New to this.. scared about joining a gym?!



  • swimmerkoopman
    For what it's worth, I find my local YMCA to be alot more regular folk oriented. Many of the members are there because their doctor told them to go. So we see all types and generally the fashion oriented ultra fit ken and barbie doll types go elsewere. I love my Y, best pool in the area, too.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    See if the gym you are interested in joining has a free trial offer, or offers punch passes. It can take a bit to find out if a gym has the right feel for you. Also consider how convinent it is going to be to work out at the gym. Is the gym located close to your home or work? Do they have a clean private shower area that you would want to use post work out? Is the gym open long hours, to accomodate schedule changes?
    I have been to few different gyms over the years, and I have to say the one I was the most intimidated to enter is my current gym. I go to a gym on a military base that is only open to: military, reservists, veteran's, military civilian employees, RCMP, and military dependants. I fall under the catagory of military dependant (hate that term), and I can tell you most of the people that go to my gym are military. I found it intimidating at first, and I exercised in the gym on my own for four months before I got the guts to join in on a fitness class. It was one of the best decisions I ever made, to take up spin, and participate in other fitness classes. The people in the classes are so encouraging and supportive, no one cares how slow you are, or how big your *kitten* is, people are supportive because they know you are trying, and have healthy goals. Within weeks of starting fitness classes, I joined MFP, and the rest is history.
  • NicoleSchimmel
    NicoleSchimmel Posts: 162 Member
    I was self conscious for the first two or three times, but then got over it. Just remember that you are doing this for you, and you're not doing this to impress anyone. When I go to the gym, I run on the treadmill, use the elliptical, and use the free weights/medicine ball/etc. If there are other people in the area of the medicine ball/free weights, I'll bring those to a different spot in the gym, or I'll just do that part of my workout when there's not people there.

    Hang in there, and you won't be self conscious for long :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Sometimes when you want to achieve something bad enough you need to get out of your comfort zone...push yourself...challenge yourself.

    I have always sucked at running but recently I joined a learn to run clinic. Each week I felt nervous about going...and sometimes I still have my reservations...but whenever the class is over I am so proud of myself... I am deifnitely growing as a person for having done this and I have no doubt you will grow too if you join the gym! :)

  • jocelyne17
    jocelyne17 Posts: 20 Member
    I was self-conscious about going to the gym at my college because my school is so athletic. Sports are big here, so most people who are even a LITTLE overweight feel self-conscious about going if they'll be running on the treadmill next to a varsity basketball player or a crew team captain.

    But you know what? I told myself that I'm not at the gym for anyone but me! I'm here to get fit, deal with stress, and look my best. I am NOT here to be scene like the girls, I'm not here to show off like the jocks, I'm here to work. And if anyone gives me the eye, I toss my head back, throw my shoulders back, walk tall and strut because I did a great workout and should be proud of myself. I have every right to be here.

    That's what you have to tell yourself. The gym is DEFINITELY worth it. If you go in everyday and own it like "THIS IS MY *kitten*" then you'll definitely feel good on multiple levels and WANT to go.

    I wish you all the best and congrats on your progress so far!
  • mysticrunner
    Without using banned expletives, THAT is incredible advice that I can use. Forget the lycra, I'm wearing my GAMEFACE!
  • lmrw1959
    lmrw1959 Posts: 31 Member
    If you are new to exercise, maybe start by just doing some walking. Don't need a gym for that so it won't cost you anything. If you really want to try a gym, see if you can find one that's offering like a free trial week or something, just so you can give it a good try without making an immediate commitment. I have belonged to a couple of gyms in the past but find I can get great video workouts to use in the privacy of my own home. has a huge variety of different workouts, and in the long run cost much less than a gym membership.:flowerforyou:
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I was the same way, all nervous about joining. It was all for nothing. My wife and I joined the local YMCA, which is I guess less of a hard body poseur tool gym. The people there only fall into two camps - those who are super friendly and non-judgmental, and those who don't even notice you're there because they are so in their zones. Now I'm totally hooked and go at least three times a week. It's the highlight of my weekdays. Don't put it off, you'll love it! :-)
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    Don't feel self conscious! We aren't at the gym to stare at others. We are all there for the same reasons--to get fit, be healthy, feel good, etc...You won't regret doing it.

    So true!!!!
    And if they are staring at you...just think to yourself...I'm sexy and they know it!!!

    hell yeah! I love it when that song comes on my ipod.
  • laurawilliams51
    laurawilliams51 Posts: 16 Member
    at my gym, they have a class called "zumba gold" and it's for those of us who need to go at a slower, gentler pace. i love it! and am so glad i joined, the music is fun and i am slowly getting coordinated a little at the zumba steps.
  • Kristin2984
    I've had gym memberships for 16 years and every time I join a new one I get nervous. Totally normal. Don't let it keep you from your goal.

    Most gyms will give you a free training session when you join. Make sure to take advantage of this or if they don't offer it free, pay for one session with a trainer. Having an expert show you around and explain how to use the machines is really helpful in making the gym a comfortable place.

    Ask for a free week long trial membership. This way you can get a feel for the gym and see if you will like it. Things to look for might be how crowded does it get whe you go? Are there enough cardio machines so you don't wait long? Is parking easy? Locker rooms sanitary?

    Most people at the gym are friendly and just there to sweat. They don't care how fit you are! good luck!
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I honestly think that the overwhelming majority of people at the gym are way more concerned with themselves than you. Anyone who would make you feel bad is a complete asshat! I suggest getting a tour of the gym from one of the personal trainers before you start. The PT can show you how the machines work. That might make you feel more comfortable. Good luck!
  • Danpellizzari
    Get in there and do it! Most people in the gym are in there for one thing! Put their time in and get out. Enjoy yourself. Stay motivated! And check in here daily. Ask for help when needed and don't forget to eat right and do your cardio!
  • movingme54880
    i agree with everyone on here. most people at the gym don't pay any attention to anyone else there cuz they are just there for themselves. lots of overweight people there all working for the same thing. i was leary of joining too, but i joined and am trying to go more often, but i am very leary of doing anything but the treadmill or elliptical. trying to branch out. hope some of you don't mind, but i added you for more support and motivation :smile:
  • nikrit84
    nikrit84 Posts: 46 Member
    I will admit when I first joined a gym I was the same way! I did not want to go and I if I did I tried to make it when I knew not many people were there. If someone was there I knew I would leave. That only lasted a week or so! You will eventually become really modivated and focused when you go and completely forget about anything else! Once you start going and get on a routine, you won't regret it!!
  • margaretann1
    margaretann1 Posts: 1 Member
    it won't be scary or intimidating at all. At my gym there are all ages, shapes and sizes and everyone is really friendly. The instructors are there to help you and you will find it very motivating. Good luck.
  • Vegan_Runner
    Vegan_Runner Posts: 133 Member
    Go to the gym! This is for you and no one else. No one at the gym will be looking at you, they are all busy working on their own health. You are strong and you are worth your own effort, do not let anyone shame you into no feeling your own power. You have all of the potential within you to succeed.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    You'll be surprised. Once you establish the routine of going, you'll feel like a regular at the gym. And, you're joining later in the year, not January where there's a lot of enthusiasm that eventually fizzles.

    It's easy to say, "don't worry about what other people think," but that's what it comes down to. There are some people who will always find reasons for you not to pursue your goals.

    And, by facing your fears, you are growing as a person. Good luck!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I joined a local gym after visiting several to consider price, contract, and clientale and picked one that had the equipment I was looking for, was clean, and had a nice mix of ages there, I am over 50 so that was important, lol. One thing I noticed right away is everyone has there earbuds in and are pretty oblivious to everyone around them. So just go, put your earbuds in and blend right in :)
  • joyous504
    joyous504 Posts: 72
    Don't feel self-conscience!!!! It upsets me that they told you that and didn't support your decision to be a better you. You aren't there to impress anyone! You are there for you! You don't even have to join the gym, walk at a fast pace around your neighborhood, a school track, a bike trail, a park or mall. While doing that carry small hand weights and pump those arms - that's what I did when I didn't want to pay a gym membership fee. Where I live, at the parks there are little obstical courses, try one of those if you have one. I don't know if you have a Planet Fitness gym where you live, but they are great gym because they promote a "judgement free zone" and it's cheap with great equipment. Should you decide to join the gym remember everyone at the gym is there for the same reason, we all want to better ourselves regardless of what we look like. The muscle guys want to get muscleyier (I know that's not a real word, but you know what I mean), thin girls want to be thinner or leaner, I want to lose weight and be healthy. I even take my 11 year old nephew to they gym on the weekends because he's trying to improve his speed on the football field during the off-season. Don't let anyone discourage you when you are motivated! This is not their life, it's yours and you are doing fantastic! You will love the results you see when you start exercising while recording your food intake. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou: