"but you look fine!" "don't get too crazy!" "remember to eat



  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I get this from my mom all the time.
    She even hints at the fact that my husband wont like me so skinny. My husband is happy with me and it is none of her business.
  • Mrs_Trax
    Mrs_Trax Posts: 3
    Probably that those who are not supportive and even critical are being faced with their own not so healthy choices. Many dont like change, even if others. I am grateful to have a supportive family who respects my choice to become healthy (not necessarily skinny). When I am at a dinner or such and dessert is offered or just junk in general, IF I am being pushed I tell them it makes me sick (which it does, just not in the way they assume) for whatever reason they back down much faster, quicker to let it go.
  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    Surrounding yourself with like minded people will support you and keep you on track.
    Losing weight was a bit like quitting smoking... my choice in friends had to change. When I quit smoking I could no longer hang out with my smoking pals, almost the same with losing weight. I've been maintaining since November 2011. Most of my friends are marathoners, triathletes and generally people that are as fitness crazy as I am. So they understand where I'm coming from and my eating habits are similar to theirs.
    At work it's a different story. I have people coming to me asking if I'm ill! You're too thin, you should go eat a hamburger! This is hurtful. Why is okay for a fat person to tell a thin person that they are too thin, go eat a burger. If I said you're too fat don't eat the burger, I'd be slammed for being insensitive! After listening to this for 5 months I'm about to blow!!!!
  • pornstarzombie
    My ex used to call me anorexic, and people all the time tell me, "Oh, you don't need to lose weight! Eat something!"

    So annoying. I'm trying to eat relatively healthy and firm up, not necessarily going for numbers on the scale but if they drop I'm not going to complain.

    Stop trying to feed me junk food!

    I've been dealing with this for years, so I'm used to just brushing it all off and doing what I want/need to do.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    When i mention that I still want to lose 40 more pounds to get to my final goal which 140 at 5'7" doesn't seem to crazy to me at all. Under all this fat I am very thin naturally and when I was younger I maintained 125 they tell me I am fine and that I should stop.

    Same thing with my work, every payday they have some sort of buffet or bbq or bake sale on top of everyone always going out to eat. They look at me like I am the crazy one for bringing my lunch and eating a sensible portion while they mack down on a huge plate of nachos.
  • Malrose01
    Malrose01 Posts: 25 Member
    I never know about these threads. One one hand, I'm like "Yeah, screw those people!" then on the other I'm like "Well, what if you actually do have a problem with food and people are legitimately concerned?" But either way, to each his own. I feel like the line between food problem and food management depends a lot on the individual.

    Yesterday, I was in the dining hall and they had this board in the shape of a tombstone for Eating Disorder Awareness week. There were post-it notes all over it from people who were deciding to "lay to rest" their unhealthy behaviors related to food and weight. One post was: "RIP, exercising just to burn calories!" Well, at the moment, I had just come from a two hour gym stint that focused on cardio, with the aim of burning calories.. so, do I have an eating disorder? I say no. So, depends on the person.
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    Same thing with my work, every payday they have some sort of buffet or bbq or bake sale on top of everyone always going out to eat. They look at me like I am the crazy one for bringing my lunch and eating a sensible portion while they mack down on a huge plate of nachos.

    I have the option for free lunch at work every day but I choose to bring my own food anyway so I can track calories better and can be assured that everything isn't doused in butter. Usually it's not an issue but it seems that Fridays (when the non-managerial staff also gets free lunch) I get criticized for not partaking in the free offerings. The worst is the monthly staff meeting where we also celebrate birthdays. You'd think I insulted someone's mother by refusing a slice of cake.