Alcohol and Weight Loss



  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Seems to me like it's just calories to count. I learned quickly if you cut yourself off from everything you love it will drive you crazy.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I still enjoy a drink and I am still losing weight. Like most people have said on here, all you have to do is budget for it. If I know I will be drinking a lot in the evening I will balance my diet acordingly. If I go over my calorie limit for that day, i will try and balance that out later in the week. As long as calorie counter is under my weekly total, i'm happy.

    Agreed. I lost 30 pounds and reached my goal without giving up my red wine and beer. Could I have lost faster without it? Probably. However, I didn't want to give it up :tongue:
  • JacMarieSTL
    JacMarieSTL Posts: 68 Member
    I drink every weekend, and when I do drink, it's normally at least a bottle of wine. I know that that probably isn't good for me, but it's what I do, and I have lost weight consistently over the last year. So, from a weight loss point of view, it's totally possible to still drink alcohol, as long as you account for the calories.

    Yep!!! This would be me too! As long as you can fit it into your daily calories I say go for it!.

    I used to drink wine at home everynight, but one glass turned to 2, and so on. Before I knew it the bottle was gone. It was starting to hinder my progress, so now I try to stick to ONE night a week drinking, and its usually a bottle of wine.

    Good luck!
  • I love to drink - especially red wine. However, I've found that my weight loss practically stops for a day or two after I've had only a glass a wine. It's like my liver refuses to process any fat at all if it's been getting rid of a cocktail or two. I don't plan on stopping drinking, but I'm "pausing" whiile I'm dropping weight. :-D
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I do try to log it all. Last weekend I had 4 beers and did log them, however, I'm hearing that belly fat isn't going to budge if you drink at all, stick to clear liquors, and on and on with the suggestions. I saw last night that it's okay to have 5 oz of wine at night. 5 oz is NOT that much, so is it even worth it???

    I am most worried about my belly. After having two very large kids and gaining a ton of weight with them, the belly remains. I know it's not all skin, that it's fat too. Part of me wonders if I quit drinking all together what might be possible?!?!

    I feel like I'm an all or nothing kind of person with this topic. How lame.

    The myth about belly fat might be true for some people but it's all different for each person. For the record, 5 oz of wine is a serving, so if it doesn't sound like much then perhaps wine isn't for you. :) If beer is what you like to drink, then stick to it. Don't change what you drink because someone tells you that another hard liquor or wine is "better."

    You can check out different beers, some are fewer calories and some still taste full bodied. I'm no expert anymore as I gave up beer a long time ago for other reasons. My recommendation is this: You seem curious to what would happen if you stopped drinking. There's only one way to find out. If you want to know, you have to try. For each person it's different and for you to know the answer for you, you have to give it a try. You can also try less drastic measures, such as changing your drink, cutting down, etc. If you're not that curious and your content with your weight loss as it's happening, then don't stress. The belly fat will burn with cardio workouts and time.

    My other recommendation: If you *want* to quit drinking for awhile, don't let others' perceptions concern you. You don't need to drink because your friends expect you to do it. They are not going to judge you because you hang out with a glass of tea or water instead of a beer. You can have just as much fun. It's not the beer that makes you fun-it's you.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    You can make wine spritzers. Just pour half wine, half sparkling water. That way you still get the taste and you get to hold & sip a drink at social gatherings, but its only half the wine! And you can have 2 glasses, but only the calories of 1! :)
  • Amh32290
    Amh32290 Posts: 65
    I also usually drink friday and saturday nights, i just try my best to keep it within my calorie goal by eating lighter meals that day. Ive continued to lose weight while do so, but it can be heard to keep your sugar intake in check(well for me) because i like the girly mixed drinks..
  • BubbaLax
    BubbaLax Posts: 36 Member
    I drink on weekends too. Just like everything else, track it...
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I drink Friday and Saturday every week and have continued to lose weight, just log it like everything else.

    People say things like "if you stopped drinking you would lose weight faster", my retort is always that I enjoy a drink so why should I deny myself, this is a lifestyle change not a diet.

    I have lost 42 pounds in just over a year by the way.

    Good luck and enjoy.


    I don't drink every weekend, but I count the calories and enjoy when I have the opportunity. I don't feel like I should give up the good things in life. I do believe in moderate and responsible enjoyment of what life has to offer ... Like chocolate!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Yes, you can be a social drinker and still lose weight. I have a glass of wine sometimes during weekdays but on weekends I switch to vodka. I used to be a Cosmo drinker so those add calories really quick! Now, I will order Grey Goose, Club Soda or Seltzer water with a splash of Lime. It is delicious and because it is hard liquor you don't drink it as fast. I will also have the occasional rum and coke (regular). As long as it fits in your calories for the day, you should be OK. I have never gone over because of alcohol consumption. It also helps that I am always the DD so that keeps me to 2 max for a night out.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Benefit 1: I would be willing to bet that the more weight (i.e. fat) you take off, the more quickly you will feel the effects of the alcohol. I like to think of it as a virtuous circle.

    I find that if you are logging everything you tend to think a bit harder before having that second or third or...drink.

    Benefit Two: Drinking less is easier on the wallet.

    In all seriousness, all you need to do is cut back from what you drank before, combined with other calorie reductions and getting some exercise and the pounds will still come off nicely.

    Warning: Don't drink and weight train! :) THAT could be hazardous to your health.
  • qtpie99
    qtpie99 Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry have to bump
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm a drinker. I am part of a Beer Tour (second year in a row - I have a jacket to prove it!!) and all! I probably go out and drink 3-4 nights a week. Typically, I only drink 3-ish drinks. However, I am ALWAYS adding the amount I drink to my diary. Giving up alcohol from my routine is not something that will change, so I do not see the point in giving it up now for weight loss to only GAIN something back by not finding the balance in my life.

    Have I lost a lot of weight? No. Do I do much cardio? No.

    I am currently working on lifting and weight training more than cardio at the moment. However, my clothing has gotten looser and I'm stronger than I probably have ever been. Just some food for thought.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I drink Friday and Saturday every week and have continued to lose weight, just log it like everything else.

    People say things like "if you stopped drinking you would lose weight faster", my retort is always that I enjoy a drink so why should I deny myself, this is a lifestyle change not a diet.

    I have lost 42 pounds in just over a year by the way.

    Good luck and enjoy.


    I don't drink every weekend, but I count the calories and enjoy when I have the opportunity. I don't feel like I should give up the good things in life. I do believe in moderate and responsible enjoyment of what life has to offer ... Like chocolate!

    I think that you can lose weight if you give up drinking but that depends on how much drinking you were doing. I think I put on most of my weight when I moved to Chicago. The place I worked at was very social and it was happy hour pretty much every other day. It didn't help that the big guns will pay for every body. That made it difficult. In addition to that, I was trying to meet new people in this new city and well, I took every opportunity I had. I didn't drink alcohol till I started working in Corporate America. My drinking habits started with my first job in NYC. That was moderate because I wasn't into it. Then I moved to Chicago and well, that kind of drinking and eating out tip me over. I was about 15 pound higher than the weight I came with to this country. We then moved to the Cleveland area, where my husband's family is from and where most of our good friends are. Well, that added another 10 pounds or so because our friends still thought they were in college.
    Two years ago I was embarrassed of how much weight I put on and was starting to give away all those jeans and clothes you save for when you lose weight. It was heartbreaking for me. I gave away a lot and but still kept somethings for the maybe. On that same week, I was up till really late and the dammed infomercials started. I think I watched the P90X infomercial for a whole hour and then when you youtube to look for before and afters. Not much was out for women but I took the plunge.
    Part of their nutrition plan said to not drink alcohol for at least the first 4 weeks and that was the one thing I followed to a T. That was the month I dropped the most pounds. After that, I just learned to have a drink here and there but nothing major.
    May 1st will be the anniversary date of the day I committed lose weight and become healthier.

    Sorry post is long and might have deviated a bit from the topic. I still thing you can lose weight and continue drinking in moderation but I also think that depending how much drinking you do, quitting or scaling down on the drinking helps to lose weight.
  • fattybumandtum
    fattybumandtum Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a weekend drinker and have changed my tipple from wine to vodka and tonic much less calories however you do get drunk quicker some would say win win situation!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    OK I'm from the older generation and drinking has never been an issue for me. I dont mind that other people partake and work it into their goals but I value my calories for food intake only. The only time I ever have a drink is on vacation and I've already made a decision not to do that. I simply view alcohol as empty calories for me.

    Also I'm not an exercise queen so I dont rack up huge numbers every day to be able to splurge elsewhere. As far as beer and/or liquids effect on the body system as a whole, I have no clue. When we go to a BYOB party, we bring jugs of water. LOL Most of our friends drink and doesnt bother me at all as long as they arent drinking and driving. I lost a friend in my younger days because of this and it seriously scares me.

    I do get upset when I see people complaining about being over their goal and I look at their diary and think well if you hadnt had that 500 calories worth of alcohol, you could have stayed under. But I'm not responsible for them or their decisions, only my own.

    So for more own set of rule, drinking is not allowed for me, by my choice. I've lost 60 pounds in 4 months, who knows if it would have different if i had substituted a drink every now and then, if it would be different.

    Everyone has to find their own journey and what works for them. No two will be exactly alike.
  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    It's about the balance I guess. I realize that I have to be totally honest about it. It's just so damn hard sometimes, haha. We ALWAYS are having friends over in the summertime, going up to our cabin, going to Brewers games, Packers games, etc. It's ALWAYS around. I was on another "weight loss" website for 5 years now, so I realize I have to be honest about what goes into my mouth.
    Man, two years ago when I was in super Half Marathon training mode, it wasn't a problem for me. I allowed myself one "cheat" night where I would do my long run in the morning and allow myself to eat or drink whatever I wanted to the rest of the day/night. I need to get back into that mode. I'm going to have to soon since my next Half mara. is coming up in May.

    Did I mention I HATE winter??!?!?! I think I have cabin fever and all that we do on the weekends is hang out and drink.

  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    Oh and I like someone's idea of Vodka and flavored water. YUM!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I don't drink much, less than once a month probly.

    I work with guys who do 3-5x a week. They're all in terrible shape.

    I do it partially cause $$ (they're also in debt, one guy took his roommates rent money and partied it away), and partly cause weightloss.

    I don't make a habit of drinking for something to do, but on an occasion, I will.

    Also, I work every weekend at our bar, so that hinders my partying too. In 2 months it's been open, I've had one drink after work, and partied there one Saturday night.

    Around New Years I always cut alcohol and lots of other stuff out, for 5-6 months til I'm at a decent weight. Then I live it up all summer.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I had to cut it out altogether. I was never a beer drinker, but I was more afraid of the soda cals adding up because i HATE diet.