Horizon: The Truth About Exercise



  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I only got round to watching this programme this evening. I found it very interesting and it was nice to have some real science to back up the findings.

    I think the HIIT showed that you can get some health-busting exercise in without spending hours at the gym, but that it's still good to get some regular gentle exercise, even if it's just walking and moving around a lot more than what we're used to.
    juleeroch wrote:
    I watched this and found it very interesting. I can understand why they say "chairs kill". However what do you do when you HAVE to sit at a desk all day and type all day ? :grumble:
    I know it's very frustrating and there are times when I actually seize up having sat for so long without moving.

    I often get up and walk around the office - we have a circular office - when I have to go to the kitchen to the water cooler. I also take the stairs when I'm leaving (the office is on the 11th floor) although I get the lift up in the morning and if I go out at lunchtime.

    However, I also work 50% from home and I try and get up and go down stairs for drinks etc. at regular intervals.

    Maybe you could ask your HR dept for one of those swiss balls and sit on one of those at your desk instead?