My office=diet killer!



  • pitboss59
    pitboss59 Posts: 20
    If you have the right motivation temptation isn't a challenge . Mine was the thought of my six year old daughter growing up without a dad. 138 pounds later I'm happy to say I think I'll be around awhile. Do yourself a favor read you on a diet by Dr. Oz. Go to the real age . com website and sign up for daily new letter. This can be a life saver no diet plan will help just a life style change.
    Good Luck
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member

    I work in a very small in the refrigerator is next to my freakin' desk. I have held strong for about a month now because I am so determined. My boss keeps one of those big bags of mini candies (Butterfingers and such) in the fridge and comes by occasionally to get one.
    The other day the only other female that works in our office brought in donuts. She probably outweighs me by 100 lbs and I am currently 201. She doesn't like it when I deny the sweets and when I tell her I work too hard at the gym to just eat all that crap back, she looks at me like I'm crazy! (I have offered for her to come with me, but there are a million excuses as I'm sure I used to have.)
    Well, my solution has been to keep fruits at my desk so when one of those afternoon cravings come on, I just eat an apple or banana or whatnot...seems to work so far!
  • pitboss59
    pitboss59 Posts: 20
    awesome sarah good job
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Wow! I didn't expect such a response. Thank you. I don't fall into the temptations. One of the main reasons is I am not much of a sweets fan. They start bring in nacho's then I'm in trouble. :laugh:
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Yes! I am on maternity leave now, but before I left all the goodies and junk congregated either on the cabinet behind me or the empty desk across from me. Ugh!
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    Yup same prob here. It's always set within in 5 steps of me which really sucks. Usually I can say no, but occasionally I have to give in. I used to eat like 3 cupcakes throughout the day if someone brought them in, but now if I have 1....I can stop at 1!! I've come a long way........cake is my weakness!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    My office is a trap for that too - always an excuse for a party. Cake and donuts are always around.

    Willpower, motivation, and ignorance are the key. When we have that stuff, I don't even look at the table. I'll bring stuff and not eat it.

    I like this mantra: "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!"
  • beccastarr
    beccastarr Posts: 8 Member
    I work for a restaurant booking service, so many of my colleagues have a huge interest in restaurants and food, things are brought in often and we sometimes get food gifts delivered from places....... hardest office imaginable. Free sweets, free biscuits everywhere.

    Only upside is that we also get free fruit, and good stuff like ryvitas. I find it hard to work here but I manage most days without falling off the wagon!
  • SlimsLiftingMoreThanLipstick
    My office is the same, cookies and donuts galore! I am lucky because I have another co-worker who is also dieting and we share healthy snacks and recipes and bring them. Seems easier to ignore the crap when I have someone else to share the good stuff with.
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    Not only does my office bring in doughnuts and cake, but we have an 'Honesty Shop' Which is just a fridge and shelf filled with yummy food & drink. Chocolate, crisps, and snacks and you just have a tab. You write down what you have taken and at the end of the month you pay for the food...


    OM NOM NOM!!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    There is not one day that goes by without someone bring in horrible food! Today it was donuts, yesterday it was cake, and so on. I'm strong and will not fold but you think it could be kept in the break room instead of the desk next to mine? Anyone else have this to deal with? As if it's not hard enough.

    I have that problem right now! Some clever colleague decided to have her 50th and plonk her cakes on the desk near me! Needless to say the Strawberry Tart jumped up and forced my mouth open, next was all gone!! I think I'm going to sue!
  • KristysGonnaGetFit
    KristysGonnaGetFit Posts: 40 Member
    Wow, I needed to read this today! I just had the boss's wife tell us she is ordering pizza for lunch :( I declined to "place my order" (after an internal struggle because it's from the BEST pizza place around!) and will eat my tuna sandwhich that I brought for lunch while they all eat pizza around me - migh thave to close my office door around noon! I'm glad I have support on here to help make those decisions seem a little easier!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    We've had this in the office this week, and the only solution for me has been picturing myself adding the food to my diary. I visualize it, and instantly the reality check of what it contains and the hard work I put in kills my impulse and I put it back.

    it has also helped me in the past to think "am I going to miss this donut tomorrow?" the answer is usually 'no'

    This is exactly what works for me! Sometimes if I really feel like I am tempted to eat something I look it up on MFP and once I see the enormous amount of calories I have a much easier time saying no!
  • northernbeaver
    My office is the same way, we host a lot of meetings for clients and they are always catered and the left overs are left out for anyone to grab. this is everything from Pizza. Chinese food, donuts, pastries, cookies, you name it and its here on a daily basis!

    The way I try to avoid it is I try to remember that this is communal food...everyone has touched/been touching further make my point I just go into our bathroom here at work and see the state of the place...that pretty much has helped me decide that I don't want to touch anything that has been touched by the people that destroy the bathroom on a daily basis. its a nasty visualization but hey it works. best of luck!
  • Cimolestes
    Cimolestes Posts: 33 Member
    Forget the sweet stuff, If anyone brings a cheese board I am sunk!
  • sassy13502
    I know the feeling, I was just diagnosed with Diabetes, and really trying my best to stay on track and I've been doing really well. But I have the same problem. Cake, cookies, candy and all this week it's been half moons, donuts or something to try and throw me off. How about a little support.
  • sassy13502
    The funny part is, people have surgery so they can be thin, then go and eat all these donuts, cookies, cakes, etc. We'll see them in a couple months when they start gaining because of the grazzing.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    I work in a Machine shop with mostly guys so when they bring something in it is usually donuts, cookies or junk like that. Also if we make shipements for the month, the company caters in a lunch that is not very healthy. I do partake in these but limit myself to how much I eat and cut back on other meals that day. I am guilty of bringing in sweets, too, but they are homemade and usually user lower fat ingredients and sugar substitutes. More power to those who pass on these and don't regret it.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Our office is like that too.

    Just make sure if you eat something, LOG IT, and then work it off over lunch or after work with exercise..

    And Learn to say thanks but no thanks... Just because its there doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it!

    Having willpower to say no takes dedication and practice! Keep at it!