Going off birth control...what should i expect?



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    My husband had a vasectomy several years ago, so I thought I could come off my oral contraceptives (Yaz). In reality, not so much! I lasted four months and went back on! Without the Yaz, I had horrible mid-cycle/ovulation pain, debilitating cramps at the onset of my period and mind-blowing paranoia and mood swings the week before. My normal, natural hormones made me a crazy person! haha I'm happier, saner and feel better on oral contraceptives.

    BUT... hormones are so individual that each person is going to have a different experience going on or coming off birth control.
  • newcraft
    newcraft Posts: 11
    I was on ortho-tri-cyclen for about a year, had an ovarian cyst, and I actually found myself to be more moody without the b.c. The cyst resolved, mood swings aren't as bad, been off of it for about 3 months, and just have to say that I didn't notice any major difference before or after with ability to lose or gain. Sorry to be the spoiler, but it's not always a given that b.c. will make it harder, it all depends on your own chemistry and what you're taking.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    My daughter had the same problem. Went off the pill and lost about 20 lbs. She feels so much better. But, now she has to be diligent about other birth control methods ( she is 21). UGGGGGGG
  • tataliciousd89
    I got downgraded to a progesterone only pill about two years ago because of heart troubles and started breaking out a lot more when that happened, but I went off my POP about 2 weeks ago and really nothing has happened. I'm happier, but then again I also just got rid of a douche bag ex-boyfriend. I haven't gained or lost a significant amout of weight, my energy level has not been affected, and I haven't been any more moody (I'm maybe even a little less moody, but that is related to the above). I also haven't had my period yet, but I have to be in white pants for the next couple weeks so I'm sure I'll start at the most inopportune time.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Everyone is different, and different brands of pills cause different reactions, so what happened for me may or may not happen for you.

    Also, keep in mind that if you are going to marry this guy, I would hope that a medical reaction would not scare him away. Isn't marriage supposed to be in sickness and in health, for better or worse? If this is a make or break situation, you don't need this guy around at all, let alone marry him.

    So... that being said, I actually lost weight, and I have more energy. I also have a lot more pimples since going off the pill. I honestly feel like a teenager again the way my natural hormones have taken back over. It's nice, and I actually like it a lot.

    I got off it in October, and we more or less abstained until last month, when I got the Paragard IUD put in. I haven't had it long enough to evaluate much, but so far I love it. I wanted that time in between methods just to see what my natural body is like, and I'm glad I did. I do notice a few subtle differences in my nether regions due to the Paragard, but my body, and my vibrant personality is back, and that's exactly what I needed. I was a sloth when I was on the pill.

    Chances are, it's not going to be nearly as bad as you expect it to be.
  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    I was on bc for seven years (I have horrific cramps without if) and went off for a little while to do some medical testing. Now I have Mirena (IUD with hormones similar to the pill). I never noticed any weight gain with the pill or with my IUD but I do notice it is harder for weight to come off with my IUD, I've had very active friends tell me the same thing. My acne was actually fine when I wasn't on birth control, on the IUD I have a bit of an issue.

    To echo what other people have said about contraception, please use something else other than ovulation monitoring unless you do want a child. Especially after being on birth control for so long your cycle will not be very regular and pregnancy is very easy.
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    On a side note, if you get pregnant right after going off the pill it increases your chance of having multiple babies :O
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    I went off in January after 10 years on the pill. (DH got a vasectomy). My flow is much heavier, but I have lost consistently since then. But I've also refocused my commitment to lose these last 10 lbs. so that may be it too. No pimples, but I've had about 10 in my whole life so was never a problem for me. If pimples are a problem, try oil free lotions.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Hey all,
    So as you may or may not know last week i had terrible heart palpitation and went to the E.R.... They ended up just saying that i had an episode of tachycardia. I called my doctor who is more into the natural approach as possible and she told me that my birth control could be the cause. I know that some people have problems with it and i have been on birth control for almost 4yrs. I was unsure but my fiancee and i have also noticed that my mood swings are ridiculous! It is to the point where i am so emotional that i cry and yell and we fight over stupid petty things. I don't want this to ruin my relationship or our future marriage. He told me yesterday he will not leave no matter what. We are soul mate. Anyway, because of all this i am going to stop taking my pills and take the more natural tract ovulation and cycle route. I was wondering what happened to you guys when you when off birth control?
    I have heard that people gain weight and that is a very scary thing for me. I really do not want to gain or get acne. Which i have also heard can happen. Anyone drink yogi women's moon cycle tea? Did it help?

    sorry for the rant i just need some help and want to fix all this before it ruins my fiancee and my life. <3 Thank you all who can help.

    To get pregnant

    No seriously, both my sister and my cousin had been using the rythm method successfully for the last year and both are now pregnant. The also combined it with the pull-out method which does not work either, as both have shown!

    If you don't want a hormonal contraceptive but do not want to get pregnant look into a paraguard IUD or get fitted for, and learn how to use, a diaphram.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    Correct, you get a baby bump :wink:

    But seriously my hormones were all over the place when I did, acne and I sweated more, plus after years of convincing myself that was why I couldn't lose weight it proved to have no difference at all!
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    The first thing is your cycles might be very long at first. "Normal" is 28 days of course (bunch of phooey) but your first few might be 40+ days. Your body is going to try to ovulate for the first time in however long you have been on the pill.

    Your bleeding may be really heavy the first few cycles too. It will be heavy just because of hormones but it will likely SEEM heavier anyway since when you are on BCP you aren't having a "real" TOM.

    If you don't want to get pregnant be VERY careful those first few cycles post-pill. Your hormones etc will be leveling out and things are likely to be all over the place.

    You shouldn't expect to gain any weight but do be mindful of your cal intake as ovulation and TOM hormones can make you want to eat more, and bad foods too.

    I have done NFP/charting for almost 4 years now so if you need any help/advice let me know!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...I've aways heard birth control makes you gain weight.

    That's what I thought, too.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    It depends on the person.
    I actually need it to be normal. When I got off of mine for a while, I didn't have my period for months, I got the WORST pms and my acne flared up beyond belief! It was awful, needless to say, I went back on it and things are just now turning back to normal.
    Good luck with you tho. :)
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 837 Member
    A baby bump. LOL

    Seriously, both times I went off b/c I was pregnant within six weeks.

    My youngest is 4-1/2 now and I've been using a combination of "Natural Family Planning" and condoms since she was born. It is completely effective, IF you have a consistent cycle, IF you are willing to put in some effort, and IF you have a healthy relationship that can handle some "time off" once a month and very open communication. OP you are welcome to message me if you'd like more information about this.
  • Sandydee60
    Sandydee60 Posts: 29 Member
    I ended up pregnant! I always had a lot of problems on the pill.
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I didn't have much of a change when I went off, except my cycle took on a mind of its own. I would skip months and that worried me. For me, taking birth control allows me to predict to the day when I will get it and this helps my mood swings. When I get them (actually today is the day) I usually feel really sad. But, since I know it's related to my cycle, I'm better able to manage these feelings as being related more to hormones than to my actually feelings. So, changing my thoughts about my mood (during this time) changes my mood.
  • radosti1
    radosti1 Posts: 198 Member

    I can't wait until hubby has his vasectomy and I can go off again!

    ^^^ Me too!!^^^^

    Can I just say how much I love the vasectomy? We had decided that if my third was a c-section for any reason, I'd have my tubes tied. Natural delivery and he'd get the vasectomy. No issues during birth, so 3 weeks later, he went in for his 30 min procedure. We've not regretted it yet. It is awesome!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    ...I've aways heard birth control makes you gain weight.

    That's what I thought, too.

    Seriously such an old wives tale! Was anyone who told you that an OBGYN? Some women do notice a weight gain but honestly anyone can find ANY exscuse for their weight gain
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member

    To get pregnant

    No seriously, both my sister and my cousin had been using the rythm method successfully for the last year and both are now pregnant. The also combined it with the pull-out method which does not work either, as both have shown!

    If you don't want a hormonal contraceptive but do not want to get pregnant look into a paraguard IUD or get fitted for, and learn how to use, a diaphram.

    Actually, when used properly NFP/Sympto-Thermal Method has a much lower pregnancy rate than the diapghram does.

    From the Planned Parenthood site:
    Of 100 couples who use the symptothermal method correctly for one year, 0.4 (fewer than one) will have a pregnancy.


    If women always use the diaphragm as directed, 6 out of 100 will become pregnant each year.

    4 years going strong here....no issues at all.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I went off of my BC in January and got an IUD. I've definitely noticed that I have more energy, and I have an easier time losing weight. Good luck!