What would you tell your 17 year old self if you had the cha



  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    You're doing great, just stay on your grind and get at them hoes later. Don't waste your time with Carleigh, you'll end up putting in a lot of time, effort, and resources into nothing...She's a lost cause bro, you can't turn a beta into an alpha. Only the strong survive.

    BTW: You will have a stupid-ridiculous amount of opportunities to take down some big game in college. Seize every opportunity.

    PS: Don't worry about money either, it'll be long in a couple years.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    "You made the right decision leaving home when you did. It may not have seemed like it at the time but just wait and see what you're going to accomplish."
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    My mother told me this, and her father told her when she was a teenager, too: "People will leave you, but a degree never will. Go to college."
  • SheWei
    SheWei Posts: 57 Member
    Focus on a better education. Go for the college life, don't fall in love so fast. Wear a good supportive bra and always have good posture. MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE is a must!! Laugh louder, love harder, forgive more and be kinder to myself.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    I think the most important ones would be:

    Finish college while you're young! It's going to be way harder when you're working full time and have a family, and have to pay for it yourself.

    Take care of your body! You're not always going to be able to eat junk and not gain weight. Get into a regular exercise routine.

    You really won't be heartbroken forever over Bobby. Other guys will come along (and go away). Eventually you'll find the right one. (Ok, this one is a little personal, but probably fits others' situations - just change the name.)

    Be good to your parents and appreciate them. You never know how long you have with them. (This one is REALLY, REALLY important. I speak from painful experience.)
  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    It gets better. There is a great big world outside high school and your parent's house, and I promise you, you will figure out where you belong. Life will actually get a lot better.
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    You look great just the way you are. Not everybody can be a size 8, enjoy your curves and yourself!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    The same thing my mom told me. The teen years are not the best time of your life. People who remember it that way have faulty memories. Things will get better.

    I tell it to all the teens I deal with.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    My mother told me this, and her father told her when she was a teenager, too: "People will leave you, but a degree never will. Go to college."

    Very nice! Similar to what my friend's mother (who was a teacher) told me: "Go to college. Borrow money if you have to. If you go to work you can buy a car now maybe, but if you can't pay for it, they'll take it away from you. They can never take your degree away from you. And, you'll be able to buy a nicer car."

    Worked for me. I love that woman. She's a second mom to me.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I'd tell myself to explore the world more.. Don't succumb to peer pressure for drinking, sex, drugs etc, do those things because you want to, not because someone else wants you to. take lots more basic classes in college so you can find something that grabs your heart and attention, if you take the classes your friends are taking, you'll never reach your full potential. Oh, and brush And floss your teeth more.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Boys really do only want one thing.
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    "Stop it."
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    Ynow that one dude? Hes gonna wreck ur **** in a few months. Set down the bottle, cus Whiskey Fasts arent possible. Ur dumb. Avoid the dark days, ur a better kid than u think and we all go thru gnarliness, ur a chill dude. Quit risking so much on gamble's that may not pay off.
    Take care, young dude, cus w/o u there is no me.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Hang out with your dad. A LOT. He wont be around next year.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    Start giving a damn about life and the people that care about you. stop binge drinking and heavy drug use, you don't need those to be happy... Apply to colleges and major in nursing, it's what you want to do even if you don't think it at the moment. And quit being a lazy *kitten* and stay on the wrestling team and eat better/be healthy.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Change your major. You should probably transfer schools as well.

    When Rico hits on you, punch him in the nuts and walk away. Tell him that's from me. Never speak to him again.