Zumba questions

aghack Posts: 107 Member
Hey MFPers,
I want to try Zumba, but I am scared to death. Am I going to look like a complete moron? I can't dance- seriously, I have no rythm. Add to that the extra 45lbs I'm carrying, and I want to crawl under a rock rather than dance in front of others. However, this journey is about challenging myself. SO- I was wondering, how akward is it? Have any of you ever been too scared to try a group fitness class? Too scared for Zumba? How did you get over it (if you did)?



  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    My friend used the Zumba for Wii & also Zumba videos at YouTube to practice before she went to a class. That way she knew some moves & wasn't so self conscious. Everyone I know that has tried Zumba LOVES it. Good luck!
  • aghack
    aghack Posts: 107 Member
  • Charlene_91
    Charlene_91 Posts: 323
    I do Zumba on the Wii and that way no body sees me so what ever i look like who cares lol.

    It's a good workout too really gets my heart rate up. And very sweaty (soz).
    Plus its fun :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I saw a class at my YMCA. It looked fun. Alot of uncoordinated folks. I just went one day and been going since for a few months now. I suck but I have fun. No one is going to judge you or care. My Zumba instructor is very helpful and gives everyone alternatives they can do if they can't mimic or do all the moves. I for one can't skip so I do this werid half-assed hopping thing. Just go.
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    I LOVE Zumba and I am over a 100lbs overweight.. you get so involved in dancing that you dont even realise that there are other people there.
  • AnnaZ223
    AnnaZ223 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been going to Zumba classes off and on for almost 2 years. I love it! In fact just starting back tonight after not going for 3 mos. My daughter has b-ball on the nights I normally go.
    You should just go and have fun. No one is going to judge you. You are making an effort to change your body. I hope you go and enjoy yourself! Good luck
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    You'll do great. Everyone starts somewhere. Zumba is very forgiving, and the reason why it is so popular is that it is accessible to all fitness levels and abilities. Jump in. 2 years ago, I felt the same way. :) Now I"m 70 lbs lighter and an instructor. You'll be fine :)

    Send me a message if you have any questions :)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I recently with in the last month started taking a zumba class. They are all a little different the one I like the most is geared more towards hip hop moves. I would not worry about looking ackward it took me 3 classes to get most of the steps down and I am not coordinated there are still times the class is going right and I am going left. The biggest thing is just keep moving no matter what. I say give it a try and you may find something you love but if you don't try you won't know.
  • Milliebear66
    Milliebear66 Posts: 23 Member
    go along.. it's fun.. I have NO co ordination at all .. so what .. just go and meet new people and have a laugh.. whatever you do, you'll be burning calories .. go for it .. :)
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I went and talked to the instructor before I started and she put me at ease. She assured me that nobody follows all the moves right away. It's okay. So I concentrated more on getting through it. Did I feel like a dork sometimes? Yes. Am I a natural dancer? Not even close. It was a more fun workout than anything else I've tried thus far! I will admit that on the first day, I did feel like I wanted to die about 20 minutes into it and at minimum quite right then and there. I took a brief one song break out in the hall while I cooled down and then rejoined and powered through. I was quite proud of myself! The next time I went, I had a little more confidence but I also did something else that really helped a lot. I brought 2 bottles of water. They give us about 1 min. between song selections. I grabbed my bottle each and every time and took a sip. This helped more than I can tell you. While I still had to power through, this time I wasn't as over heated and didn't feel like a boiled lobster. Don't misunderstand--I was sweating but it was different from being overheated. I downed both bottles and it normally takes effort for me to want to drink water, much less two in one hour. I'm getting better! I'm still not 100% but I like that I'm making progress and I like the moves they teach us. Don't worry too much about being perfect. There is always several in each class so far that are beginners and missing the beat too. It's okay.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    Just do it!!! Seriously you will love it. No one pays attention to anything, too much sweat dripping in their faces. lol. Its sooo much Fun.
  • Stippyrow
    I've heard Zumba is a blast! Have you tried Jazzercise? They are really awesome at giving you directions and making sure you are staying with the class and dancing :) That may be a fun alternative! I personally LOVE it!
  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    I weigh 290.... and wouldn't miss my ZUMBA Class. The first couple of times it's hard to get the steps down, but you catch on quickly. Now I am addicted. It is a really good work out and the time goes by soooooooo fast. A 45 minute zumba class seems like 10 minutes on the elliptical to me. So much fun. and if you cant do the steps just keep moving, that's all that matters. in my class there are all sorts of different fittness levels, nobody thinks anything of it. As a matter of fact, the really "good" ones are the funnest ones cuz they are hooting and hollering and moving like you wouldn't believe and they are great to us "puggy" ones who aren't quite up to par. So much fun!!! Don't be embarrassed or intimidated.... DO IT!!!

    Oh yeah.... and I am 141 pounds lighter thanks in part to ZUMBA! (among other things)
  • kappy_hollowell
    Like the others said, just ty it! Last summer I took my first Zumba class, and I was scared to death, but so was everyone else, and we all looked like idiots for the first couple of times. BTW, no one is watching you, they are too worried about themselves. NOW, I'm a Zumba Instructor! It's so much fun! It's more like being in a club than a fitness class! Just go and have fun, don't worry about doing the moves perfectly!
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    If you are self conscious, get to class a little early and claim a spot in the back of the room. No one will really be judging you wherever you are, but you might feel better if no one is looking at you from behind. My sister-in=law went from very overweight to a svelte runner thanks in large part to Zumba. Enjoy it!
  • lchovet
    lchovet Posts: 68
    You will find people of all shapes and abilities at mpost zumba classes. Chances are you won't be the only fisrt timer either. Find a friend to go with you you can luagh at each other. My teacher always says 3 things at the start of class
    1. HAVE FUN !!!
    2. There no wrong way to do Zumba, just keep moving.
    3. No one is looking at you they're all looking at ME !

    Give yourself a couple of classes to settle in, I bet you'll become another Zumba Addict !!!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I LOVE Zumba ! I go with my neighbor and she is skinny and she can't dance at all ! So your weight has nothing to do with it. :wink: You should go and shake your money maker ! It is alot of fun.
  • rebeccaME207
    rebeccaME207 Posts: 90 Member
    Ha ha me too! I went to the class and just had fun!! As long as you keep moving who cares!! I def cant dance and Im not good at wiggiling but I never had such a fun workout!! Just lighten up n enjoy it no matter what! You'll be exercising and no one is gonna judge you! Its a cool n chill atmosphere fo fun! GO TRY IT!!
  • turnerm65
    turnerm65 Posts: 58 Member
    I started Zumba a year and a half ago. I was hooked from the first class and have been going 2 or 3 times a week. It really is a "no judgement zone." All of us have been there, the first class... I've discovered that no one really pays attention to anyone but the instructor.
  • debgcook
    debgcook Posts: 64
    Just go....seriously no one cares. They go and have fun, and it is all about moving and dancing and burning calories. No one is perfect. Trust me.