Desk Dancing

Okay so, I play an MMO(SWTOR) most weeknights for about 3 hours. Basically it's a video game that I play with a group of friends around the country for 3 hours on Mon-Thurs. It's a great connecting point for most of us as we've all played together for years and can't exactly hang out face to face more then once a year.

Anyway, I've been trying to include exercise during this time and tried a few things. The most successful so far has been something I call desk dancing. I've got some music playing and I kick my feet, move my legs, and bounce around in my chair. Last night I did that for about 65 minutes. I didn't break a sweat but the room got very warm and my heart rate came up a bit. My bodymedia fit core says that I had about 55 minutes of moderate activity and 10 or vigorous.

How should I record this on MYP? I tend to move my arm band to my leg when I do this stuff at a desk otherwise the thing doesn't read anything. Any ideas?