Is anyone else sick of Facebook???



  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    You never get rid of Facebook, like it or not. And all your friends' actions on there enable Facebook to piece your life together even if you never post anything yourself. Even if you visit pages outside Facebook that have "Like" buttons on, Facebook can track you. Welcome, willing lemmings, to the destruction of your privacy. (I doubt that Google+ is any better in that respect and could be worse in that Google has the ability to aggregate it all with any data collected about you from any web page that had an element on it furnished by Google).

    Paranoid? Probably. Rightly so? Definitely.

    yeah, i was trying to move to google+, but i noticed when i googled myself shortly before a job interview that EVERYTHING EVER on google+ about me came up. and i have a unique name, so everything with my name IS actually me! so i deleted my page. now when i google myself, stuff from facebook comes up, but only really comments on non-private groups, which i'm not in any that could be considered risque, and the comments aren't too personal, so i'm not really worried about anyone seeing that.

    so yeah, people who are like, "google+ is better!"... even if you tweak your settings, your stuff still all comes up. as far as i'm concerned... no thanks.
  • eternalflame30
    I like facebook, I like to know what the people that live far from me are up too. I guess I'm nosy like that :-p

  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    It's handy because almost everybody I know that I need to keep in touch with is on my fb account. However, I do recognise that it can be damaging to my self-esteem, like, do I really need to see pictures of the mansion some acquaintance is thinking of buying when I'm saving for a small 'starter'. or, do I really need to know that two girls I was friendly with at my old job who've both left now are still regularly in touch with each other and meet up but don't ask me. I mean, I don't care, at least I don't think I care! but do I need to know that they meet up and didn't ask me................? hmmm. also, do i need to know that my cousin's husband is still not home at 3am. Should i mention this to my aunt? probably not, but now that i know that I shouldn't mention it, it will burst out of me the only thing i can think of to say the next time i see her.

    i do remember life before facebook and it wasn't so bad, I must try and only check it every 36 hours. i HATE that i check it 3 times a day.
  • jforferris01
    jforferris01 Posts: 71 Member
    Yep...husband flipped out and we both deactivated ours....Needed a break...was the best thing ever.....
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    batalina, that is quite scary, to think of potential employers googling you and tons of stuff that relates ONLY to you coming up. luckily my name is like Margaret Cooper. NOT that, but similar, so if I google my own name, about four million pages come up. I feel protected by that, like nothing i do is ever really gonna come back to haunt me. might be very naive about it!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I'm only on it because a few friends and family members use it almost exclusively, so if I want to keep abreast of what's going on I have to at least read it. I use the messaging system once in a while. It took me over a year and a half to make my first post. besides a comment or two on someone elses. Other than that, I really don't use it. I tend to believe that there is absolutely nothing going on in my life of any importance that would be of any real interest to anyone else. Also I have no desire to tell the world when I am going to the head or how I feel afterward (sarcasm). I also don't feel the need to broadcast any problems or difficulties I may have or be going through. MFP is the closest to a "Facebook" experience I have had.

    Previous posters have also reminded me that once you post something it's out there FOREVER AND EVER. Potential employer screening is one example.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Yeah, really dislike facebook. Have never had it, never want to have it, hate that people make it the "end all and be all" of their existence. Generally, all of the people I really care about, I see or talk to on a regular basis, including family and friends. People are shocked that I, and my family, don't have facebook and don't intend to get it. I also have a real problem with technology getting in the way of old-fashioned people skills, communication skills, and family togetherness time....but that is a rant for another day =-).

    ]Exactly how I feel. Never had it never will, I am not interested in "reconnecting" with anybody, if they are lost it is for a reason. E-mails, visits, phone calls. is/are all I need.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I deactivated mine over 6 months ago. Don't miss it a single bit. :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member

    Makes me wonder how it's growing?

    I enjoy it. Like anything. Just use it in moderation. I don't know why it has to be all or nothing.
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    I am pretty much a peaceful person but some people just are too much on there. I don't want to share my life anymore on facebook, it's like an open pass to be in your business.


    Although i still end up keeping mine due to friends/family that live far away or in different states.
  • Moeblessings
    I would have to admit that we all are a little vain. I mean who doesn't like to get compliments once in a while. I would have to agree that I think I was more sick of certain people that were on FB telling their every move every second of the day! It's like, WHO CARES?!!! In the beginning it was nice to catch up with old friends, but for me....the novelty wore off. I think I'll just stick to this from now on! :happy:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'll have you know that because of this thread, I deleted facebook.

    I will commit to staying off facebook for lent. That's my lent thing. I wasn't sure what to do and so I was going to skip it. But, now this came up and it's a perfect thing for me to do.

    After lent, we'll see if I feel like I still need it.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    I have a friend how is super addicted to Facebook. I don't have an account by choice and love it. What gets me is that she has 1200 friends on there and when she needs help not one of them helps even though she is asking for it on Facebook. One text to me and I am there by her side. (Sorry not bragging but that is how it is, she was in the hospital for days & not 1 person went to see her but me!)
    I have a sister-in-law who choose to bash my father-in-law (her own father), my husband (her brother) and our religion on Facebook for all of our friends and family to see.
    So easy for someone to look through friends and families pictures and feel "connected". My other sister-in-law says that is how she gets to see her grandchildren. Well how do they know that and how is that going to build a bond with them?
    Facebook, in my opinion, is for people that don't want to pick up the phone or have personal contact with their "friends". It is the lazy way of friendships. I have seen the end of relationships through Facebook misunderstanding or assumption. I detest Facebook and I am happier being rid of it, it also frees up my time to spend get healthy and spending time with my family and friends that actually put work into the relationship.
    Sorry for the rambling, obviously I have very strong opinions about the subject. :grumble:
  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393
    I have a fb account but never really use it.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I've never understood the obsession with can't even really decorate your page. lol. Thats the only reason I had myspace back in the day.

    I still use Facebook though because my friends use it, and it's the easiest way to stay in touch. I have friends all over the world, but almost all of them use Facebook as their means of communication (even some of my Chinese friends have illegal accounts).
  • O2BSKINNY2012
    I totally agree with you. I stopped using Facebook after Christmas last year, and I don't miss it one bit! In fact it was as if a lead weight had been lifted from me. I came to the decision that as I have contact details of the people I wanted to keep in contact with, there was no point in remaining a member. All I ever did on there was play games anyway. Total waste of time. :smile:
  • poytheboyDave
    The reason I joined faceback was to have contact with family as they are spread all over the United Kingdom. I also have friends in Australia. I actually know every single person on my friends list. I used to use it everyday and spend hours on there. Lately I rarely go on, but add photo's for my family. Its not what it was for me. I've got twitter as well but rarely use it. I'm on here the mostly these days.
  • starkitty78
    I love Facebook, and if I said I wasn't addicted, well, I'd be full of poo poo. I hate how they keep changing things though. I'm in touch with people I went to private school with when I was young, I've connected with alot of family I never met (lot's of family tension in the 80's when I was growing up) and old friends I lost contact with. The people who annoy me most of the one's who announce what they are eating for every. single. meal. and the one's who will post like 100 videos or pictures in one sitting.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What I am missing is a lot. There were multiple reasons I had an account. But, there are people on there where that how I get info, otherwise I'd never jknow anything. Some of my friends are in bands, and they announce when they're playing on Facebook. Another friend is running with me in a half marathon in June. Sh lives in Jersey I'm in CA. It's just how we always communicate. Other old HS friends are on there, and it was nice to see what they're up to once in a while.

    I think I need to reactivate, because for me, I think it was. Good tool for keeping in touch with certain people. Plus, it's how I always find out about when my favorite bands are coming to town to play.