"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    How much lean muscle have i lost? None. In fact i have gained muscle.
    How much stronger am i now. I am fitter stronger and have more energy now than i have had in many years.

    But of course you wont belive that because it goes against your own beliefs.

    I am not a first time poster but i am a last time poster here.
    Again. Believe whatever you want to believe. No skin off my nose
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How much lean muscle have i lost? None. In fact i have gained muscle.
    How much stronger am i now. I am fitter stronger and have more energy now than i have had in many years.

    But of course you wont belive that because it goes against your own beliefs.

    I am not a first time poster but i am a last time poster here.
    Again. Believe whatever you want to believe. No skin off my nose

    I never said anything about my beliefs.
    I simply asked a question and you supplied me with no numbers.
    Just n=1.
    But congrats!
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    Why does weight loss have to cost money? Just buy real food, eat less, move more, use this site to track the calories and put your $50 back in your pocket (or into a gym membership). You're willing to pay someone to give you info you can draw from countless free sites on the interwebz? You don't have to buy ANYTHING to lose weight... and doing so is foolish.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Why does weight loss have to cost money? Just buy real food, eat less, move more, use this site to track the calories and put your $50 back in your pocket (or into a gym membership). You're willing to pay someone to give you info you can draw from countless free sites on the interwebz? You don't have to buy ANYTHING to lose weight... and doing so is foolish.

  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    I was out for my morning walk and find that it is a great time for thinking. I have changed my mind. Why should I let a few people who resort to mockery and ridicule in order to try and discredit something that goes against what they think is true stop other people from hearing about alternatives.

    I am a real person who is a real member of the subject of this thread. Believe that or don't believe it. I don't care.

    A little of my history. In my youth I was one of those people who could eat a lot and never put on weight. I was fairly active but not deliberately so. Wasn't into sport or gyms. Just living my life and enjoying it. When I reached 45 I got the job of my dreams in IT as a programmer. Since then due to inactivity and ageing I guess, I have packed on the kilos. In 2008 I reached 112 kilos and decided to do something about it so I joined a 'free' site called Calorie King (also a calorie counting/exercise program). About a month later I was down to 108 kilos. But from there my weight loss plateaued and after another 5 months of not budging I became so sick of recording my meals for zero results and constantly battling hunger (especially at night) that I just stopped. Obviously the old ways crept back in. In 2010 I was at 116 kilos so tried calorie king again with exactly the same result. 2012 I joined my fitness pal thinking maybe a new program might be better. But nope this site was just like calorie king which I already knew does not work so I didn't last long. Anyway in December 2013 at 121 kilos I stumbled on beyond diet while surfing the web. I watched the sales pitch which made so much sense. But I wasn't forking over any money without checking it out so into trusty google I typed 'beyond diet scam' and third from the top was this thread so I read it all the way through. Many we're saying scam but not one of you could say why it was a scam other than to say why pay for something that you can get for free. So I joined and have been coming back here periodically to let the original poster and other interested people know of my progress.

    But as usual you get your nay Sayers who think that an old thread with a new comment isn't worthy of consideration
    Or those who ridicule and call me foolish for paying for something you can get for free.
    Well I'm here to tell you that I have tried it your way several times and it didn't work.
    Maybe it's working for you and I don't begrudge you that. That's great.
    But it didn't work for me and reading threads here it is not working for a lot of other people here either.
    No, in hindsight I can say it would have been foolish of me to listen to you and NOT to go the way I did.

    My purpose here is not to convince people to join beyond diet. My purpose is to show people who, like me, reduced their calorie intake and increased their movement and yet still cannot loose weight, that there is a reason for that. Reducing calories just causes you body to fight your every effort to loose weight in a lot of people. Sure it works for some. But for many it just does not work.
    Counting calories is not the best strategy to for loosing weight. A better strategy in my humble opinion and in my experience is

    1) eating a balance of proteins,carbs and fats in every meal that you eat is far more important than how many calories
    2) Being mindful of where your calories are coming from you can actually consume MORE calories and still loose weight.
    Indeed eating the correct foods in correct balance will boost your metabolism and eating bad foods will decrease it
    3) Eating 5 times a day maintains your blood sugar levels so that your body stays in fat burning mode instead of fat storing mode
    ...all day.

    I never learnt that here or at calorie king. All I learnt is you can eat anything just keep calories in lower than calories out
    It is not as simple as calories in verses colorise out. There is far more to it than that.

    You can decide however you want to try loosing weight. But 47 dollars for what I have verses investing it in a gym. No contest. The gym looses. This is the best 47 dollars I ever spent and I don't care what you nay Sayers say
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Hello it's dan
    My apologies here are some of my numbers


    Of course they could be made up numbers but all I can say is that they are not.
    And I also realise that scales that measure fat and water percentages are not all that accurate but everything I have read about them says that you can rely on the changes indicated in your boddy composition. So the scales show my fat is going down and my hydration is going up. And my body measurements confirm this as does my improved energy levels and just the way I feel.

    And looking at my profile won't tell you anything because I don't log my calories or my exercise or my weight. It doesn't work for me so why would I do it
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hello it's dan
    My apologies here are some of my numbers


    Of course they could be made up numbers but all I can say is that they are not.
    And I also realise that scales that measure fat and water percentages are not all that accurate but everything I have read about them says that you can rely on the changes indicated in your boddy composition. So the scales show my fat is going down and my hydration is going up. And my body measurements confirm this as does my improved energy levels and just the way I feel.

    And looking at my profile won't tell you anything because I don't log my calories or my exercise or my weight. It doesn't work for me so why would I do it

    Wait...you went from 121kg on 12/27 to 106kg on 3/22, thats 30lbs+ lost in 3 months but your ticker only has a 4kg loss.
    Doing the math with the BF% you're reporting going from 119lbs of fat to 72lbs of fat and gaining LBM from 147 to 161 at age 58?
    Are you on TRT?

    Also i'm not being snide like you assume, I'm just trying to understand the fascination with fad diets and seeing truly how valid they are.
    If you've lost the weight, fantastic!
    I personally cheer for people doing this!
    My degree is in helping people live the longest lives they possibly can using Nutrition and Exercise Science.

    You'r numbers for losing 30+ pounds look great, but what type of exercise are you doing to lose the fat and gain nearly 20lbs muscle in 3 months at age 58?
    That part doesn't make sense to me.
    20 year olds who are eating 4000cals a day and lifting heavy have a tough time doing this in a bulk.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hello it's dan
    My apologies here are some of my numbers


    Of course they could be made up numbers but all I can say is that they are not.
    And I also realise that scales that measure fat and water percentages are not all that accurate but everything I have read about them says that you can rely on the changes indicated in your boddy composition. So the scales show my fat is going down and my hydration is going up. And my body measurements confirm this as does my improved energy levels and just the way I feel.

    And looking at my profile won't tell you anything because I don't log my calories or my exercise or my weight. It doesn't work for me so why would I do it

    No snark intended here:
    How did you determine what was water and fat loss?

    BMI is a simply a formula using height & weight, therefore, that's easy enough to calculate.
    The others? Not so simple. That's why I ask.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Well I don't know how you calculated a 20 pound gain in muscle but according to my calculations, in 3 months I have had a

    Loss....20.68 kilos of fat
    Gain.....4.86 kilos of water
    Gain.....1.12 kilos of everything else ( most likely muscle which is approx 2.5 lbs. not 20? )

    Total....14.7 kilos loss

    The fat and water being percentages, calculating the kilos for these are simply taking the percentage of your total weight

    How I came up with those numbers I already told you. Scales that measure your weight,fat,water and BMI
    These are not very good at reading your actual fat and water percentages but everything I have read says they are very good at reading changes. But as I also said, what I have lost is confirmed in my measurements, how I feel and the fact that all my clothes are now too big for me. I can actually put my socks on while standing on 1 leg again. I can get out of bed in one attempt again and without grunting and groaning. I can get up off the floor without having to kneel first again. No, I know it is not muscle that I am loosing, without a shadow of a doubt

    As for exercise I do walking twice a day most days and weights 2 or 3 times a week. I don't do a lot of weights. I don't really want to gain muscle. I just want to loose fat

    And like I already told you. It is pointless going to my profile since I have not recorded anything there in a long long time. Your way of doing it does not work for me. So why would I do something I hate doing. Recording calories on a meal by meal basis. How boring
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My way of doing what?
    Fat loss?
    Muscle gain?

    I'm not trying to recruit you for the programs I'm offering.
    Besides, unless you've worked with me 1 on 1, you can't say if something will or will not work

    Thousands of methods to losing fat.
    You've decided on a fad diet that's worked for 3 months.
    If you bottom out feel free to contact me.
    Currently you're losing about 10lbs a month.
    At some point your body will reach homeostasis and you'll need a different approach.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    To all those who think that paying for dietary help when there is so much information freely available on the internet is foolishness. To those who advise to save my money and invest it in a gym membership because all I need to do is buy natural foods and log my calories here. I have the same challenge for you.

    Exercise is not rocket science. There is a ton of freely available information on the internet on how to exercise. Indeed it is merely common sense as far as I am concerned. Never joined a gym and don't want to. Why don't you invest some of your 300-600 annual membership fee and invest it in a push bike and ride it to the gym and back instead of driving to the gym spend half an hour peddling a stationary bike white staring at a wall and then driving home?

    Over simplified illustration I know but makes my point.
    The fitness industry has hoodwinked people into believing they need specialized equipment and expert advise in order to exercise. Maybe if you want to be the next Arnold Swartzenegger you do. But what rot. You don't need a gym membership in order to get fit and loose weight. Save your money and exercise naturally
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    To all those who think that paying for dietary help when there is so much information freely available on the internet is foolishness. To those who advise to save my money and invest it in a gym membership because all I need to do is buy natural foods and log my calories here. I have the same challenge for you.

    Exercise is not rocket science. There is a ton of freely available information on the internet on how to exercise. Indeed it is merely common sense as far as I am concerned. Never joined a gym and don't want to. Why don't you invest some of your 300-600 annual membership fee and invest it in a push bike and ride it to the gym and back instead of driving to the gym spend half an hour peddling a stationary bike white staring at a wall and then driving home?

    Over simplified illustration I know but makes my point.
    The fitness industry has hoodwinked people into believing they need specialized equipment and expert advise in order to exercise. Maybe if you want to be the next Arnold Swartzenegger you do. But what rot. You don't need a gym membership in order to get fit and loose weight. Save your money and exercise naturally

    I joined a gym and exercise (resistance / strength) because as we age (you and I are both over 40), we lose strength and lean body mass. The rate of loss is greatly lessened by working our muscles, not by diet. Even protein intake won't reverse this process.

    Although WebMD isn't necessarily the authority on all things health & fitness, it does provide a good definition of sarcopenia.


    This is why I inquired about what methods you used. I wondered how your lean body mass was doing in this process.
    Weight loss can absolutely be done through diet alone. I won't dispute that. However, I'm not satisfied with just weight loss. I'm looking at my body composition and nutrition, too.

    ETA: I also exercise "naturally". I walk. I do manual labor. I do body resistance exercises. I just don't have room for strength training equipment in my home.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you. You made my point. Although there is plenty of information out there on how to exercise for free you still choose to pay for several reasons. I have said this before here and I will say it again. I paid a one time fee of $47 for a life time membership to get the expert advise, several eating plans designed to assist me to loose weight in a healthy nutrition rich way. As well as the information that I need in order to plan my meals using the food that I like and still loose weight. I have also agreed that you can get all this information for free on the internet. As I have also said, I have neither the time or the inclination to research all the information weed out the misinformation (and there is a lot of it). In short I have no desire to become an expert in nutrition, I have too many other things that I want to waste my time on. So I chose the path that I did and if that makes me a fool then I guess I am happy to be a fool. I have posted here honestly my results after having tried this for three months for the benefit of those who have shown interest and have wondered if there is anything to this diet and I can tell you unashamedly that for me, there is. I can also tell you that there are MANY members there also enjoying equal success. The majority in fact. I will also admit that there are several who have expressed dissatisfaction and got their money back. I will say though that they are relatively few and the majority of those few only tried it for a few days or not at all. It does feel like you are cooking and washing up a lot. After a while you begin to work out ways to simplify it and it gets easier. But everything worthwhile in life requires effort
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Thank you. You made my point. Although there is plenty of information out there on how to exercise for free you still choose to pay for several reasons. I have said this before here and I will say it again. I paid a one time fee of $47 for a life time membership to get the expert advise, several eating plans designed to assist me to loose weight in a healthy nutrition rich way. As well as the information that I need in order to plan my meals using the food that I like and still loose weight. I have also agreed that you can get all this information for free on the internet. As I have also said, I have neither the time or the inclination to research all the information weed out the misinformation (and there is a lot of it). In short I have no desire to become an expert in nutrition, I have too many other things that I want to waste my time on. So I chose the path that I did and if that makes me a fool then I guess I am happy to be a fool. I have posted here honestly my results after having tried this for three months for the benefit of those who have shown interest and have wondered if there is anything to this diet and I can tell you unashamedly that for me, there is. I can also tell you that there are MANY members there also enjoying equal success. The majority in fact. I will also admit that there are several who have expressed dissatisfaction and got their money back. I will say though that they are relatively few and the majority of those few only tried it for a few days or not at all. It does feel like you are cooking and washing up a lot. After a while you begin to work out ways to simplify it and it gets easier. But everything worthwhile in life requires effort

    And you got free info from me here :smile:
    I hope you'll consider adding strength training to your exercise routine. Even if it's hauling old monitors around. :drinker:
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Some one here expressed a desire to try it and if someone wanted to share.... Ok. Here is something you can try.

    .5 cup baby spinach lightly fried in certified organic unrefined coconut oil
    2 certified organic eggs beaten and added to the spinach to make an omelette
    While cooking slice a medium tomato onto a plate and salt/pepper to taste
    Put the omelette on top and enjoy

    Use Himalayan pink rock salt or similar. Not table salt. As far as I know all
    Studies exposing the evils of salt are done with processed table salt. The
    Processing changes it's chemical composition and that is why it is bad

    Mid morning snack and afternoon snack
    Steam 2 cups of cauliflower broken into small pieces in a zip lock steam bag with a little butter
    Put into a bowl and mix in 250 grams of full fat cottage cheese
    Separate into two containers. 1 for morning and one for afternoon. Or for different days.


    2 apples diced. Cook it in organic coconut oil if you like
    Add 1 cup full fat natural Greek yoghurt
    If too sour add stevia or xylitol to taste

    Lunch or dinner
    112 grams of the meat or fish of your choice diced and fried in coconut oil
    1 cup of steamed vegetables of your choice or salad.
    I sometimes add the vegetables to the meat and fry it all in coconut oil
    When cooked serve and add 1 tsp unrefined extra virgin olive oil

    That is a sample of what I eat per day. Of course I mix things up but is the portions of protein, carbs and fats that matter
    And every meal has both proteins and carbs in them and lunch and dinner adds a portion of fats

    1) All wheat products including bread. Wheat is so genetically modified it can be considered a non foot that bloats you and rapidly causes a blood sugar spike that sends your body into fat storing mode
    2) Cage eggs the hens are fed with antibiotics and they live in atrocious conditions all of which adversely affects the eggs
    3) Fake butters and vegetable oils. The hydrogenation and additives are the problem. Use real butter.
    4) table salt. Processing chemically alters it. Use rock salts instead. The body needs salt.
    5) all processed foods including so called "health food" and fruit juices
    6) sugar, saccharin etc

    Of course I have some of that stuff occasionally. Meetings at work when lunch is supplied. Going out on someone's birthday. Etc etc. can't avoid it all the time and you don't have to. It's what you do 80% of the time that really matters

    Sugar, hidden sugars and processed food are the primary things. I lost 9 kilo in my first month and all I did was totally cut those out. That and greatly increased my water intake. Half my body weight in lbs. that much water in ounces. Since then my weight loss has slowed to a more normal, 1kg per week. I have also gone through 3 week long plateaus. I think it's my body readjusting itself. No idea but it doesn't last long before I start loosing again
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    I already said I do weights 2 or 3 days a week. I don't want to do a lot because I don't want to gain muscle. I do enough to maintain muscle. That's all I need. Always been naturally muscular. Well, muscular enough to keep me happy
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Some one here expressed a desire to try it and if someone wanted to share.... Ok. Here is something you can try.

    .5 cup baby spinach lightly fried in certified organic unrefined coconut oil
    2 certified organic eggs beaten and added to the spinach to make an omelette
    While cooking slice a medium tomato onto a plate and salt/pepper to taste
    Put the omelette on top and enjoy

    Use Himalayan pink rock salt or similar. Not table salt. As far as I know all
    Studies exposing the evils of salt are done with processed table salt. The
    Processing changes it's chemical composition and that is why it is bad

    Mid morning snack and afternoon snack
    Steam 2 cups of cauliflower broken into small pieces in a zip lock steam bag with a little butter
    Put into a bowl and mix in 250 grams of full fat cottage cheese
    Separate into two containers. 1 for morning and one for afternoon. Or for different days.


    2 apples diced. Cook it in organic coconut oil if you like
    Add 1 cup full fat natural Greek yoghurt
    If too sour add stevia or xylitol to taste

    Lunch or dinner
    112 grams of the meat or fish of your choice diced and fried in coconut oil
    1 cup of steamed vegetables of your choice or salad.
    I sometimes add the vegetables to the meat and fry it all in coconut oil
    When cooked serve and add 1 tsp unrefined extra virgin olive oil

    That is a sample of what I eat per day. Of course I mix things up but is the portions of protein, carbs and fats that matter
    And every meal has both proteins and carbs in them and lunch and dinner adds a portion of fats

    1) All wheat products including bread. Wheat is so genetically modified it can be considered a non foot that bloats you and rapidly causes a blood sugar spike that sends your body into fat storing mode
    2) Cage eggs the hens are fed with antibiotics and they live in atrocious conditions all of which adversely affects the eggs
    3) Fake butters and vegetable oils. The hydrogenation and additives are the problem. Use real butter.
    4) table salt. Processing chemically alters it. Use rock salts instead. The body needs salt.
    5) all processed foods including so called "health food" and fruit juices
    6) sugar, saccharin etc

    Of course I have some of that stuff occasionally. Meetings at work when lunch is supplied. Going out on someone's birthday. Etc etc. can't avoid it all the time and you don't have to. It's what you do 80% of the time that really matters

    Sugar, hidden sugars and processed food are the primary things. I lost 9 kilo in my first month and all I did was totally cut those out. That and greatly increased my water intake. Half my body weight in lbs. that much water in ounces. Since then my weight loss has slowed to a more normal, 1kg per week. I have also gone through 3 week long plateaus. I think it's my body readjusting itself. No idea but it doesn't last long before I start loosing again

    Delerna, it's fine that you didn't want to put the leg work into structuring your own diet plan, but there's no need to demonize certain foods like wheat products. There are peer-reviewed journal articles referenced in threads on this site that clearly disprove some of the things that you are alleging.

    Yes, I goofed on the fact that someone dragged up an ancient thread, but I AM genuinely happy that you are losing weight and changing your body composition. If you feel happy eating the way you do, that's great. Just understand that some of the information that you have been given is untrue.

    ETA: "Losing", please, not "loosing"
  • mrsBrown1989
    GOOGLE!!!! dont pay for what is all over google for free... And this website.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Ok. If you want to accept that. That is your choice. But I won't be.
    What I am following is working for me so I will be sticking to that

    There are articles and research on any subject that you can point to that supposedly proves both sides of any argument.
    For me the proof is in the pudding and when I eat bread now I feel myself bloating and I feel terrible. That's enough proof for me.
    In my opinion that is the reason some have such a hard time accepting that I have actually lost the weight that I have been saying I have or thinking that I must be losing lean muscle. You eat food that slows your metabolism and then can't understand how what is happening to me could be possible.

    Anyway, someone asked, so I posted the basics of what I do and I am enjoying great results because of it. Reject it if you want I cannot prove it to you. I am simply stating what is happening to me and how I am doing it
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Although I don't accept that some of what I've learnt is wrong. I do accept that a lot of what I have learnt goes against conventional wisdom. But that doesn't automatically make it wrong.

    I also accept that my understanding of what I am learning May be in error. I have only been at it for three months after all. But what I do know is that I do better when I stay away from wheat products