Goals For March



  • Tlively13
    Tlively13 Posts: 57 Member
    my goals for march - to soup up my cardio. i want to see a difference in my quad muscles and gonna eat only foods that will help me see those ab muscles. I am really disappointed today cause I am already over on sugar intake.:(
  • Tlively13
    Tlively13 Posts: 57 Member
    @midin-let us know how the Jullian michaels dvd is/ I thinking bout ordering it for home..
  • Hunterlady
    Hunterlady Posts: 12 Member
    To lose another 5-10 pounds and to add more exercise to my workout routine.
  • abettercheryl
    abettercheryl Posts: 20 Member
    To be able to go running again!

    I injured my knee and I'm currently doing physical therapy but they said if I work hard this week, I may be able to start running next week!
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    lose 5 lbs of bodyfat in 3 weeks then continue fat loss into my holiday (rather than reversing it as usual :))
  • MsBeautifullOne
    MsBeautifullOne Posts: 54 Member
    To be down 10lbs and feel lighter...I know its only 10% of what I want to drop in the end but its a start.

    And I want to start doing something more than just cardio and a class or two
  • PatriciaLdublin
    PatriciaLdublin Posts: 33 Member
    My Goals for March.

    1. To log in my daily plate every day, and stick to 1260 cals per day.
    2. To drink a min of 4 glasses of water every day.
    3. To walk for 30minutes every day.
    4. No alcohol during March.
    5. Work out at the gym 4 days each week.
    6. To lose 10lbs during March.

  • aghack
    aghack Posts: 107 Member
    I want to walk 100 miles in march! It's going to be hard, but I want to try.
    And I want to lose another five pounds.

    My plan is to set my alarm for earlier and walk my dogs each morning. I want to walk 500 miles by the end of this year, and I haven't walked one so far! (i'm not counting the miles on the treadmill or elliptical.)

    Anyone want to join me?

    Wow, now that is a goal!! Especially with not counting the treadmill. How will you be tracking your walks?

    My husband and son are distance runners, so my husband has scouted out three different loops I can walk: 2 mile, 3 mile, and 5 mile. My plan is to use pennies to mark them off. I got two rolls of pennies for march, and the plan is to drop one into an empty mason jar for each mile walked.

    The reason I'm not counting my elliptical and treadmill miles is because I am trying to make a distinction (just for myself) between intentional excercise and having a more active life. These walks will be my attempt to increase my health, my dog's health (he's fat, too), and to reconnect with being outside. My intentional excercise is all about building strength, burning calories, and losing weight: but because of that, it sometimes feels punishing. I want to walk so that I can enjoy parts of my healthy life.

    I plan to load up the iPod with great podcasts (this American Life is awesome), occasionally carry bread for the ducks, and stop to toss my dog a ball occasionally.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hey all, just checking to see how your goals are coming along!

    I hit 190 this morning, so I'm one pound away from my goal of being in the 180s.
    Sadly, my waist measurement isn't budging. Stuck at 34.5. :grumble: