Snickers diet?



  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Are you nuts? You are selfish. You obviously don't care about your health but for the people who love you who'll have to see you die young, get cancer and other diseases, that sucks.
    You need a reality check ASAP.

    probably not helpful
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    This thread is making me seriously crave a Snickers. :drinker:
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member

    Fat is the preferred energy source, that's what you're burning mostly through your daily activities. As you probably know increasing the intensity, the body will turn over to a more glycogen based

    this is not true - wish it was, i'd be skinny
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    There is no way to eat nothing but garbage and have it be ok because you take a vitamin. The vitamin might give you nutrients, but it's not going to undo the damage that eating metric tons of processed foods will eventually do to you. You can be skinny or fat, and still suffer from severe malnutrition.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    Are you nuts? You are selfish. You obviously don't care about your health but for the people who love you who'll have to see you die young, get cancer and other diseases, that sucks.
    You need a reality check ASAP.

    ITT people respond after reading the first post and nothing else.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The body will burn what you give it. If you eat a breakfast with all macros the body will use the carbs first. It does this because too much sugar in the blood is toxic so needs to deal with it asap and return levels to normal. The fat eaten will be stored for future use. If you don't eat anything between breakfast and lunch the body will need to pull some fat from the body fat stores to use for energy. If you constantly over-eat the body never has the need to pull much from the body fat stores. We don't know for sure that over-eating carbohydrates is the cause of insulin resistance. It could just be obesity itself. But we also have skinny people that are insulin resistant. Also excess fatty acids in your body may interfere with the receptors on cells and this can cause insulin resistance. Bottom line is that for some macro percentages may make the diet easier to comply with, may suit them better but in the end it comes down to calories in and out which determines if you gain or lose.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Most people here actually want to be healthy.
    That is apparently not the case with you.
    That's cool for you, I suppose.

    You can weigh the perfect weight and still not be healthy.

    This ^

    Being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy, sure you may lose all the weight you want with your horrible diet but you won't be healthy in the end.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).

    What don't you guys understand??? FAT produces the most ATP per molecule... Anyone who is semi educated in metabolic pathways would tell you this. A good example is low intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. At low intensity, what is the energy source mostly used? What is the "Fat burning zone?" low intensity.... As intensity increases, the metabolic pathway changes, to a glucose based system. What does "Aerobic even mean?" with oxygen, you burn most fat in your aerobic zone.
    Aerobic is based on oxygen and the kreb cycle. Uses Fatty acids, and O2(oxygen) to make pyruvic acid, which is then converted to CO2 and H2O...

    Glucose is used in the anaerobic system.... If you're sitting at your desk, or just watching tv laying in bed, are you in a anaerobic state? NO... you're aerobic, burning fat through the kreb cycle.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).

    What don't you guys understand??? FAT produces the most ATP per molecule... Anyone who is semi educated in metabolic pathways would tell you this. A good example is low intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. At low intensity, what is the energy source mostly used? What is the "Fat burning zone?" low intensity.... As intensity increases, the metabolic pathway changes, to a glucose based system. What does "Aerobic even mean?" with oxygen, you burn most fat in your aerobic zone.
    Aerobic is based on oxygen and the kreb cycle. Uses Fatty acids, and O2(oxygen) to make pyruvic acid, which is then converted to CO2 and H2O...

    Glucose is used in the anaerobic system.... If you're sitting at your desk, or just watching tv laying in bed, are you in a anaerobic state? NO... you're aerobic, burning fat through the kreb cycle.
    It may produce more ATP per molecule but it takes more ATP to break the fat into a usable form. When you eat carbohydrates and fats the carbohydrates are converted and used quicker b/c they're in a simpler's takes less ATP for the body to use them. The fat you eat is more likely to be stored than the carbohydrates.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, it's as much about how LONG the body takes to digest food as it is about what kind of food it is. By that I mean, things that are highly processed are easy to break down in the body, which means all the nutrients are transfered to the body in a very rapid progression, besides it being turned into fat it spikes the blood sugar which, if done regularly can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Foods with complex carbohydrates need their bonds broken before the polysaccharides can be turned into glucose.

    So that's the first problem you have to understand.

    second, vitamin pills aren't broken down in the body the same way food is, so receiving your micro-nutrients all via vitamins might keep you alive, but it's not how the body was designed to work, it's far less efficient, and will eventually cause long term deficiencies, it may take years for these problems to manifest, but it will happen.

    the third part is about fat itself.

    even though fat is a fuel source, it's not the one the body likes to use, the body likes glucose, and will always try to use that first for most things, eating a lot of highly processed food increases fat stores, which causes the body chemistry to change and ultimately leads to health problems (such as the above mentioned diabetes for example, among others).

    these are some top of my head answers to your questions.

    hope they help clear it up for you.

    Fat is the preferred energy source, that's what you're burning mostly through your daily activities. As you probably know increasing the intensity, the body will turn over to a more glycogen based system.

    To the OP.... what does this have to do with "weight loss?" We can sit here explain all the processes, how things work etc... but does the formula ever change??? Burn more than you consume??? NO.

    Well, I was going to go into a rant about this, but I'm to tired. Can someone else field this one. Or wait until I have time to respond correctly with citation and medical text (I have a bunch on my computer, but I'm to tired tonight to go digging through them for quotes).

    I will ask one question though, did you truly ask what healthy eating has to do with weight loss? Or did I misunderstand your question?
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).

    What don't you guys understand??? FAT produces the most ATP per molecule... Anyone who is semi educated in metabolic pathways would tell you this. A good example is low intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. At low intensity, what is the energy source mostly used? What is the "Fat burning zone?" low intensity.... As intensity increases, the metabolic pathway changes, to a glucose based system. What does "Aerobic even mean?" with oxygen, you burn most fat in your aerobic zone.
    Aerobic is based on oxygen and the kreb cycle. Uses Fatty acids, and O2(oxygen) to make pyruvic acid, which is then converted to CO2 and H2O...

    Glucose is used in the anaerobic system.... If you're sitting at your desk, or just watching tv laying in bed, are you in a anaerobic state? NO... you're aerobic, burning fat through the kreb cycle.
    It may produce more ATP per molecule but it takes more ATP to break the fat into a usable form. When you eat carbohydrates and fats the carbohydrates are converted and used quicker b/c they're in a simpler's takes less ATP for the body to use them. The fat you eat is more likely to be stored than the carbohydrates.
    You would have to eat over your maintenance for ANY of the macros to be stored as fat.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).

    What don't you guys understand??? FAT produces the most ATP per molecule... Anyone who is semi educated in metabolic pathways would tell you this. A good example is low intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. At low intensity, what is the energy source mostly used? What is the "Fat burning zone?" low intensity.... As intensity increases, the metabolic pathway changes, to a glucose based system. What does "Aerobic even mean?" with oxygen, you burn most fat in your aerobic zone.
    Aerobic is based on oxygen and the kreb cycle. Uses Fatty acids, and O2(oxygen) to make pyruvic acid, which is then converted to CO2 and H2O...

    Glucose is used in the anaerobic system.... If you're sitting at your desk, or just watching tv laying in bed, are you in a anaerobic state? NO... you're aerobic, burning fat through the kreb cycle.
    It may produce more ATP per molecule but it takes more ATP to break the fat into a usable form. When you eat carbohydrates and fats the carbohydrates are converted and used quicker b/c they're in a simpler's takes less ATP for the body to use them. The fat you eat is more likely to be stored than the carbohydrates.
    You would have to eat over your maintenance for ANY of the macros to be stored as fat.

    Thanks, and don't waste your time, I am done with this topic. They can believe fitness magazines if they want.

    I really hate citing articles because most won't read them, but I read about this today.

    It explains WHY the twinkie, snickers, ho-ho diets works.

    " Here’s what happens mechanistically and why all three still make you fat:
    Excess dietary fat is directly stored as fat
    Excess dietary carbs increases carb oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat
    Excess dietary protein increases protein oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat"

    The key word is EXCESS, if you eat over maintenance that is excess.

    Oh, and to the person saying that fat is the preferred source. Put yourself on a Keto diet for a few months and then do some sprints. Just watch what happens over time.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).

    What don't you guys understand??? FAT produces the most ATP per molecule... Anyone who is semi educated in metabolic pathways would tell you this. A good example is low intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. At low intensity, what is the energy source mostly used? What is the "Fat burning zone?" low intensity.... As intensity increases, the metabolic pathway changes, to a glucose based system. What does "Aerobic even mean?" with oxygen, you burn most fat in your aerobic zone.
    Aerobic is based on oxygen and the kreb cycle. Uses Fatty acids, and O2(oxygen) to make pyruvic acid, which is then converted to CO2 and H2O...

    Glucose is used in the anaerobic system.... If you're sitting at your desk, or just watching tv laying in bed, are you in a anaerobic state? NO... you're aerobic, burning fat through the kreb cycle.
    It may produce more ATP per molecule but it takes more ATP to break the fat into a usable form. When you eat carbohydrates and fats the carbohydrates are converted and used quicker b/c they're in a simpler's takes less ATP for the body to use them. The fat you eat is more likely to be stored than the carbohydrates.
    You would have to eat over your maintenance for ANY of the macros to be stored as fat.

    Nope, this is not correct.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Lou Schuler, author of New Rules of Lifting for Women, says it best: "Everything works. Nothing works forever."

    This. Sooner or later, you will plateau.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    fat is not the prefered fuel of the body if you have buggered up your metabolism through dieting, especially if you are near to your goal weight. your body adapts to survive and would rather burn muscle - than fat stores that are hard to access - when there is a big calorie deficit. you have to put fat into your body to encourage it to use your fat stores.

    if stored fat was the preferred fuel the weight would be dropping off us all and we wouldn't need advice

    Every time you BREATHE you're using fat as energy. What runs all the processes in the body, breaking bonds, transporting vitamins and minerals... etc... most energy in the body comes from fat. There are a few organs that run on glucose, the brain being one of them.

    The issue with using protein as energy, is due to intensity, or "lack of protein" your body will use amino acids when supplies are short. If you're not consuming enough protein amino acids from the muscle will be used to repair vital organs, and yes converted to glucose( IN HIGH INTENSITY SITUATIONS), such as weight lifting.

    Sorry, but no...fat is not the body's preferred source of energy. It's actually the food type the body least prefers...carbs and proteins are much more efficient for the body to break down to a usable form (glycogen) and use for energy.
    Stored fat is there as a means of storage so if you're ever in a starvation type situation you don't drop dead. The body doesn't like using these stores if it doesn't have to.
    It's favorite energy source are carbohydrates. They're simple enough to break down ( a whole process involving ATP to ADP).

    What don't you guys understand??? FAT produces the most ATP per molecule... Anyone who is semi educated in metabolic pathways would tell you this. A good example is low intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. At low intensity, what is the energy source mostly used? What is the "Fat burning zone?" low intensity.... As intensity increases, the metabolic pathway changes, to a glucose based system. What does "Aerobic even mean?" with oxygen, you burn most fat in your aerobic zone.
    Aerobic is based on oxygen and the kreb cycle. Uses Fatty acids, and O2(oxygen) to make pyruvic acid, which is then converted to CO2 and H2O...

    Glucose is used in the anaerobic system.... If you're sitting at your desk, or just watching tv laying in bed, are you in a anaerobic state? NO... you're aerobic, burning fat through the kreb cycle.
    It may produce more ATP per molecule but it takes more ATP to break the fat into a usable form. When you eat carbohydrates and fats the carbohydrates are converted and used quicker b/c they're in a simpler's takes less ATP for the body to use them. The fat you eat is more likely to be stored than the carbohydrates.
    You would have to eat over your maintenance for ANY of the macros to be stored as fat.

    Nope, this is not correct.
    Enlighten me.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...Also, I would like to state outright that I am not seriously advocating eating junk all day every day. I know that it is not healthy, I am trying to understand the science behind why. I was trying to use humor while at the same time gain knowledge. If I could market a Snickers Diet and make myself ridiculously rich I wouldn't do it. I know what its like to struggle with my body (the same way some people struggle with satire) and the only magic solution is to eat right and exercise.

    ^^^ It's all good. I thought you were hilarious! :laugh:
  • la_traviesa36013
    Eating Crap makes you feel like crap. Its a lot better for your body and self to just eat healthier..Simple.
  • crazylikefox
    I will ask one question though, did you truly ask what healthy eating has to do with weight loss? Or did I misunderstand your question?

    I put this in the "Food and Nutrition" section rather than the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" section because my question was more about the science behind nutrition rather than losing weight. I wanted to better understand what happens in the body when we eat different types of food. As we can see there is a lot of confusion as to how the body works. I just may have take some classes for fun to learn the truth!

    You understood what I was asking and your answer was perfect to the spirit of the question :)