Does Calorie Counting work for everybody?



  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I do both. I mainly count calories and try to keep my carbs in the 80-100 range. Sometimes I'm under, sometimes over, but I do lose better and feel better if I don't eat too many carbs. Some folks can eat a lot and have no problem. You'll have to experiment and see what works best for you. I was never really successful with just counting carbs. I have always needed to count both.
  • bloodguilt
    bloodguilt Posts: 126
    Just wondering or do some people only lose weight cutting their carb intake?

    Yes, counting calories in and calories out each day works for me. You can't expect to drink lemonade when you squeeze an orange.
  • bloodguilt
    bloodguilt Posts: 126
    Calorie counting works great when it comes to awareness, for me anyway. When I'm counting calories, I can see what I put it my body and I also pay attention to the other stats like fats, carbs, protein, sugar, etc. It works for portion control! Also, counting calories will only work if you're eating healthy, too. You can stay under your calorie goal by eating chips and candies all day, but you're not going to lose weight. You need to have a balanced diet.

    This. :-)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm focused on two things, calories and protein. If I go over calories, I definitely want it to be because of protein and not because of carbs or fat. I've lost 22 lbs in the 55 days I've been on the site.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    counting calories is good.
    counting calories and tracking weight is better
  • TabbyKatzzz
    My husband lost weight counting carbs before, but it was difficult to maintain, and also made him feel deprived. We have been following MFP's plan for only 2 months now, counting calories and exercising. He has already lost 22 pounds, and doesn't feel hungry or deprived at all! If you want it, eat it, but you have to log it and be accountable for it. If I want to have more one day, then I will be hitting the gym, it's pretty easy. This is our new lifestyle, not a diet.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I can only speak from personal experience. Counting calories is very important for a number of reasons. It's the broadest measure there is so it adds control that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. But you have to be skilled at counting calories. We all scratch our heads sometimes wondering if that log entry was correct. The MFP database is littered with contradictory statistics on foods. It also isn't easy to get precise with your personal calorie statistics. There may be some trial and error involved. This is particularly the case when it comes to calculation and treatment of exercise calories.

    Notwithstanding, to really be effective long term you can't stop at calories, you have to monitor your other measures, especially if you exercise a fair amount. I've been good at getting plenty of protein but thought the lower the carbs the better. What I've had to learn the hard way is shorting on carbs had reduced my metabolism. Adding them back has seemed to put me back on track, consistent with what a prior poster had to say.

    This can be a little bit of a winding road but from a lifestyle standpoint really worth the trouble. Good luck!
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    From playing around on here counting calories and such I am under the impression that carbs are my biggest hindrance. I'm talking specifically about carbs from mostly processed foods such as bread, chips, crackers, pastas, white rice, frozen fries, etc. Of course, those are my favorite things. If I want to get serious about weight loss all I really have to do it cut out those items along with alcohol, white potatoes and junk food and I drop weight like crazy. Sticking to it, well, that's just not so easy.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I need to count calories AND keep carbs low to lose.
  • carriecarrot
    carriecarrot Posts: 70 Member
    Counting calories works for me but I hate doing it. I find that it is not sustainable. Lately, I have been trying to lose weight with portion control only and have been losing weight, but not as much as I did when I strictly counted calories. I decided to put in my calories to see how my portion control method was working out one day though and it came out to 1800 calories which according to MFP is too high for me. I still refuse to go back to calorie counting though and am just going to have to eat even smaller portions and make some better food choices.
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    Counting calories works for me but I hate doing it. I find that it is not sustainable. Lately, I have been trying to lose weight with portion control only and have been losing weight, but not as much as I did when I strictly counted calories. I decided to put in my calories to see how my portion control method was working out one day though and it came out to 1800 calories which according to MFP is too high for me. I still refuse to go back to calorie counting though and am just going to have to eat even smaller portions and make some better food choices.

    MFP allows you to eat the calories you burn during exercise. So if you exercise, you can eat more.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    The reality is that unless your calories eaten are less than your calories burned, you will not lose weight. If a person cuts carbs, and loses weight, it would be for that reason, not because they cut carbs. So while they may not be intentionally counting calories, they are cutting calories to create a calorie deficit. There is no evidence that a person can cut carbs and still eat at a surplus of calories and not lose weight.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Works for me. I believe it's pretty universal because it's basic math. I can't have high carb either- carbs do not like me. Tho they do like to hang around in my jeans & take up extra room
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    I know people who don't count calorie but they are fit and within the acceptable BMI. They don't even have the principle of carb, protein, fats portioning

    Now for overweight and obese it's different, i think it's vital for them to calorie count since we're considering changing of habit and eating awareness. As for myself, i just realize how huge I go overboard in my calorie and carb, so it goes.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    In terms of the title topic of calorie counting working, i find it does even when i'm going over the goal. IDK, it's weird. As of you question about carbs. Some people may, but it does vary. I know some people who can't eat carbs without getting an upset stomach.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Calorie Counting doesn't work for those who don't know how to count, those who are too lazy to count, or those who are in denial and refuse to count every single calorie they eat :bigsmile:

    Yep. Cutting calories cuts weight. Eating cleaner cuts out more. The first part is the part that matters most, the second part is better health. Not eating enough will slow all this down. Wishfull thinking and faking it to yourself will also slow this down. Cheat days and not logging will help fake yourself out on your efforts. Looking for the easy way out and the fast way through: This will also be slower.
  • bunnzye2
    bunnzye2 Posts: 56
    I guess I'm so kind of freak because calorie counting does not work for me and never has. The only reason I do it on this site is because I am trying to make better choices of what I eat. Since June I have lost 7 pounds counting calories. When I do southbeach or atkins i lose weight. Even if I cut my carbs and pig out on non-carb foods I lose weight. but I dont feel good in the process. So why I cant drop big pounds by calorie counting, only my body knows for sure. My doctor even told me not to count calories - but what does he know????
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    It works for a lot of People. Tons of people don't realize how much they are eating until they start counting. For those people It can be very educational and benefitial. For me on the otherhand I never counted calories and lost 58 lbs and been keeping it off . I got mfp months back and never really used it until recently. I've been using mostly to track protein grams and carbs because I started doing some bodybuilding. So my answer is for some people this can be a life changing program, for some it may just be a handy tracker.
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    Send me a PM for a much more detailed answer; Bottom line though is calories in, calories out so to speak. It works. Period. Ask any nutritionist. Every diet I've ever seen written about come down to calories.

    Having said that, don't get me wrong. Eating well and dieting are as much about what you eat and how many calories it has. Go slowly. Baby steps. Pay attention to one item at a time or it gets very overwhelming.

    Fiber is basically inert. Your body can't really use it (even the soluble fiber) so it doesn't count against your carb load (total). Some sugars are the same way (sugar alcohols) because they basically don't effect insulin levels.

    Protein takes longer to digest and keeps insulin levels more stable. It fills you up and keeps insulin levels better regulated.

    Carbs are an important source of energy NOW..and complex carbs or slowly digestable/absorbed carbs won't spike insulin levels as much. It's important down the road to learn what items have rapid carb absorption and which ones are slow (especially for diabetics).

    All in answer your question...the first item on your agenda is calories. After that....learn slowly about protein, carbs, and fat. Make food your friend...and use it to replentish your health (and an emotional reward) on your journey to the new you!
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Calorie counting works for me. It is very time consuming but it helps.