5'4" women, what weight...



  • I'm 5'4'' , and i currently weigh 115 lbs.
    for my jeans, I wear a size 1, sometimes a size 3.
    it just depends on which store I shop in.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    159 and wearing a size 12.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I'm 5'3.5, and at my heaviest I was 208 and a size 18. Kind of weird because I had a pregnancy with a net loss of weight. Post-pregnancy, I was about 195 and a size 16. Then is was roughly 10 lbs for every size drop, although I seemed to stay at size 14 forever. I'm currently 149, and wearing a size 10 (although a some size 8s are starting to fit).
  • b1791
    b1791 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 150lbs and I usually wear a size 12, but I always have to wear a belt with my jeans so maybe I could fit into a size 10 now.
  • akgrown4
    akgrown4 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you to everyone who responded. Never thought I would get so many responses so quickly. To answer some questions, I am only dieting right now, MFP telling me to shoot for 1220 in calories, no exercise right now as I find it really hard to work in the time (single mom of four and going to college fulltime). What you all posted was very encouraging, thank you. I am already down to less than I have been in the past two years, which makes me less than what my drivers license says, instead of more than it says, which is what I am used to. Can not wait for each new day to continue on this journey. Anyone can feel free to add me as friend.
  • i'm 5'4 and currently at 178. I wear a 10/12 and I have a very little butt, but quite the sizeable belly.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I started at 175 lbs (give or take - I may have been closer to 180) and was a size 12-14. I'm now ~135 lbs and a size 6 (or a tight-ish 4).

    If you'd like to see photos of what different people look like at certain heights/weights/pants or shirt sizes, check out http://www.mybodygallery.com/ - it's such a neat website!
  • starliner
    starliner Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'3" and wear a size 10 jeans and slacks. I weigh 150. I started out over 180 and wore at 16 to 18. My waist is my biggest problem. My bottom and legs could wear something smaller. Sure is fun when someone says my pants are too baggy. I have a lot of muscle for my age (68 almost 69) so my weight is perhaps higher that typical 5'3" and at my age I'm only going for 145 as my goal.
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    5"3 I weigh 113 and my size is a US 4.
  • I am 5'5" and 136 lbs. I am pretty toned and wear a loose 10, just have wide hips.
  • I am 5'3 and like 3/4. Almost 5'4 and I weigh 104 pounds- I used to weigh 100 pounds and I am losing this last 4 pounds to get back to were I was. I am hoping to get down to my weight of 95 pounds like I was a very long time ago, before I ate a bit to much food! I am a size 0-2 in dresses for women. I am a size 2/26 in Lucky Brand Jeans.
  • ThatDamnRobyn
    ThatDamnRobyn Posts: 47 Member
    5'4" and 115. I wear a size 2. But when I was 124ish I wore a 6 and at 133 I wore an 8. But for me and my particular build, I was pretty flabby at a size 6 or 8. I know that some people are not.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and currently at 201lbs. I am currently wearing size 16, but they won't stay up without a belt and I can take them off/put them on without unzipping them or undoing the button. So taking that into consideration, I should probably be wearing a size 14.

    I bought the size 16's back in August when I was 196 (they were to big then, I just guessed at my size), I gained weight and in Feb I was 225lbs and they fit (maybe a little tight). When I got to 218lbs they started to get loose, but now they are really bad.

    Me tonight wearing sweat pants:
    **Sorry for the mess**
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    Im 5'4'' and currently weigh 169lb. My fighting weight (goal, "normal" weight) is usually 150-145lb. The lowest Ive ever weighed was 140 and it was HARD to get there (I did it because I had to for weight measurements to join the military).

    I think weight vs. body build has a lot to do with it too...I have a very short torso so I gain a lot in my bell and hips while my arms and legs stay normal!

    Currently I wear a sixe 14 pant, but they dont fit well in some areas (too baggy!) When I weigh 150 or 145 I wear a 10
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Triple picture I'm 5'4 and kinda apple shaped First shot 218 I was about a 20 Second shot 160 I was about a 12-14 Final shot 118 I am about a size 3

  • queenbear5
    queenbear5 Posts: 76 Member
    5'4" 127 lbs, size 4. After reading this thread, my dreams of being a size 0 have vanished.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    I'm 5'3" tall, here's my approximate weight/size estimates.

    215 - 20 (at my heaviest)
    200 -18
    185 - 16
    175 - 14
    165 -12
    150 - 10 (where I'm at right now)
    140 - 8 (where I was at last summer)

    For me, every 10-15 pounds equals one pant size. I'm hourglass shaped but definitely carry weight in my lower half.
  • mrsknotts
    mrsknotts Posts: 115
    5'3 currently weighing in at 126, most sizes 4-6 seem to fit fine, much smaller busted so dresses are xs to s. My hips and thighs are much larger so I buy my pants larger to have comfort
  • librarianjenne
    librarianjenne Posts: 66 Member
    I'm a moderately active 5'4" and about 155 pounds. My body shape is somewhere between pear and hourglass, with hips slightly wider than chest, though at 201, I was more apple-shaped.

    I wear Luckys in size 10/30, but my old Levis in size US 11 are too tight, as are my 32-inch MIH skinny jeans and my size US 10 Target capris. The difference between 160 and 155 is that I have much less muffin top at 155.

    At about 200, I was pushing size 18, but mostly 16.

    At 180-ish, I was size 16. 175 was about size 14 (I spent a while there.) 165-170 was about 12.

    Oh, and although I am a small/medium on top, my 1992-vintage GunneSax dress in size 11/12 doesn't zip yet.

    I really hate vanity sizing.

    (Edited to add: in my current profile pic, I'm about 175.)
  • talentjar
    talentjar Posts: 19
    I am 5 ft 5, 183 lb and wearing size 9 pant. I carry weight on the bottom, so have a very small waist for my weight-29 inches. I started at 239 lb and a 16 pant.