    Nichole23225 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't know about completely... I had a diet pepsi from a fountain on Sunday and it was terrible. Yet, I drank it because I somehow have an aversion to the water that comes out of the soda fountain. You know... you have to push that little button for water. I'm weird. And the anecdotal evidence may be true in that I do find that my sweet tooth is almost entirely gone since I've quit with the sodas. Right now I'm only drinking water, coffee and tea. I have a 16 oz coffee brewed at home every morning and I'm using REAL sugar in my coffee and tea instead of the little packets of chemicals that I've probably lived on since the age of 12. I can't say that I've saving calories on the soda because I've always drank diet soda.