daily weigh ins v weekly weigh ins



  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I weigh weekly because of the fluctuation thing, but also because once I weigh in on Monday mornings I can close the door on the last week. Whatever happened is done, I have my result and I can concentrate on the next week, the next goal.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I tend to weigh myself daily, but the only ones that actually count are Mondays or the 1st of the month.

    If the scale goes up then I don't let it get to me, but if the scale goes down I feel just a little bit better :smile:

    Last week I recorded each day (just because I could). I found that my weight really is a see-saw, up one day, down the next, up again the next. (Was happy that my Monday weigh in was a "down" day :laugh: ) However, even when it had gone up from the previous day, it wasn't going higher than the day before that, so still going in the right direction :smile:
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I weigh daily just out of habit and to account for my sins. I usually log my weight about every 7-10 days. This month, I logged in the days I was leveling up the 30DS and then the end of the 30 day cycle (today). I measure every time I log my weight into MFP, too. I also try to take photos.

    Yes, I am one of those people that even though I am fitting into pants I could not even close 2 months ago and I feel so much better...I need the affirmations in a photo montage. So when I feel like I keep losing and gaining that same 1/2 inch, I can see my stomach is getting flatter and my legs are more toned and my arms are less wing-like.
  • Wildgirl10
    Monthly..and I use measurements because the scale wasn't moving as fast as I like..but the inches are melting
  • MrsMcKellar
    I have been weighing in daily, in the mornings. There is a "get active" challenge going on at work where we have to record our stats every day. What seems to be working for me so far, is that I will record a loss, but if I gain, I'll record an even weight that day and see what it is the next day. If it is still a gain the next day, then I record the gain. That seems to be offsetting the fluctuations pretty well, though I wish we could do weekly for that challenge :-/.

    As far as MFP, I'm making myself only record once a week, and that is the guage I am using for my personal goal rewards and the true measure of where I am.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I weigh every morning. It does not upset me or anything. If I'm up, I cut back on carbs for the day. I'
    m maintaining a 200 pound loss so I must stay on top of it or I will gain it all back!!

    You look amazing! Good job
  • sfh0wrd
    I admit to pulling out the scale most mornings, just because it interests me. I only "count" Friday or Saturday morning.

    I have at times been obsessive about how much I weigh, but now I'm at a mindset where I know that my weight is going to fluctuate, and that is fine. But, in the same sense, weighing everyday, I KNOW that my weight is fluctuating, so if for some reason (time of month, stress, sodium, quitting coffee and having... ahem, slow digestion for a few days) my weight has fluctuated up during the first half of the week, it makes me understand why come Friday, I have lost nothing when in reality I may have lost some water weight, I picked up at the beginning of the week.

    I realize weighing everyday can be a frustration, but if you can look at it as a tool to understanding how your body reacts and functions, it can be very interesting.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Daily. My weight fluctuates a lot depending on water rentition or on bowl movement so I weigh myself first thing in the morning and record every loss I have. If I would only weight myself once a week I might gain one week and then lose the next and thats a "false" loss and it to much of a mind**** for me.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I weigh every morning. It does not upset me or anything. If I'm up, I cut back on carbs for the day. I'm maintaining a 200 pound loss so I must stay on top of it or I will gain it all back!!

    Yes, I like to know if I need to cut back on something or if I am on track. I don't have the internal control over food that I need to be successful without external cues (logging, weigh-ins, the fit of my clothing, etc.).
  • djfgirl
    I do weekly since that way i won't have daily disapoinments..if there are any.. or i get weekly surprises...
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    I've weighed in every day for the past 4 months. It's what keeps me going if I hit a bad point or need motivation. Just this week, I'm UP 3 pounds. I've never gone up, but now I know- I will keep my sugar and carb intake under control- I believe this caused me to gain.
  • davepavone
    I weigh daily but log once a week
  • auddiejo
    Guilty of daily checking my weight. I know it's not good. The CDO (thats ocd in the correct order, as it should be) inside of me makes me do it.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Maybe once in a month or two. I tend to just gauge by how my clothes fit.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wednesday morning, after my pee and before I eat or drink, buck nekid.
  • dreamgirlqd
    I weigh myself every morning but that's because I'm just really curious.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I weigh in weekly but I'm thinking to change it to 2 times a month.
  • danicamper
    I weigh daily because I am a Procrastinator! If I know I have a few days before I have to face the music I'm sure I would convine myself that I can eat however I want and "catch up" on weight loss before having to weigh in. I know how dumb that sounds but I wouldn't put it past me :-)
  • danicamper
    I weigh daily but log once a week
    I do this too!
  • rebecca_chess
    rebecca_chess Posts: 101 Member
    I weigh myself every morning around the same time each morning. I only "record" my weigh-in on Friday mornings.

    I do this because I want to see what the results of what I did the day before were. Then on Friday mornings I look at the weekly picture of how things went. Which so far, is pretty good. I've been doing MFP since Jan 9th and have not had a Friday to Friday gain. Daily gains, yes. Weekly gains, no.