Gril Talk (That "time" of the month)



  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    Yep - I 'tested' myself a few months ago (had the same calorie goal every day and did not give into the cravings lol!) and I put on 2/3 pounds that lasted for about 5 days and then mysteriously disappeared within 24hrs. I'd always suspected I gained weight at this time as I get bloated too (water retention I guess?), but had always thought it was probably giving into cravings. I really struggle as I crave comfort foods that are carb-heavy, though I do think forcing yourself to exercise does help a lot.
  • AmyB69
    AmyB69 Posts: 117
    My weight goes up a couple of pounds but then have a good drop afterwards. Exercising really helps and water!!
  • nixnax
    nixnax Posts: 42

    I usually gain a couple of lbs and I bloat out so badly.

    The worst part is that I crave everything that is bad for me, chocolate being the worst offender. I just cant get enough of it.

    And I get so grumpy!! Grumpy doesn't actually cover it, i can be evil!

    When my last monthly was in, I was a vile mood, so i went to the gym and ran it out. Felt amazing and not in need of chocolate.
  • ili_s
    ili_s Posts: 66
    I find that my weight doesn't spike up significantly. Maybe half a kilo. But where i see the real difference is the week after where I usually always lose a kilo (2lb), not to gain it again. I also crave ... well chocolate and just find myself being far more hungry a week or so before hand. Its really hard to try to stay away from food, especially in the evenings. Either I chow down on some celery or carrot or another good idea for myself is to just go to bed.