Looking smaller than you weigh.



  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    "Skinny Fat" - It's a known phenomenon lol. You still retain a good shape and look balanced, but you store higher body fat in some areas than you should. It's a blessing and a curse gah!

    I agree. I am skinny fat :( I have alot of fat left but it's well hidden under my clothes and ppl think I don't need to lose any more weight blah blah and think I weigh 120lbs when I actually weigh 145lbs and am also 5'7"
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    "You can completely reshape your body without affecting your weight much. I simply strive to trust in the process and remember: Who sees the scale? Just you. Who sees your shrinking measurements? EVERYBODY! "

    I really like that!!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    "Skinny Fat" - It's a known phenomenon lol. You still retain a good shape and look balanced, but you store higher body fat in some areas than you should. It's a blessing and a curse gah!

    Weighing more than you look is the exact opposite of skinny fat. :smile:

    I really think a lot of people have no clue what anyone weighs. I blame Hollywood and Playboy magazine. Starlets and centerfolds will never admit to weighing more than 110 pounds, no matter how tall or voluptuous they are.
    Half of those models have boobies that weigh about half of what they claim their weight to be. Add in their booty, and implants, and I guess their limbs and organs must be made of air...
  • I get this ALL THE TIME! I'm currently 150'ish and I'm always told I look about 130. I don't understand it, because I'm 5' 2" and I'm about 25lbs overweight. I don't have a lot of height to distribute the extra weight, so this just baffles me.
  • Catherinekiss
    Catherinekiss Posts: 16 Member
    I have this problem as well. I am not nearly as tall as you are though. I am roughly 5'3" and wiegh 145-150 and I am told that i look a lot smaller. I think it all depends on how ones body carries fat. I just kinda lucked out with boobs and butt ;)
  • i use to weight 157lbs and a size 14 at 5 foot 4 inches
    when i had my wedding dress fitting they could not beleave i was in the 11 stone mark as i apparently hide it well (the term here being hide)
    i dont look bad in my clothes but out of them in a bikini yuck! who wants to hide.................. i want to jog along a beach in a skimpy bikini and not wobble lmao i was a size 8 before children at 8 stone 5lbs and thats were i want to be again
    lifes to short, it doesnt matter how much you weigh-its how you feel about yourself if your not happy you can change it
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    Half of those models have boobies that weigh about half of what they claim their weight to be. Add in their booty, and implants, and I guess their limbs and organs must be made of air...

    The newest fancy ones are filled with Helium, so they actually weigh negative weight! 130lb girl + (-20 lbs implants) = 110lbs !

    Before anyone yells at me, its a joke!

    In my case, I had someone arguing with me Friday that I must weigh about 210 - 220... I'm at ~ 275 at the moment.. Part of it is public perception, most of it is frame size and muscle build. My goal weight is 210 which will still have me well into the obese category for 5'11", but I know at that weight I will be a ~32-34" waist and in very healthy shape. I'm much more interested in fitness and size than an arbitrary BMI scale.
  • "Skinny Fat" - It's a known phenomenon lol. You still retain a good shape and look balanced, but you store higher body fat in some areas than you should. It's a blessing and a curse gah!

    I thought "skinny fat" was the opposite of this. She would actually weigh 120 and LOOK like she weighed 140 because it was all flab and no muscle.

    To the OP: Do you lift? If so, you'll appear smaller than another person weighing 140 who only does cardio (or no exercise at all) because muscle takes up less space than fat! Sounds GREAT if you ask me! :D
  • I'm currently going up on the scale again. ): However I know the cause, poor food choices. >.>

    Well, I'm at 147 atm, and I fit great into American Eagle size 6 long, and I have a 28'' waist. IDK if that's normal, or not. I think it is. But since I was really young I've had this happen to me. Being mistaken for weighing less, I mean. I'm really glad I'm not alone in this.

    Is there any way to tell if it's muscle or fat that's causing me to be so heavy?

    LOL, the only lifting I do is at work. I'm a cashier. So only, pop and bags of dog food, ect....
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    Weirdly when I always feel like when I see pics of people, those who have recently lost alot of weight look smaller then those who have been at that weight. I don't know why!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    One of my favourite quotes from here on MFP:

    "You can completely reshape your body without affecting your weight much. I simply strive to trust in the process and remember: Who sees the scale? Just you. Who sees your shrinking measurements? EVERYBODY! "

    So true! If I get to my goal size and I am above my target! That works for me. :) (As long as I don't have health problems, I have no desire to bother with getting to 125 or whatever the "midpoint" is for my height. Waste of energy for me. :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    "Skinny Fat" - It's a known phenomenon lol. You still retain a good shape and look balanced, but you store higher body fat in some areas than you should. It's a blessing and a curse gah!

    Weighing more than you look is the exact opposite of skinny fat. :smile:

    I really think a lot of people have no clue what anyone weighs. I blame Hollywood and Playboy magazine. Starlets and centerfolds will never admit to weighing more than 110 pounds, no matter how tall or voluptuous they are.

    LOL. I know, everyone weigh 110 in Hollywood. And notice there is rarely talk of measurements?
  • Hannova
    Hannova Posts: 50
    I'm currently going up on the scale again. ): However I know the cause, poor food choices. >.>

    Well, I'm at 147 atm, and I fit great into American Eagle size 6 long, and I have a 28'' waist. IDK if that's normal, or not. I think it is. But since I was really young I've had this happen to me. Being mistaken for weighing less, I mean. I'm really glad I'm not alone in this.

    Is there any way to tell if it's muscle or fat that's causing me to be so heavy?

    LOL, the only lifting I do is at work. I'm a cashier. So only, pop and bags of dog food, ect....

    Sure - use a scale that measures the percentage of body fat from your total weight.

    I have one and while I don't like what it says in the numbers, what it's crying out to me is "You have to work out, or when you lose weight you'll lose lean muscle along with the fat!"

    It's an annoying comment from a scale, but I believe it's true. I look less than I weigh as well - it's all a matter of how your body distributes and carries the weight.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Even if you look on MFP, I see people my height who are 20-40 pounds heavier or lighter than I am who wear the same size I do. There is not one single way that it works.
  • This thread hits close to home. I'm 5'9, 155, pretty musclar, approx. size 6-8. Some people say I don't need to lose weight when I mention I am trying to get a few off (not a lot, just looking to be 145-150, and tighten up). Then when I tell them how much I weigh, I've had people say, "oh, well, ok, I guess you could lose a few." It is so funny to me when someone sees you and thinks you look fine, but then hearing a number causes them to think otherwise. I either look good or I don't - it shouldn't matter what the number is. I really agree with the people who have said there is no good frame of reference. So many people lie about their weight that, particularly when it comes to women, people just don't know what normal is. I'm not an an unhealthy weight, but there is a perception amongst some that any woman over 130 pounds is fat, with out any respect for height, build, etc. The lowest I have ever weighed is 137, and I was too skinny at that weight. It is hard for me to even phathom how all these movie stars and models of similar height allegedly weigh 100-115, but that kind of reporting really skews people's view of what is normal.
  • Well I do have a scale that does that but I'm not sure if I can trust it. On Athletic mode it gets me as 20.2% and on normal I have 24%, and I'm not sure if that's right. Is there any way to check?
  • This thread hits close to home. I'm 5'9, 155, pretty musclar, approx. size 6-8. Some people say I don't need to lose weight when I mention I am trying to get a few off (not a lot, just looking to be 145-150, and tighten up). Then when I tell them how much I weigh, I've had people say, "oh, well, ok, I guess you could lose a few." It is so funny to me when someone sees you and thinks you look fine, but then hearing a number causes them to think otherwise. I either look good or I don't - it shouldn't matter what the number is. I really agree with the people who have said there is no good frame of reference. So many people lie about their weight that, particularly when it comes to women, people just don't know what normal is. I'm not an an unhealthy weight, but there is a perception amongst some that any woman over 130 pounds is fat, with out any respect for height, build, etc. The lowest I have ever weighed is 137, and I was too skinny at that weight. It is hard for me to even phathom how all these movie stars and models of similar height allegedly weigh 100-115, but that kind of reporting really skews people's view of what is normal.

    That's exactly it! I look at the actresses who have my frame, and what they claim their weight is, and I get completely baffled. If I ever pushed for anything under 120 it would look unnatural. & I haven't been under 127 since I was fourteen. What you said makes me feel alot better about the fact that the perfect number won't fit me.
  • Maystar80
    Maystar80 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5'10" and I weigh 160 pounds. I've actually had people ARGUE with me about it because they were *sure* I must weigh less than I claim to - by 20 pounds or more (since my LBM is around 130 pounds, that wouldn't even really be possible for me).

    It's called muscle mass, and it takes up less space than fat. I have a fairly low body fat % so I'm relatively compact. I actually have a large frame, but it doesn't look like it because I also have an hourglass figure.

    Bottom line - I'd rather be fit and healthy than worry about whatever number the scale tells me or whatever weight other people assume I must be.

    Plus, I'd rather look like I weigh less than I do than more... that would stink.

    I'm exactly the same way. Except I'm much shorter, about 5'5''. But I sometimes ask people how much they think I weight because it makes me feel better to know people see me as about 140-145 when I'm actually 160. My goal weight is 150 because even though all the bmi things say I could be 130-140, I've never been below 150 and felt like I could sustain it long term. I too have too much muscle for that. Btw, you're so lucky to have an hourglass figure! I'm more of an apple....
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 5'5 and weigh 167 pounds! No one ever believes me. I had to show my number on the scale to my bf because he didn't believe me. I've come to the conclusion that I'm pretty muscular (I wear size 7 pants) or my fat is evenly distributed, or both. I'm 27 pounds away from my goal weight, but I plan on stopping if I ever look scrawny LOL. The least I want is to lose lean muscle mass.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I get this all the time. No one ever believes I weigh 9 stone. People think I am 7 1/2 - 8. I think it's because I am very muscular, so smaller than the average 9 stone female.