Anyone else on a 1200 calorie diet?



  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    I just dont see the point in exercising to burn off calories if you are just going to put those calories back on. that doesnt make sense to me. :/

    My Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) is 1900 calories a day. If I do not exercise and eat 1900 calories a day I will stay at the same weight.

    If I reduce my calories to 1200 a day I will have a 700 calorie deficit (i.e., 1900 - 1200 = 700). At that deficit I will loose 1.4 pounds per week without exercise (e.g., 7*700/3500= 1.4).

    If I exercise and burn 500 calories a day I can add that to my 1200 calorie diet supporting a 700 calorie deficit and therfore I can eat 1700 calories and STILL loose 1.4 pounds per week.

    If I don't eat the extra calories, my net calorie intake is only 700 calories which is not enough for me. At net 700 calories I get tired and cranky and don't have energy to exercise. In fact, I get cranky and tired on less than 1500 total calories so I always exercise at least 300 calories so I can eat 1500 calories (1200 net) and loose 1.4 lbs per week.

    I hope I helped make sense... re-reading my post I am not sure :)
  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    I just dont see the point in exercising to burn off calories if you are just going to put those calories back on. that doesnt make sense to me. :/

    My Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) is 1900 calories a day. If I do not exercise and eat 1900 calories a day I will stay at the same weight.

    If I reduce my calories to 1200 a day I will have a 700 calorie deficit (i.e., 1900 - 1200 = 700). At that deficit I will loose 1.4 pounds per week without exercise (e.g., 7*700/3500= 1.4).

    Makes perfect sense!!!
    If I exercise and burn 500 calories a day I can add that to my 1200 calorie diet supporting a 700 calorie deficit and therfore I can eat 1700 calories and STILL loose 1.4 pounds per week.

    If I don't eat the extra calories, my net calorie intake is only 700 calories which is not enough for me. At net 700 calories I get tired and cranky and don't have energy to exercise. In fact, I get cranky and tired on less than 1500 total calories so I always exercise at least 300 calories so I can eat 1500 calories (1200 net) and loose 1.4 lbs per week.

    I hope I helped make sense... re-reading my post I am not sure :)
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    I hate to break up the flow of such a lovely thread :)

    But... are any men out there doing 1200 calories? This seems like a "woman's diet" but i'm willingly to give it a go if there are others who have done it successfully.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet also. I exercise six days a week burning between 300 and 500 calories each on workout days. I usually eat back about 75% of my calories back (depending on how long I work out). So far, I've lost 12 pounds in 50 days.
  • LeceMaria
    LeceMaria Posts: 16 Member
    I do 1200, well under 1300 a day as well and Im confused. I work out 5 days a week and burn 600+cals in cardio alone. I also lift after my cardio. I still stick to 1200 calories and dont eat back my exercise calories. You mean to tell me that I should be doing that? MFP gives me 1580 to eat a day. By my BMI, Im considered obese and dont know if this rule applys to me.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I do 1200, well under 1300 a day as well and Im confused. I work out 5 days a week and burn 600+cals in cardio alone. I also lift after my cardio. I still stick to 1200 calories and dont eat back my exercise calories. You mean to tell me that I should be doing that? MFP gives me 1580 to eat a day. By my BMI, Im considered obese and dont know if this rule applys to me.

    yes, that rule applies to everyone. eat and lose. starve and stay fat. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I am on the 1200 cal. it is acturally working for me. Here is what i do-
    Every Sunday I set up salads for the week filled with mix lettuce, spinach, carrots, celery, cucumber and garlic. in single serve containers. Nature valley granola bars, Light and Fit yogurt and homemade vegetable soup. This way when i feel like snacking it is all there!
    Breakfast is yogurt and granola bars, water and coffee.
    Snack is low fat string cheese
    Lunch is salad and soup along with water.
    Dinner usually a Lean cuisine meal, or salad and ?
    Generally try to eat a salad every meal.
    I walk at least five days four miles.

    Hope this helps

    Where's the protein though???? That's great you're eating lots of veggies ... but I'd skip the granola bars, add in some protein to every meal, and nosh on veggies or nuts if you're hungry. Protein, people! It's your friend.
  • CSimi
    CSimi Posts: 3
    I would never go on a 1200 calorie diet.

    Exercising isn't about eating back calories you burned, but you do need to eat back a good portion of them. I don't exercise to eat back my calories. I exercise because three years ago I decided I want to be fit by 40, I couldn't run for 90 seconds. I was slightly overweight (15 pounds), my confidence was low, and I was tired of being stressed and tired. I wanted to be healthier, and eating healthy and exercising decreases your chance for so many nasty diseases. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer to name a few.

    In addition, exercising helps deal with stress, improves sleep, and when you set yourself a goal (5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, or whatever you choose) and you reach that goal, the sense of accomplishment is awesome. In fact it makes you want to do more, and gives you the confidence to know that you can do anything you set your mind to accomplish.

    The days I go out and have fun (trail run, bike, hike, snowshoe, etc) or train, I burn anywhere from 300-1000+ calories, I need to nourish my body. I would not be able to continue to do all of the activities I enjoy without replacing those calories, or a good portion of them. I would be fatigued and malnourished. I would lack the fuel required for my next activity and "hit the wall" before I even started. There are days where I can't eat all of my calories back. Those are the days that I have had mostly vegetables, fruits, quinoa, oatmeal, and other lower calorie and high fibre healthy foods. So I ensure that at dinner I have homemade tomato sauce with whole wheat pasta, or a delicious Bison Chilli with red/orange peppers and some beans. Desert would be natural yogurt with raspberries. I won't eat processed junk, or foods full of butter, white flour, and sugar (empty foods) just to eat calories. Balanced healthy meals. Your body needs carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

    If you think you can be healthy, loose weight, and maintain that weightloss on a 1200 calorie diet you are in for disappointment.

    Dieting is not healthy, and you may never loose that weight permanently. A lifestyle change incorporating eating healthy and exercising is essential. Unfortunately you are correct in saying that there is so much contradictory information. So where does one begin and not get lost or discouraged in the process. That is a tough one and the only solution I can offer is think about everything anyone says, everything you read, and take time to highlight articles/books or write down suggestions you are given. Use a notebook that you can carry in your purse to jot down information at any given time to review later. You can probably filter out the junk by eliminating the quick fixes, the cure-alls, and anything that sounds unhealthy (ie. 1200 calories and not exercising). It will take time, but you can do it.
  • kkrondon
    kkrondon Posts: 46 Member
    Remember the daily calorie goal that MFP set for you is NET calories, e.g. you can eat 1700 calories, exercise to burn 500 calories To arrive at a net of 1200. I am also on a 1200 calorie diet and most days I don't find it difficult. If I find myself getting hungry, I try to incorporate more protein and fiber in my diet in order to feel fuller. On the 5 days per week that I workout, I eat around 1600 gross calories (to arrive at my 1200 calorie net) and I only eat 1200 calories on the days that I don't workout. Plus, i allow myself 1 splurge meal/week when I tend to blow my calorie goal (within reason...nothing 2 wild maybe 200-300 calories above my goal). Good luck!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    When you lost the 40 pounds on WW did you eat back your exercise calories? I do use whole wheat pasta, and bread, and I have been eating lots of lean cuisine and salads, I drink ONE diet pop a day because I am addicted to caffiene and get sick if I don't have some :/ And I have also switched out chips for crackers. :)I usually eat cereal for breakfast with skim milk and I meausure out the serving size so i know it is correct, then for lunch I will eat a lean cuisine or some eggs and toast. For snacks I love oranges and apples or granola bars or weight watchers coffee cakes and then for dinner I eat whatever my family has but smaller portions. I have been drinking at least 40 ounces of water a day and it makes me have to pee every hour WITHOUT A DOUBT but hopefully it is helping keep me from getting bloated or retain water weight. :)

    A few simple changes you can make for the better:

    - Protein with every meal; if you're going to do cereal for breakie, try steel cut oatmeal, or at least a low sugar, high fibre/protein ready to eat cereal.
    - Try to stay away from the frozen meals; while they can be low in fat and calories, they can be loaded with sodium = water retention = scale not moving
    - 64 oz or more of water a day! You'll be peeing a lot, but you're flushing your system while staying hydrated :)
    - Granoal bars .... eh. Try nuts. Or if you're going to have granola bars, make your own (TONS of great recipes out there). Store bought ones (like Fibre One) are LOOOOADED with sugar.
    - If you're doing crackers, do flatbread or whole grains.
    - What about having coffee or tea instead of pop? Again, loaded with sugar.

    All these small changes add up, and every little bit makes a difference! Start by making one change, and go from there :)
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    So far it is working for me, slow and steady...I have lost almost 15 since i started the second week of january. I find it had to stay at 1200 most days so I push myself to exercise and gain more calories and it eat back most but not all of them. good luck to you and feel free to add me or check out my food diary:-)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I just dont see the point in exercising to burn off calories if you are just going to put those calories back on. that doesnt make sense to me. :/

    My Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) is 1900 calories a day. If I do not exercise and eat 1900 calories a day I will stay at the same weight.

    If I reduce my calories to 1200 a day I will have a 700 calorie deficit (i.e., 1900 - 1200 = 700). At that deficit I will loose 1.4 pounds per week without exercise (e.g., 7*700/3500= 1.4).

    If I exercise and burn 500 calories a day I can add that to my 1200 calorie diet supporting a 700 calorie deficit and therfore I can eat 1700 calories and STILL loose 1.4 pounds per week.

    If I don't eat the extra calories, my net calorie intake is only 700 calories which is not enough for me. At net 700 calories I get tired and cranky and don't have energy to exercise. In fact, I get cranky and tired on less than 1500 total calories so I always exercise at least 300 calories so I can eat 1500 calories (1200 net) and loose 1.4 lbs per week.

    I hope I helped make sense... re-reading my post I am not sure :)

    Please do not create your deficit off your BMR. This is the basic number of calories your body needs to live. Too many people think eating at your BMR is your maintenance calories - this isn't correct. In order to figure out your maintenance calories, you need to find out your TDEE.

    My BMR is 1338. My TDEE is 2449. If I want to lose weight, I need to create my deficit off the 2449 and NOT off the 1338. Creating a deficit off your BMR is a recipe for your body to refuse to lose weight since you aren't even giving it enough food to perform basic life functions.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I just dont see the point in exercising to burn off calories if you are just going to put those calories back on. that doesnt make sense to me. :/
    Exercise has a host of benefits in addition to burning calories. E.g
    - cardiovascular conditioning
    - improves mood
    - raises your metabolic rate for hours after exercise is over
    - strengthens your body
    and many more.

    So, even if you eat all the calories back, you are still getting all the other benefits.
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    I started MFP a year ago and have pretty much been 1200 cal. Last year I gave up sugary drinks and pop for lent. This year I gave up bad carbs, basically following south beach diet. I'm still in the phase 1 part and I can tell you I have had a hard time getting up to 1200 cal!!! Only veggies and proteins have a lot less calories, and I am eating!!! Next week I add fruit back in, then eventually complex carbs. But it all just goes to show if you eat right, the calories don't even matter. It's what you eat!
  • gleechick609
    Those who are only eating 1200 calories per day are just setting themselves up for misery and health issues down the road, not to mention, a shot metabolism!

    READ UP!
  • amber2521
    amber2521 Posts: 32 Member
    Those who are only eating 1200 calories per day are just setting themselves up for misery and health issues down the road, not to mention, a shot metabolism!

    READ UP!
    MFP has told me and several of us others to eat 1200 calories a day.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    1200 calories a day. Forget it. I would die.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I just dont see the point in exercising to burn off calories if you are just going to put those calories back on. that doesnt make sense to me. :/

    LOL no that doesn't make sense. you exercise for your INSIDE. For you heart, lungs- getting your heart rate up helps clear plaque from your arteries. Also exercise for toning muscles- getting stronger. Muscle burns more calories than fat.
    The more you exercise the more you can eat. does that make sense? cause it works for me!
  • justabel
    justabel Posts: 5
    This is great for people to know.. Thanks for posting
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Those who are only eating 1200 calories per day are just setting themselves up for misery and health issues down the road, not to mention, a shot metabolism!

    READ UP!
    MFP has told me and several of us others to eat 1200 calories a day.

    That's because it's the minimum it can give you for the target loss you have set. if it could give 500 I'm sure there'd people eating at that.

    Also it is a NET minimum, which includes eating back your exercise calories.

    Have a look at your reports - chose Net Calories, and look for the 1200 line.