What's your opinion on restaurant food?



  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you everyone for your opinions and advice! The good thing about working at Chili's is that I know what's put into the food that makes it more fattening or higher in calories. Modifying the food would probably be a good idea and I'm sure the cooks wouldn't mind(: Also, I usually eat the food during my short breaks between shifts so taking the food home isn't usually an option. However, I could order a half order of the food I want so thanks everyone those are some very good ideas. If anyone loves Chili's and wants to know what some healthier choices we have let me know(:
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I do not eat out on a regular basis, but if I'm going to eat out, I go online before & look up the healthiest/lowest cal options on the menu so I have a plan when I get there & I stick to it. Do not be fooled my salads! The Oriental Chicken Salad at Applebee's is one of the highest cal things on their menu!
  • RyanPerry2012
    RyanPerry2012 Posts: 47 Member
    If I go to Chili's, I usually get a small bowl of chili (no cheese, no sour cream, etc) which is still awesome. Or if I want a full meal, I'll get the grilled steak and chicken fajitas, hold the cheese, sour cream, all that fattening stuff. Just the grilled meat and one or two tortillas in moderation are great, as long as you account for everything on MFP!
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    If I go to Chili's, I usually get a small bowl of chili (no cheese, no sour cream, etc) which is still awesome. Or if I want a full meal, I'll get the grilled steak and chicken fajitas, hold the cheese, sour cream, all that fattening stuff. Just the grilled meat and one or two tortillas in moderation are great, as long as you account for everything on MFP!

    Those are good ideas. They aren't the healthiest thing on the menu but those are good ways to cut down the calories and fat. And yes i couldn't agree more, SALADS DO NOT MEAN HEALTHY. Our Quesadilla Explosion Salad is one of the worst on the menu
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    If I go to Chili's, I usually get a small bowl of chili (no cheese, no sour cream, etc) which is still awesome. Or if I want a full meal, I'll get the grilled steak and chicken fajitas, hold the cheese, sour cream, all that fattening stuff. Just the grilled meat and one or two tortillas in moderation are great, as long as you account for everything on MFP!

    Those are good ideas. They aren't the healthiest thing on the menu but those are good ways to cut down the calories and fat. And yes i couldn't agree more, SALADS DO NOT MEAN HEALTHY. Our Quesadilla Explosion Salad is one of the worst on the menu

    I noticed about the salads when I ate there last night. I ended up getting the margarita chicken, and couldn't finish it because it is so big!

    When I was a server at a different large chain, there was an option to order items "ala carte". Why not just order a chicken breast, chop it up, then get a side salad. Top with salsa and beans and you have a delish taco salad for about 300 calories
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Google their nutrition information and see for yourself which options work for you
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Restaurant food is a sodium nightmare, but that is why it is so delicious. You can always ask for sauces on the side or skip the cheese or whatever you have to do to get the calories down, but the sodium is pretty much there to stay!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    ugh. I hate restaurants.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    When I worked at Ruby Tuesdays, they had the nutrition info readily available, so I knew what I could get. Then again, I didn't own a scale at the time, and I felt I was ok since I was on my feet carrying heavy food all day. They had an awesome salad bar, so that was always nice.

    I am sure you can figure out which foods are better for you than others. You can ask the cooks to cook with less grease, and I know you probably have hungry coworkers who are in the same boat, so if you want to share your food, that's an instant way to make your portion smaller, and probably make a new friend too.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I love Chilis!!! I usually get grilled fajitas (steak and chicken combo) and just eat the fajitas with some guac, no cheese or tortillas or sour cream. Delicious, full of protein and fat, and while high in calories not a unhealthy choice.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    Those chain restaurants are tough. Maybe a soup and a salad? Like everyone said....order things without cheese, sour cream, etc. It's hard! What about a piece of chicken, small baked potato and steamed broccoli?
  • akarelis
    akarelis Posts: 6
    There was an article in the AARP magazine (interview with Dubya on the cover) about six months ago that had a lot of good options for controlling calories. Two of my favorites were "Use tall thin glasses instead of short wide ones" (you'll pour less) and "use small plates" (you'll end up eating between thirty and forty percent less food). Also, "keep food in the kitchen, don't bring it out to the table" (again, you'll eat less, although I think that might be less relevant if you're serving at a restaurant). I've been using the first two (the third one doesn't really work for me, because I live in an apartment with a galley kitchen) with great success.