I cheated....and now I feel bad about myself.



  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    At least your actually working out..I am still trying to get my workouts happening. I and on day 13 and cheated the other day eating chicken with the skin...It was soooo good and ye si do feel bad but all i can do is pretend i didnt and get back on my routine...You can do it girl, dont beat yourself up:)
    DO NOT pretend you didn't do it! If you pretend you didn't do it, you're not acknowledging it and giving yourself permission to do it again.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    You're not dieting, therefore you're not cheating.
    Its all about you trying to change your life for the better, but like others have said, life is for living! So you had some fries, if you enjoyed them so what?!
    IMO its all about thinking before you eat and trying to be healthier overall, you're still allowed a treat just log it. xx
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    At least your actually working out..I am still trying to get my workouts happening. I and on day 13 and cheated the other day eating chicken with the skin...It was soooo good and ye si do feel bad but all i can do is pretend i didnt and get back on my routine...You can do it girl, dont beat yourself up:)
    DO NOT pretend you didn't do it! If you pretend you didn't do it, you're not acknowledging it and giving yourself permission to do it again.

    i was honest and logged it into my food for the day, it's all good I am ok. lesson learned, not to be repetitive just dont want to go down the bad road again. and i agree now i selfish it would be for me to ask my b/f to not order what he wants. i need to learn will power and accept my faults. it's my problem not his. i'm ok, and today went for an extra walk with the dogs, so feeling pretty good right now.
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    You can be wonderful, successful, healthy, or anything else you choose to be.

    we all have a story... and thank you for the support... i am ok now. it's over. moving on and forward.
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    Well, I'm going to be proud of you for coming to MFP and getting it all out. You know where your support is. And you came right over here :) Good girl!!!!

    thank you it's nice to be able to come here and be honest about your daily challenge or achievements and get motivational support
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    But eating those fries just killed all the hard work I had done this last week.

    Sorry...was responding to what you had posted.
    i guess you would have to understand my history of an eating disorder. no it did not necessarily ruin everything i've accomplished but some old habits are not that easy for some to overcome.

    This could be very true, and I certainly don't have any understanding about your past history. But part of what we are all doing is redefining our relationships and views about food and eating. Is this easy, no (trust me) as my bad relationship caused me to gain nearly 20 pounds last year alone.

    However, i do believe that taking such a strong negative stance towards yourself and this single day isn't healthy. We all have challenges and bad days. We just log them, learn from them and move on to the next day. Be honest with yourself.

    Am I ever going to totally give up eating cookies, or pizza or drinking wine-- no. But I have learned that I can still enjoy these things but do it in with more moderation. And I am solely speaking for myself and my learnings for this and not looking to pass judgement on you.

    You can be wonderful, successful, healthy, or anything else you choose to be.

    I like this post!^^^

    I know nothing about true eating disorders but I think this makes sense. If I understand it correctly, guilt and feeling bad about eating something that one feels they shouldn't it is part of the eating disorder. OP, it's great that you acknowledge that you have had an ED and are working to change it. But it does seem like working to change your emotions about food is part of that process.

    While I don't think I ever had an ED, I did used to be one of those people who would beat myself up if I ate something not on my diet. And then I'd think that, since I had blown it, I might as well blow it big and go on a multi-day binge. Or I'd punish myself by eating even less than I should for a few days to counteract it and be miserable and starving the whole time. (Gosh, now that I've written that out, it does kinda sound like ED-thinking, doesn't it?) Anyway, life is so much better now that I realize I don't have to think like that anymore or beat myself up or punish myself or go on a long-term binge that would just leave me more miserable once it was over.

    There are no bad foods. Period. However, there are foods that we shouldn't eat all the time. Having some of those foods once in awhile is not bad. Eating them once in awhile doesn't make you bad and you shouldn't feel guilty. I hope you're starting to realize that.

    Even thin, fit and very healthy people who also typically eat super-healthy foods usually have splurges sometimes. It's part of life. It's not bad nor is it wrong.

    I really hope you can learn to separate your emotions from food and learn to enjoy what you're eating including occasional splurges without guilt or feeling bad. I think once you've done that, you will have mastered your ED and been victorious over it. Best wishes!