Are u jelly :-?



  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Eesh... people I'm in relationships with aren't possessions. Or preserves...

  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I can't leave this alone for some reason.

    What I always want to get across on these threads is that a relationship isn't a fixed contract. Two people are together because they want to be, and if one person starts acting in a way that is unacceptable to the other, the other shouldn't be surprised if they get dumped pronto. You don't own anyone. Even marriage doesn't imply ownership. Everyone is their own person and is free to do as they choose and as a partner it is up to you to either accept who that person is, or leave. That is all there is to a relationship, finally.

    Call me naive.........but I thought it was all about being loving and supporting of each other........working out differences and being there for them through thick and thin is what its all about. Love is unconditional when it comes to serious relationships and to me, unconditional love means both accepting each others faults..........but it also means validating their feelings and trying to see where they are coming from so you can meet them at the level they are on.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My man, has never been the jealous type. Sometimes, I hate to say it, but I wish he was just a little bit. I used to go every Friday night with the ladies to a local bar. my husband didn't care, I'd always come home drunk to him and he was happy. He'd even ask me how many free drinks I got from the men, or if there was any hott guys at the bar tonight?
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Jealousy is a deeply unattractive trait in a partner.
    ^^^ This.

    Times ten.

    I love my man and he loves me. We are best friends. We both have friends of "the opposite sex" and we both love to laugh. But when it comes down to it, we are 100% committed to each other and our family.

    I would never ask him to give up his friendships, just because they happen to be with females. If he asked me to give up mine, he knows I would laugh - because he'd HAVE to be joking.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't leave this alone for some reason.

    What I always want to get across on these threads is that a relationship isn't a fixed contract. Two people are together because they want to be, and if one person starts acting in a way that is unacceptable to the other, the other shouldn't be surprised if they get dumped pronto. You don't own anyone. Even marriage doesn't imply ownership. Everyone is their own person and is free to do as they choose and as a partner it is up to you to either accept who that person is, or leave. That is all there is to a relationship, finally.

    Call me naive.........but I thought it was all about being loving and supporting of each other........working out differences and being there for them through thick and thin is what its all about. Love is unconditional when it comes to serious relationships and to me, unconditional love means both accepting each others faults..........but it also means validating their feelings and trying to see where they are coming from so you can meet them at the level they are on.

    It depends how much compromise you expect. To me marriage is about mutual acceptance. You can't change other people, only yourself, and if you really love someone why would you want to change them? I think giving someone the space to be themselves, while letting them know you are there for them is the most important thing in a relationship.
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I can't leave this alone for some reason.

    What I always want to get across on these threads is that a relationship isn't a fixed contract. Two people are together because they want to be, and if one person starts acting in a way that is unacceptable to the other, the other shouldn't be surprised if they get dumped pronto. You don't own anyone. Even marriage doesn't imply ownership. Everyone is their own person and is free to do as they choose and as a partner it is up to you to either accept who that person is, or leave. That is all there is to a relationship, finally.

    Call me naive.........but I thought it was all about being loving and supporting of each other........working out differences and being there for them through thick and thin is what its all about. Love is unconditional when it comes to serious relationships and to me, unconditional love means both accepting each others faults..........but it also means validating their feelings and trying to see where they are coming from so you can meet them at the level they are on.

    It depends how much compromise you expect. To me marriage is about mutual acceptance. You can't change other people, only yourself, and if you really love someone why would you want to change them? I think giving someone the space to be themselves, while letting them know you are there for them is the most important thing in a relationship.

    It depends on what you want them to this matter, you can't ask that he stop being jealous, but on the other hand, he can't just ignore that she doesn't like it if he really does love her and wants her and him to be together for a very long time.......or if they were in a marriage, to stay married........therefore both parties have to have a mutual give and take. That's what I meant. Telling them to change and not changing yourself is not the way to be........and in that situation its not allowing anyone to be themselves either.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.

    Im like that.........often times I check on myself to see if, where I am coming from, is right cause in an argument, I know for myself its SO easy for me to only see my side of things and not the other..........and in those incidences someone will always say something like did you ever think of it this way? And sometimes it will even surprise me that I never once gave it a thought. So I totally understand where you are coming from........
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.

    I am not a grammar Nazi but a little advice from someone that has been around a bit.
    Honestly thought you were from England or similar.
    If you want to get ahead drop the pseudo gibberish and learn to speak normally.
    If a person game to me looking for a job and spoke like that I would show them the door.

    You really need to work on maturing in many ways,don`t get angry just think about it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.

    I am not a grammar Nazi but a little advice from someone that has been around a bit.
    Honestly thought you were from England or similar.
    If you want to get ahead drop the pseudo gibberish and learn to speak normally.
    If a person game to me looking for a job and spoke like that I would show them the door.

    You really need to work on maturing in many ways,don`t get angry just think about it.

    I live in England, and I assure you, it is abundantly clear the OP isn't from here! No one writes like that.
  • birdieintx
    birdieintx Posts: 298
    nope I do not get jealous. The people I care about are not my posessions I would never think that I could/should control who they interact with and how.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.

    I am not a grammar Nazi but a little advice from someone that has been around a bit.
    Honestly thought you were from England or similar.
    If you want to get ahead drop the pseudo gibberish and learn to speak normally.
    If a person game to me looking for a job and spoke like that I would show them the door.

    You really need to work on maturing in many ways,don`t get angry just think about it.

    I live in England, and I assure you, it is abundantly clear the OP isn't from here! No one writes like that.

    No offense intended,just thought he was using terms common for a country other then the USA,
    Like how we call the cover of a car engine compartment a hood while many other countries call it a bonnet.
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.

    I am not a grammar Nazi but a little advice from someone that has been around a bit.
    Honestly thought you were from England or similar.
    If you want to get ahead drop the pseudo gibberish and learn to speak normally.
    If a person game to me looking for a job and spoke like that I would show them the door.

    You really need to work on maturing in many ways,don`t get angry just think about it.

    ^^^^ Exactly!! :smile:
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    Totally! I wouldnt hire me if i strolled in all loosy goosy and was wiggling around.
    Maybe my articulation online is inextricably synced w/ my brain. Its wicked fast and impulsive.
    Are rabbits cute? baby bunnies are cute.
    Lol i got a job, but i straighten up and say my please and thank you's. But every once in a while my boss has to say "dont call me dude"

    Im like brad pitt in Snatch :D
    I guess its good, im getting over being jelly. I used to punch people alot cus i was angry, now i Terminator style analyze their personality and annihilate it.
    Recovery right?
    Thanks everyone, gave me a little perspective on my wild self.
    Have a good one.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    Im phonetically and articulately challenged :F
    Gimme a break, i live in socal and speak a hybrid of nerd/surfer/bro/gaylord/art

    I was super jelly but she got all mega on my case and was like "untell MFP AND NOT ME?!" and im like "yeah... Cus i wanna make sure im not being a lame-o and making the right choice."
    Thanks everyone.
    I may not articulate in a feasible way for the 22nd century tho i know what love is :D
    Take care everyone and thanks for indulging my psychosis.

    Not to be picky, I'll avoid correcting your grammar; but, I believe you should at least know what century this is.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    When ur dearly significant other talks w/ someone of the opposite sex and u see them having fun. I
    She rips people to shreds who try and hit on her tho im mega jealous for some reason.

    As a dude thing, if Michelle hangs w/ friends and theres a dude, instantly im all "yknow he wants to bone u right?" cus its super obvious.

    Am i the only one puts up w/ their S/O having friends who are Opposite sex tho is mega jealous and greedy w/ em :-?
    Im prob super insecure but damnit, i kno what i want!
