Pest at the gym. I am looking for suggestions and support, P



  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Your better than I OP I would have cursed him and told him to go to don't come to strangers and start talking foolishness. Some douche bags really need to grow a pair and grow up. I guess he thought you were dumb.

    This! What you said.

  • chugglebunny
    His interruption timing is wrong, but his advice is right, holding on the sides or handles on a treadmill kills roughly 50% of the effort. 15% incline while holding on is no more effective than a 7% incline while not holding on. Never hold the sides on a treadmill, it's just cheating.

    So what? If she is happy with the results and feels more comfortable holding on, then it's better she does it at a high level and it's halved than do it lower and feel uncomfortable not holding on. She gets the same results either way, so let her get on with how she chooses to do it and you do it your way.

    He was just letting her know the reason why they guy said what he did,and its 100% true if you set the incline then hold on it changes your whole posture and you might as well not even set the incline. Tiger was just giving advice in a very non rude way,maybe you need to unbunch your panties now. For all you know she might have thought she was getting a better workout that way,and the advice could have been helpfull

    I agree. I never said it wasn't true, just pointing out that if you want to give someone advice on their methods then you should do so politely, not by telling them they are cheating. If someone is busting their butt trying to be a healthy and better person, telling them "never hold on to the sides on a treadmill, it's cheating" is rude, SUGGEST they don't hold on. Telling someone how to do something is not anyones place unless they've asked for your advice and suggesting someone is cheating is undermining all their hard work.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    try some universal response like - fark you very much or 'in the future when I want your input I'll rattle your chain' how about this one- totally straight face- 'oh thanks, I'm not doing this for fitness, I'm trying to get back to Narnia' and keep on truckin'

    haha! narnia!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I mean I would have been so offended, I hold on to everything as I have dizzy spells. I'd get your towel and flick him and keep flicking him while he's trying to work out, when he's in a ball on the floor keep flicking, when they drag you off him keep flicking him! but that's because I get aggressive, I'm pretty sure that's not the right answer.

    I laughed so hard at this!

    I probably would have told him he'd get a much better workout if he kept an eye on his own damn treadmill instead of watching me. Or just ignore him. I really don't understand why anyone would feel the need to stick their oar in, even more so by flicking a towel in their face and comment on what someone else is doing. It's none of his business!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    oooh I don't know what to suggest now it's happened. I mean I would have been so offended, I hold on to everything as I have dizzy spells. I'd get your towel and flick him and keep flicking him while he's trying to work out, when he's in a ball on the floor keep flicking, when they drag you off him keep flicking him! but that's because I get aggressive, I'm pretty sure that's not the right answer.
    This made me laugh a bit weirdly to myself at work...totally seeing it in my head.

    Some people just like to let everyone know how much they know. Sounds like you have it sorted now though.

    You could just wait til he's shadow boxing and go and start sparring with him...
  • trentnivins
    trentnivins Posts: 68 Member
    wait till your towel is nice and soaking wet and snap him right on the *kitten* as you walk by him next time, rude little *kitten* know-it-all, aim for where the leg meets the butt cheek, and snap hard (practise at home first if you need too)
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    If he interrupts you again, tell him if he does that one more time, you will report him to the gym manager. Otherwise, just ignore him from now on. He said what he wanted to say, so he may not bother you again.

  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    how about this one- totally straight face- 'oh thanks, I'm not doing this for fitness, I'm trying to get back to Narnia' and keep on truckin'

    Bwahahaha! Totally sounds like something I would say!
  • anta1
    anta1 Posts: 53 Member
    Trip him
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member

    I agree. I never said it wasn't true, just pointing out that if you want to give someone advice on their methods then you should do so politely, not by telling them they are cheating. If someone is busting their butt trying to be a healthy and better person, telling them "never hold on to the sides on a treadmill, it's cheating" is rude, SUGGEST they don't hold on. Telling someone how to do something is not anyones place unless they've asked for your advice and suggesting someone is cheating is undermining all their hard work.

    Yes, the point of this thread was not whether or not I'm "cheating" or not. It's about getting flicked in the face with a towel by a sissy. This sissy claims the the treadmill was designed to simulate the outdoors. The why the *bleep* isn't he outdoors? We've had mild weather. It's also about being "watched at the gym". CREEPY. :noway: It's also about the dangers of interrupting some one on a strenuous workout at 15% incline. :explode:

    This sissy was pushing his agenda on me at the risk of my personal safety. Anything that he said or says is now AND by the way, HE, is an irrelevant. :yawn:

    As I said, one of the personal trainers has my back on this now. He'll confront him should he talk to me again.

    Again, those who think Sissy is correct. Well, I've actually made it back to my regular weight prior to the holiday season now. I'm wearing the clothing, too. My clothes are baggy. It took me 25 days. I've been so successful I decided that I want to get into 27 jeans (size 2/4). Nobody wears that size anymore and they are always hugely discounted. I want more True Religion Jeans for $40! It's easy because I've been here before, my reality is a size 4/6. It's about intent and what one believes to be true about themselves.

    Yeah, I'm cheating. :huh:
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    Next time, tell him you totally agree and keep going.

    It tends to unnerve people when they criticise you and you agree with them :noway:
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I'd of smacked him , but, that's probably why I don't get towels flicked in my face.