For those that care for breakfast type foods in the morning



  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Hmmm my fav is layered low carb melt: 1 sausage patty, 1 scrambled egg patty, slice of cheese, slice of canadian bacon, a little bit of shredded cheese and some bacon bits on top. Heated for another minute or so to melt it all together. Yummy and high protein. I get up at the crack of dawn and have breakfast so it fuels me for a good 6 hours.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I really like the Jimmy D-lights breakfast sandwiches for a treat. They are under 300 cals for a yummy sandwich but they are expensive to me.
    I was eating peanut butter for breakfast everyday but kidney doc says I can't do that anymore. Sometimes I eat toast, sometimes cereal and milk. Frankly I am hoping for a few good ideas myself.
  • Futchateacha
    Futchateacha Posts: 1 Member
    I usually have Raisin Bran Crunch cereal with 1 cup lowfat milk or Activia yogurt, granola and a piece of fruit.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I LOVE eggs and greek yogurt for breakfast. I periodically throw in some toast also. I don't like oatmeal or cereal that much.
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal! 2 eggs fried or 4 whites nuked with mozzarella cheese. Sometimes 1 piece of toast, Brownberry 10 Grain Healthful, Turkey Sausage, Coffee and 1/2 orange or 4 oz OJ.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Eggs mostly - either poached or scrambled, occasionally fried. Usually with a toasted slice of Genius or Warburtons gluten-free bread with vitalite dairy-free spread, coffee w. soya milk & a tsp agave nectar and a small glass of OJ. I might have some veg with it depending on my mood (usually spinach, mushrooms and/or tomatoes).

    This morning though I had a smoothie made with soya milk, banana, strawberries, Good Hemp protein powder, cashew nut butter and a tsp agave nectar. And yesterday I had a couple of slices of warburtons gluten-free, toasted, with Meridian crunchy peanut butter (no added salt or sugar) and a sliced banana.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I don't feel like eating at breakfast. Normally, I start getting hungry around midday which I know isn't good. I'll usually have a pack of breakfast biscuits or a bowl of cereal. I don't really like toast that much at breakfast time. Breakfast is a hard one for me. Usually I have to end up forcing food into me rather than eating it because I enjoy it.

    I am right there with you. Sugary stuff like pancakes and donuts make me extra ill in the morning. I call it pancake poisoning. When I eat cereal it is an hour or so after waking up.
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    One of my favorite breakfasts is a homemade egg sandwich.

    I do an over medium egg, whole wheat english muffin, and a slice of canadian bacon; with a small glass of organic milk.

    I like to have a filling breakfast, my lunch tends to be smaller, and that leaves a good amount of calories for me to be flexible with for dinner or any snacks.

    I also like things like Oatmeal, Van's Whole Wheat waffles (2 are only 160 calories) with organic maple syrup (if I'm in the mood for something sweet), Breakfast burritos (scrambled egg with simmered jalapeno and onion diced really small; low carb/calorie whole wheat tortilla, sour cream, organic salsa, and a tiny bit of 2% shredded cheese).

    It depends mostly on what I'm in the mood for, and what I'm doing that day. If I know I'm going to have a really hard workout that evening, or need to save more calories for dinner I opt for the lower calories. If I don't have any special plans for dinner, etc, I do the breakfast burrito which is usually no more than 450 calories total.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Anything from an english muffin with peanut butter and jelly to oatmeal (usually with cinnamon and some brown sugar) or, 2 eggs, some ready-made turkey sausage and some kind of bread (usually reserved for the weekends when I have more time). Some time during the morning I'll have a snack to help keep me going to lunch. I tend to find one thing I like and stick to it, so having a couple options is always good.

    The only problem with the breakfast sausage is that it's high in sodium, so I try not to do it too often.
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    I see a few people eating lots of processed grains with skim milk(sugar milk) on here, you guys ever think to switching to whole grains and almond milk?

    Almond milk is not for everyone! Tried it once and almost spat it out. What's so wrong with skim milk? The sugars are natural right?

    ETA: I eat oatmeal on most mornings, but when I have more calories I make a huge omelet with cheese, sausage, and veggies. Soooo yummy!
  • runfrommygenes
    Cottage cheese oatmeal pancakes... with pnut butter and a banana on it!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    We have "brinner" a lot, too!! :smile:

    I have cheerios, milk, banana, and coffee + creamer every morning. To be honest, I miss eggs but my cholesterol likes cheerios better. Good thing I like them, too!
  • valpreston
    Baked Oatmeal with greek yogurt and berries; Wrap or english muffin with egg whites, light cheese and turkey bacon; Clean Eating Frittata with multigrain/wholegrain toast; Clean Eating Mini Buckwheat pancakes with blueberries topped with greek yogurt; Greek yogurt with Jordan;s Morning Crisp or Kashi Go Lean cereal; Multigrain/wholegrain toast with homemade. unsweetened applesauce.
    I never used to eat breakfast either - usually just a cup of coffee until coffee break time, then I gobble up some over-processed carb (I have managed to develop some terrible eating habits in my 50 years, I am still not a big fan of veggies, but am working on it).
    I find that with make-ahead items, I can just reheat and go. Really easy in the morning. And now that I have gotten into better eating habits, I think my metabolism is trying to work properly as well! I have a ways to go, but It took 30 years to get this way (am hoping it doesn't take that long to undo it!).
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    A slice of whole wheat toast with either strawberry jam, lemon curd or marmalade and a mug of coffee with a splash of skimmed milk.
    Loads of answers, mostly listing products I've never heard of - probably US brands unavailable here, like the almond milk (sounds horrid..). Holy Moly, I've just googled & found that Amazon will deliver it @ £9-45 for 3 litres. That's $14.96 - no thanks!
  • theworldis
    quaker weight control oatmeal and some fruit. keeps me full for a while
  • rjsbdsjas
    rjsbdsjas Posts: 20
    Almond milk is delicious - you should try it! Cow's milk upsets my whole digestive system - apparently I'm a bit lactose intolerant. I didn't try almond milk until about a year ago so am in the habit of just avoiding milk to prevent problems. The unsweetened is best on cereal or used in cooking, but the "original" and vanilla flavors are great. I still mostly just don't use milk though - old habits die hard :)
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I eat roughly half my cals by 9AM. I get up early, and have some sort of granola bar, or nutrition bar. Then I get in my workout - usually cycling, but whatever works. After that, I make myself a proper breakfast - usually eggs eggs and more eggs. Throw in any type of veggie or meat (preferably lean) and if I'm splurging, some cheese. Salsa is fantastic with this. Fruit on the side or after is good, and sometimes something whole wheat - like bread or a tortilla.

    If I do this, I spend the rest of the day coasting through my cals. If I try to "diet" my way through the morning, it's a guarantee by supper time I've eaten the house bare.
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    Another breakfast lover here. Usually one of these, mostly dependiing on how much time I have. It's enough variety that I don't get too bored.

    steelcut oatmeal with frozen wild blueberries/chopped apple, chopped nuts, maybe cinnamon, and a little 1% milk. I make 4 servings at a time, eat one and put the other 3 in individual containers so all I have to do is microwave and add the fruit.

    French toast made with Eggbeaters and high fiber WW bread, topped with just enough jam to get some taste. I make a whole loaf's worth on a weekend, and freeze 2 slices to a Baggie, so I can pop them in the toaster on a weekday.

    High fiber WW bread with PB

    Kashi Crunch with a little milk or mixed with yogurt.

    A couple of egg "muffins" from Kalyn's Kitchen blog, made with half Eggbeaters and half real eggs, and whatever vegetable ingredients I have around. (They're sort of like having quiche but without the crust.)

    2 poached eggs on a slice of WW toast
  • rjsbdsjas
    rjsbdsjas Posts: 20
    I eat a variety of things in the morning. Sometims eggs with spinach or kale and an orange or grapefruit. Lately I've been eating hot oat bran cereal with a little apple butter in it (no milk) and an orange or grapefruit. When I have the time for a liitle more fuss I try a green smoothie made in the blender with raw spinach, banana, carrots, celery and maybe some apple. Tastes great even though it may not sound so good if you've never had a green smoothie before.
  • Mabelbabel
    I usually have 50g of porridge oats (cold) with 50mls of semi skimmed milk and a Shape Delight Yogurt.