Alcohol and Weight Loss

So, I'm a weekend drinker. Not every day of the weekened, but I do have a couple on Friday and Saturday. I hit the occassional happy hour on the weekday too, but that's not very often.

Weight loss and drinking seem to be a hot topic. What are your thoughts on it? Quit drinking all together? Not to drink beer? Then if no beer, do you trade the calories in that for soda? I don't like diet soda, so that's out.

I know many would say "if you take your weight loss/health serious, you wouldn't drink at all" but I guess I'm just trying to find a healthy balance, if there is such a thing.

Also, many of our activites with our friends usually involve drinking. I am somewhat afraid that if I cut back or quit all together that I will be the "boring" friend, and I do like to kick back and have a few with them too, but this is becoming much more important to me. I dunno.



  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I was a drunk so had to quit entirely- doesn't mean you will have to. I can tell you though, I'm still FAR from the boring friend- even sober. I'm more wanted because who doesn't want another DD around?? ;)

    Evaluate what you're drinking- whatever you want and normally drink. Plan for it. If food is more important to you than booze- then food will win. You can fit in alcohol- any kind- if you have the cals for it.

    Now- if you try to stop and find you can't.. well now that's a whole nother issue entirely. I'm speaking of only the caloric side.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Make sure you log everything that goes into your mouth. MFP works but only if you're honest in logging EVERYTHING.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I have a glass of red wine every night to unwind. I always allow myself 180 calories for the evening, it's my daily reward for watching my cals and doing my exercise and it's not affected my weight loss or toning up at all so far (1 year)

    I'm sure if I cut out the wine I'd lose weight faster but to be honest, I'd probably find soemthing to snack on instead of slowly sipping the wine.

    I dont think it will make a difference as long as you have the space in your calorie total for the cals the booze will add.
  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    I do try to log it all. Last weekend I had 4 beers and did log them, however, I'm hearing that belly fat isn't going to budge if you drink at all, stick to clear liquors, and on and on with the suggestions. I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    I am most worried about my belly. After having two very large kids and gaining a ton of weight with them, the belly remains. I know it's not all skin, that it's fat too. Part of me wonders if I quit drinking all together what might be possible?!?!

    I feel like I'm an all or nothing kind of person with this topic. How lame.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    You don't have to quit to lose weight. If you drink every day, and drinking puts you over your calorie limit, then yeah, you'll run into trouble. If you specifically save calories for drinking (which is what I do), then you're all set. Yes, beers can have a lot of carbs and calories, but as long as they fit into your diet you're fine.

    But you do have to make sure you log everything. Even a rum and diet coke is going to cost you 100 calories or so (depending on how much rum you use), and even more so with beer. This can add up quickly.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I do try to log it all. Last weekend I had 4 beers and did log them, however, I'm hearing that belly fat isn't going to budge if you drink at all, stick to clear liquors, and on and on with the suggestions. I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    I am most worried about my belly. After having two very large kids and gaining a ton of weight with them, the belly remains. I know it's not all skin, that it's fat too. Part of me wonders if I quit drinking all together what might be possible?!?!

    I feel like I'm an all or nothing kind of person with this topic. How lame.

    It's not lame. I get what you mean, but do you drink for the effect mainly or for the taste? For me, after half a glass of red, not only do I savour the taste, but I start to feel my elbows and knees relaxing and already feel more chilled. So 2 x half glasses (I like to pretend they are full glasses) a night and that's me done.

    I dont drink to get drunk, I eat as soon as I finish my 2nd half glass (I use Turkish tea glasses which are tiny, great for small wine servings) I eat dinner so it most definitely isn't to get tipsy or drunk. If I go out or socialise, then thats a different story and usually the drink of choice is cider!

    Lastly, my belly has loast 2 dress sizes since April 2011 and throughout this time, I still eat steaks, drink red wine, have butter on toast occasionally, eat cheese, chocolate etc....just make sure to exercise regularly to balance it all out...I cannot agree that drinking a moderate amount within your daily calorie goal will prevent you from losing belly fat. :drinker:
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I think you can still lose with drinking. You have to allow yourself to enjoy things in life in moderation. Unless you have some sort of drinking problem. Me personally enjoy my weekend beers, and it normally gets worse in summer with all the BBQ's we go to. Just watch your moderation if you dont want to keep it. Honestly too maybe try a light beer?? if possible?? I only drink bud light or miller lite. so cal wise i have that sorta on my side.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I have a glass of red wine every night to unwind. I always allow myself 180 calories for the evening, it's my daily reward for watching my cals and doing my exercise and it's not affected my weight loss or toning up at all so far (1 year)

    I'm sure if I cut out the wine I'd lose weight faster but to be honest, I'd probably find soemthing to snack on instead of slowly sipping the wine.

    I dont think it will make a difference as long as you have the space in your calorie total for the cals the booze will add.

    Completely agree... Just keep recording all the intake... Can't quit EVERYTHING!! :p
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Alcohol can make losing weight more difficult. Your liver will metabolize the alcohol first, leaving your food to go to fat. This is what I was told anyway. I like to have wine with my dinner but am trying to stop because I am finding it hard to lose when I do drink. If you were drinking for the health benefits then I would say to have a small drink right before bed. This is after your food has mostly digested and a drink at this time can relax you into sleep. Are any of your friends trying to lose weight or live a healthy lifestyle? What they do will influence you. Find some friends who understand what you are trying to do. You will then get support.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Only 'highly unlikely' if you have no willpower! I record every drop of alcohol I have and try to ensure i am still keeping to my calorie goals and I've been able to lose weight. My hint... Spirits and soda water... A shot of spirits (scotch, vodka, rum, ect) isn't generally much more than around 70cals and soda water is zero so it's pretty safe. Either that or wine :)
  • smccb
    smccb Posts: 99 Member
    I have a few beers every night with my husband and still have managed to lose most of my baby weight. Not much weight left on my abs either, but I am working out pretty intensely every day. I think the belly fat/beer thing must be a myth - or at least it is not the case with everybody.

    Just remember, you have to find a lifestyle you can live happily with for the rest of your life. Otherwise, you will just yo-yo up and down with the weight loss/weight gain.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Yes, you can drink and lose. Count the calories and budget for them.

    For me, a pint of Guinness or a glass or two of wine works well. I've learned I can pound "light" beers since they don't satisfy. On the other hand, if I have a premium beer I can milk it for an hour or so and feel satisfied. (Guinness is good for that since I prefer it not be cold). I avoid mixed drinks, mostly because the mixers are so bad...full of sugar and calories.

    As for belly weight.... I continue to have a few drinks a week (maybe 3-4 max) and have dropped 2 pants sizes in 8 weeks, even though it's just 9 lbs. Perhaps I am fortunate there, in that I tend to gain and lose all over, rather than holding onto fat in a given area.

    Experiment to find what works for you. I'm 33 yrs old and a drink with dinner when I'm with friends is something I am NOT willing to give up. They'd support me either way, but I love me a good glass of Rioja just as much as I love my skinnier jeans.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Only 'highly unlikely' if you have no willpower! I record every drop of alcohol I have and try to ensure i am still keeping to my calorie goals and I've been able to lose weight. My hint... Spirits and soda water... A shot of spirits (scotch, vodka, rum, ect) isn't generally much more than around 70cals and soda water is zero so it's pretty safe. Either that or wine :)
    agree! i have a drink now and again and im still doing pretty good i think
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Make sure you log everything that goes into your mouth. MFP works but only if you're honest in logging EVERYTHING.

    I manage to stay under my daily limit even when drinking...I just make sure to burn off the calories I'm going to consume...
    I also swiched from beer or vodka and juice to drinking vodka with flavoured's approx 60 cal per oz of vodka and none for the water :)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    You can drink and still lose weight as long as you're staying within your calorie limit. Which is highly unlikely.

    Make sure you log everything that goes into your mouth. MFP works but only if you're honest in logging EVERYTHING.

    Well I'm glad to see I've managed the 'highly unlikely', lol!

    If you've got the calories for it enjoy a drink :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Oh, and my profile picture is because I've given up wine for Lent, I'm still allowed everything else, had a cheeky little Tio Pepe last night :bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • evafury
    evafury Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I honestly don't want to give up having a glass of wine at night. One thing I do that helps me with portion control is that I don't use wine glasses (we have the balloon glasses that are HUGE and can actually hold almost half a bottle of wine--we checked out of curiousity one time) so even if you only fill it a bit, it's likely to still be over the 3-4 oz serving size and looks puny. Instead, try a small juice glass, it takes less to make it look "full" and I find it helps me drink way less but don't feel like I'm being deprived...if that makes any sense :) Heh, I guess a lot of it is psychological for me...
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I do try to log it all. Last weekend I had 4 beers and did log them, however, I'm hearing that belly fat isn't going to budge if you drink at all, stick to clear liquors, and on and on with the suggestions. I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    I am most worried about my belly. After having two very large kids and gaining a ton of weight with them, the belly remains. I know it's not all skin, that it's fat too. Part of me wonders if I quit drinking all together what might be possible?!?!

    I feel like I'm an all or nothing kind of person with this topic. How lame.

    I'm guessing that this could all be to do with different people getting different results but I've been losing belly fat by using MFP and exersizing however I have been careful to not completely limit myself. By eating back exersizes calories I've been able to still eat and drink what I like but in smaller and more controlled portions. For me, I feel that any 'controlled eating/drinking' can't be maintained unless I have some flexibility. Basically, the more rigid I try to be, the more chance I'm going to blow out and give up. A couple of drinks or a small dessert shouldn't be something that makes me panic into a binge session!
  • mcanavan05
    mcanavan05 Posts: 210 Member
    I just ordered wheat belly for my kindle fire.. there's wheat in beer.. stick to vodka or red wine.. and I'm a beer drinker, so go low carb if at all.. not easy.. i've hit a wall recently 211-208..juyst broke threw today after leaning toward low card/atkins style.. wheat belly book makes sense to me.. "whole grains" everywhere..
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I am trying to only drink on the weekend, and last weekend I swapped my wine for a tall G&T(slimline tonic) which is about 50 calories.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I gave up my drinking habits due to my life circumstances. I had to retire, there went the social to do happy hour. I didn't do it every weekend but about 2 times a month. I did however drink a lot of wine. I no longer like it. Very weird. In my opinion, which is not based on medical or health facts, I believe it depends on the person. In my 40's and 50's when I drank the most I was thin to average weight. When I drank I ate less. I smoked also. Honestly< i miss all of it. Once I got sick, (it is all on my profile), life changed and so did I. I drink very little due to having little socialization, and a lot less socialization, friends don't keep in touch, Mom is no longer here, I would always choose alcohol and clothes over food. I still do. People here miss food. I haven't had pizza, soda, cake , candy, etc. in over 6 months, no craving. A martini, I want one daily, but I don't. It is about you. You need to evaluate your body. Do you eat more? etc. Good Luck, and as they say on here,"moderation".