

  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Yeah! And might I add total douchbaggery comment from @renroh. Sheesh.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I would get some early morning vacuuming going on. Then make some loud blender smoothies for breakfast. Have your 1 year old play with pots and pans and a wooden spoon.

    Sounds like you could also use some alone time away from this guy who is intruding upon your routine...so maybe load the kiddo up and head to a mall or something and just do some heavy walking and stroller pushing.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Glad to hear he has moved on, I hope he finds a better life for himself.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    the longer freeloaders stay the harder it is to get rid of them


    And this freeloader has been staying for an astounding *GASP* three days.

    Best advice to the TC: Show some respect for your husband. Obviously if this was about his stuff being on your treadmill, you'd just tell him to move his damn stuff. This really has more to do with the situation reminding you that the world doesn't revolve around you. This guy isn't on vacation, he's in a tough spot and he's an invited guest.

    Do I have to ask about whether you've been courteous to this guy in the past? If you had, you could probably just talk to the guy and find a way to peacefully coexist until he wears out his welcome (which he obviously hasn't with the person who invited him). However, since you likely decided to start trouble with this guy as soon as he got there or earlier, compromise isn't an option.

    So your choices are A) Develop some dignity and personal responsibility as a person and you'll find that your workouts are entirely unimpeded or B) Lay down the law with your husband and remind him there's only room for ONE freeloader at this house (you).
    Wow, that was rude. If you're a guest at someone's house, it's your responsibility to be courteous. It's rude for him to be up all night and messy. And how is she a free loader in her own house?

    Also, her husband should have shown some respect for HER and discussed it with her before letting him move in!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Just realized this was a bit old. lol
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    the longer freeloaders stay the harder it is to get rid of them

    This. Found out the hard way. My ex husband was letting it happen all the time.