Leap Day Let Down



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    No, not a bad move at all. It shows that you are willing to go and get what you want, which in most guys books is an A+. You dont know unless you ask, right?
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    time to make myself very unpopular and explain a little why men have absolutely no clue most of the time when you flirt with them and the best approach is always to be upfront and ask them out.

    we get hit on / flirted with all the time and most of us, unless particularly fond of themselves, are almost completely immune to it.

    maybe 1 in 100 times its because the lady has intentions towards us, the other 99 im afraid its anything from needing a favour to simply not knowing how to make any other sort of conversation.

    so if anyone ever wondered, thats why men seem clue less, we tune it out.

    /runs, hides.

    Don't run and hide. It's information like this that helps us all understand one another better. Thanks for sharing!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't personally believe in asking men out, but I still say good for you. Even though it didn't work out, you must feel better now that you know where you stand.

    What sucks about the "men are clueless" thing is that a lot of women are clueless, too. This is why we overanalyze every single thing a man does and try to interpret it all as a sign of his interest, or lack thereof. I am a pretty good judge of character when it comes to men. It's typically easy for me to tell if a man is good or bad in that sense. But I am terrible at figuring out if a man is interested in me, even when he does something that most people would think is obvious, like giving me his phone number.

    As for friends fixing you up, I have a complicated take on that because of a recent experience where everyone told me this guy was one of the good ones, but they were way, way wrong. And now I'm leaning toward never going the "fix up" route again. I always thought it would be a "safe" way to meet a guy because your friends aren't going to fix you up with a bad guy, plus, if you know the same people, he'll be less likely to screw you over because of the social (and even professional) repercussions. But when people you trust build up this image of a really great guy, you're not as perceptive of the red flags as you would be if you met him in a random place. So now I'm back to hoping to meet guys in random places.