Difficult to meet water intake goal



  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Or you could try adding MIO to your water. I've heard it's really good.
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    I did the same thing. And actually, I drink about 16-18 8oz cups of water per day. I used to pee way too much, but I think my body finally gave in and excepted it...lol. I still pee a lot, but not nearly as much as I used to and I still consume the same amount of water as before. Just keep at it. You will get there. It will take a little time. I think it took me about a month and a half before it kicked in for me.
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    It just has to become habit - whether you're thirsty or not just drink. And I think people don't drink enough so aren't used to going to the toilet that often, but it's healthy to!

    Bump. More frequent trips to the bathroom are a pain, but water is going to help you in a myriad of ways. Don't do it because you are thirsty, just drink it like ^he said. If you spread the water out over the course of the day, it becomes less dramatic.

    If you start your day off with at least 16 ounces of cold water, your body's metabolism will be sped up for at least 30 minutes afterward. It does so when your body heats up the water naturally to maintain a steady internal temperature. It's nothing drastic, mind you. It shouldn't be used as a rationalization tool ie "I have a faster metabolism so I am going to have McDonalds for breakfast" lol

    More water is going to help you lose weight. Water is essential in helping your liver metabolizing fat. If it doesn't have sufficient water, the fat is just stored.

    If you drink enough water, then your body will stop retaining water.

    Your muscles have large amounts of water in them. If you are dehydrated, they will look less toned.

    Water suppresses your appetite. It reduces cholesterol. It aids digestive problems. It makes your skin more soft and moisturized(saving money on expensive lotions).

    I am sure you have heard ALL of those before, so I apologize for beating a dead horse. With every glass of water you drink , think of one of the aforementioned benefits it is adding to your body, make a list of 8 of those benefits that you want each day, and don't stop drinking water until you have all 8 checked off. (more if you excercise)

    I bought a Nalgene 32oz water bottle, and it has become attached to my right hand. I am consciously trying to fill and empty it 4 times a day. ( I sweat a lot when I work out.)

    YOU CAN DO IT! Stay strong! Drinking more water is probably the second best thing anyone can do to vastly improve their health, aside from quitting smoking (and dont even get me started on that)

    Thats funny, I've got a gallon jug thats attached to my hand... Even my 9 year old girl tells everyone "my daddy drinks a lot of water... really, he carriesa big jug with him everywhere"....LOL
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    I will probably be really unpopular here for saying this, but I'm not a fan of the whole 8 glasses thing. I mean I understand the theoretical benefits, but I am also aware that my body is quite good at what it's built for. So I don't make myself drink if I'm not thirsty. I like a lot of people here have never drunk much, I probably have a couple of glasses a day, if that, if I'm not active. Now that I'm exercising more my water intake has gone up, maybe to 3-4 glasses. I did try for quite some time to hit the magic 2litres a day. I did it for several months. The amount I peed never reduced, I was constantly needing to go. Why? Because my body didn't NEED all that excess fluid and so was dutifully emptying it through the appropriate channels :) I have healthy kidneys, so for now I'm going to trust them to do what they do best, and not stress about the fact that I physically can't make myself drink that much in a day!

    It's jjust not one of those things that works for me, so I won't worry about it :)

    I agree 100%.....I drink it when I am thirsty and that's all.....that works for me too and I don't worry about it!
  • cathycvandyke
    Yes, I know, I feel the same way. I add Crystal Light Strawberry Energy to my water bottle. It makes my water not quite so "boring" and the B12 in it gives you that little "boost". I had a hard time drinking water in the beginning too, I only use 2 packets of the Crystal Light per day though. Its hard to get used too, I know. But think of it this way, the more water you drink, the more you pee, the more flushing your system ............VERY GOOD. Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. I'm new to this site, and I'm just loving it!! The water also helps you feel full when you think you need to eat something! Good luck!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    but, peeing more does not mean you are losing more toxins - it just means you are peeing more! If your pee was still dark but more plentiful, then yes, you are losing more rubbish from your system, but think about it - the more we drink, the more dilute it gets, so what's happening? The same number of toxins you would normally lose are coming out, just more diluted. You're losing more water because you're putting more water in.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I am 100% pro-water, and if I go a couple days not filling my quota, I really notice a difference. I feel tired, my skin starts getting blotchy, and I can't concentrate as well, and I don't feel right inside.

    I would recommend drinking two glasses between immediately waking up and leaving the house for work (which is an hour for me), and then for the rest of the day you're more inclined to drink more. I think that initial water kick upon waking really helps.

    It takes a week or two to get into the routine but you'll notice the difference within a few days (if you're 100% strict with it). And the peeing will become less of an issue, but it is good for your digestion to be processing lots of water, so just embrace it. Getting away from my desk for 5 minutes every 45 minutes is a great thing for me - I value the break and it's a bit of extra exercise.

    Good luck!
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I average about 4 pints of water, I did have like 8 yesterday, but I find it hard. I drink a few cups of tea in a day as well so it's hard to drink a ton of water on top of my love for tea.

    I don't know if I can tell a difference since I have started drinking more water and less carbonated sugar free drinks. Maybe smoother skin or something and I am peeing a lot. Not to sound nasty, but it was never that clear before, lately it has been quite clear and I feel I am going less often than when I first started drinking more water.
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    For whatever reason I have an easier time drinking water that is closer to room temperature than water that is cold. Since I've started drinking warmer water, I tend to always hit my quota.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    For whatever reason I have an easier time drinking water that is closer to room temperature than water that is cold. Since I've started drinking warmer water, I tend to always hit my quota.

    Exactly the same for me.
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    For whatever reason I have an easier time drinking water that is closer to room temperature than water that is cold. Since I've started drinking warmer water, I tend to always hit my quota.

    Exactly the same for me.

    Good...I just thought I was weird lol