What intresting things do you do while working out?



  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Depends. Days when I'm doing mundane workouts like wall squats, I read National Geographic. Running, I dance and lip sync in empty areas in the park. And everything else, I swear. A lot.
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    I imagine I'm a stripper and I'm giving my best performance each time..I come out sweaty but in my head I had many a men make it ran in all hundreds.. other times I think about what I need to do when I get home or my future..
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Audio books on my Kindle Fire...great when walking/hiking.
  • foramanwhohashope
    foramanwhohashope Posts: 90 Member
    I push the world down.. not much else to do when you're blood related to Chuck Norris and shoot up heroin for breakfast...

  • mybeach27
    mybeach27 Posts: 243
    I blade my music with headphones in and watch the food channel on silent...its like torture though because when I go, Paula is usually on...:( but its like a test, to see if I can figure out what she's making and what ingredients she's using without the sound!!:)
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I usually read trashy vampire novels on my Nook...

    This evening, I watched three episodes of "Big Bang Theory" while walking. :)
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Pretty much nothing except sweat and mentally curse trying to get more reps out. Will listen to tunes on the treadmill--when hiking, it's just me and nature...too chicken to listen to tunes then...live in cougar country. :ohwell:
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    Soooo I just realized when my workout partner is doing her sets, I breathe along with her as if I am doing it instead of her ! HA! I pointed it out to her and told her I was a freak. She never noticed because we bother wear our IPODS.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 826 Member
    Does mentally snickering at the pretty boys in the gym do cable machine exercising while posing and watching themselves in the mirror count as interesting? That's about as good as it gets, I'm afraid...