Long story short.. Before I started MFP I ate out ALOT and it didnt matter how bad it was for me. I ate anything from burgers to Olive Garden pastas! I loved pizza and always ate until I was full. (Thats the reason why Im here) Anyways, now I have been eating healthy for the last 3 months. This means egg whites for breakfast, skim milk, only whole wheat bread, salads for lunch and a somewhat healthy dinner, etc. I NEVER eat fast food anymore and stay away from too many sweets.
Today I went to a family restaurant and ate 2 large pancakes (which I never do) with syrup and I actually felt full. A few hours later I went to the gym and could hardly move. My stomach cramped up so bad and it caused my stool to become very soft. (Sorry for the TMI), but I was in so much pain. My guess is because of the unhealthy lunch I ate today. Im wondering if anyone else has this problem where their body "adapts" to healthy foods over a long period of time and when they "slip" or "indulge" there body rejects the food and they get ill?! Does anyone have any tips because I dont know if I can deal with never indulging again without getting extremely sick :( Thanks everyone!


  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I don't think your body freaked from eating a couple pancakes and syrup. There are so many factors for crazy bodily functions and feeling lethargic. I just think what you ate didn't agree with you. Your not going to have to give up everything. I personally think your in your head and need to stay the course. So you hoping to get to your Target weight and go back to old habits? We have all been there and guess what? Not going to happen. I've been there and I'm sorry for tough love but it sounds like your looking for a reason to cave. Don't cave! Winners want the ball when the games on the line. Your stronger then this.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    is it possible that you gallbladder is acting up? It can happen after weight loss and then eating a higher fat meal
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I hardly ever eat fast food but when I do, I don't feel that great after a couple of hours. That is why I try to avoid it at all cost.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It might have just been particularly crappy food or it didn't sit right or something like that. Don't worry. Rest assured that you can splurge here and there and enjoy it with no ill effects.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    It might have just been particularly crappy food or it didn't sit right or something like that. Don't worry. Rest assured that you can splurge here and there and enjoy it with no ill effects.
    Now excuse me while I go eat my homemade gluten free non-dairy protein brownies for dinner.
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    This happens to me! Before this time, I've gone weeks eating healthy and cooking at home and not eating out. Then I'll slip and go out and get a cheese burger and fries. Oh man, it's like my body freaks out and needs to get this 'bad' food out asap! Stomach craps like you wouldn't believe, then it gets rid of it fast. You know what I mean. :blushing:
  • blessmy5
    For some reason I can only eat a half a pancake or my stomach bothers me. Been that way for a long time. Your body may have adjusted and can't handle the junk. I agree that you gall bladder may be an issue. Hope you are feeling better.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    Hm. Could be a number of things. . .try again when you feel better. . or, not. I'd almost like the physical reaction. Might break me of the desire to indulge.
  • littlemiss165
    I had the same reaction when I had been so good and then decided to indulge in Taco Bell.. Sick for the rest of the night!! I doubt I will be trying any more food food anytime soon
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    The cook at IHOP probably didn't wash their hands before plating your meal. Don't stress and enjoy your treats.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Happens to me too.

    Chinese? No go. Greek, I love, but only in moderation. ANY greasy burger, no go.

    I just can't handle it after eating healthy.

    The compromise though, is you CAN eat those things.. you just have to be conscience. Eat wheat pancakes instead of white. Dennys, Ihop do these.

    Eat chicken burger on wheat, instead of carls jr chicken burger. ETC ETC.

    Carls JR has good turkey burgers, higher sodium, but they are still better than most.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 815 Member
    That's me with candy..... a tootsie roll or two is fine, but I had a stressful day last week and ate 350 calories worth of chocolate-coated ribbon candy (a piece about 5" long) in the afternoon... I was seriously nauseous for the rest of the day.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    This happens to me! Before this time, I've gone weeks eating healthy and cooking at home and not eating out. Then I'll slip and go out and get a cheese burger and fries. Oh man, it's like my body freaks out and needs to get this 'bad' food out asap! Stomach craps like you wouldn't believe, then it gets rid of it fast. You know what I mean. :blushing:

    This is me also. I don't eat red meat anymore. Had a cheeseburger last week and thought I was going to die. Ack.
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    That happens to me sometimes, especially if I eat something high fat. What I usually do is put the portion I want on a plate, eat half and then sip a cup of tea to see how my stomach is going to take it. Sometimes I finish and feel ok, sometimes I feel so full by then I don't eat any more.
  • Tiffaney82690
    I honestly think its the sugar!

    I had the exact same thing happen today... I caved and ate something sweet and a decent amount of it! I was diagnosed with IBS
    (irritable bowel syndrome) about 6 moths ago and started dieting about 4.5 months ago ever since I've been dieting my IBS symptoms have subsided but when I eat something really fatty/greasy or high in sugar my insides fight back because i'm so used to eating healthy!