Why do people think a male and female are a couple?



  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Its because people are just conditioned to think as such. A young person (black girl) pushing a stroller with a baby inside (who is also black) more often than not people will think that is the mother and not think sister, or baby sitter (this has happened to me when I was 14...the lady just asked me is that my kid and I was like no...do I look old enough for a kid? she said no. so) just dont pay it any mind. If you know what your relationship is between you and this guy as friends then don't worry about why someone is quick to think you are dating him instead. if it bothers you that much maybe make matching shirts that say he's my friend/she's my friend and on the back say we're not dating so don't ask.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Somebody thought I was my sister's boyfriend once.

    Why the heck they thought that is way beyond me, but it happens. :S
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    Because Harry said, "men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way."

  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    People auto-run the possibilities in their heads and because of the nature of our beings, we stereotype to try to understand the world around us in easy chunks. It's just like having a play list of your favourite songs, an easy way to compute what is going on around us. Obviously not always the most accurate way of doing things, but certainly the most efficient :) Therefore, see a guy and a gal together and the most likely explanation is that they're a couple, followed by they are related (if there are no obvious signs of extra curricular affection) because that is ofc what is most commonly encountered by "most" people.

    Watered down explanation, but there are lots of studies on stereotyping out there if you're still interested :)
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    haha my oldest best friend from age 10 til recently is a guy.. everyone always thought we were a couple, my boyfriends and his girlfriends growing up seemed to have a complex about it at times.. His current gf doesn't like me and hasn't even ever hung out with me.. we don't see each other as much anymore and it's pretty sad.. but yeah.. everyone thought we were a couple and we didn't hold hands or kiss or any of that.. just the fact we were always together... I stopped some kids from bullying him when we were in elementary school ( I was little but scrappy) and from that point on we were friends.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I wouldn't assume but I think if your friend is your best friend and he's male there may be a bit of denial going on. If your'e heterosexual and you are closely connected emotionally maybe you should be a coup;le??? I certainly would not like my husband to form any kind of close friendship with another woman so I'm not sure on how being best friends with a guy like that impacts your couple relationships?
    One of my best friends is a girl. She's awesome and hot and we get on really well, but I genuinely see her more like a sister. We met by dating at first actually, but that didn't fit but we always just got on really well, just nothing sexual there.

    My gf is totally cool with it. I still keep in contact with a lot of my exes and we've all moved on, but that doesn't mean we don't still enjoy each other's company.
  • aphelionix
    I wouldn't let it bug you. It's no one's business what you and your best friend are. Just kindly correct anyone that says otherwise, and move on with your day. (If they make a big deal, then just remind them that it's not their concern. :P) I think it's great that a guy and girl can be best friends and nothing more. Friendship is underrated in general, I think.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    We have been really close friends for several years and our kids kinda got the hole thing of BFF started. We have fun and our kids are the same ages and they are best friends too. So alot of our friendship started out because of the kids, I have tried setting him up with girlfriends but he doesn't want a relationship....he had a really bad divorce and his X is a major crazy.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    haha my oldest best friend from age 10 til recently is a guy.. everyone always thought we were a couple, my boyfriends and his girlfriends growing up seemed to have a complex about it at times.. His current gf doesn't like me and hasn't even ever hung out with me.. we don't see each other as much anymore and it's pretty sad.. but yeah.. everyone thought we were a couple and we didn't hold hands or kiss or any of that.. just the fact we were always together... I stopped some kids from bullying him when we were in elementary school ( I was little but scrappy) and from that point on we were friends.

    YOU'RE HIS HERMIONE! Was it a troll from the dungeon?! Hahaha.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Why do people think peanut butter and jelly make a good sandwich?
  • shelbysmom08
    MY daughter is 5 her BFF is a boy!
  • katsmit2
    katsmit2 Posts: 54
    its unusual to not think they are a couple.

  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    When I'm walking my dog, people automatically assume it's my dog.

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I used to get the opposite... people thought the boyfriend I was with was my brother. I don't get that now that I'm married, though. I've never been a PDA person.
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    LOL! My brother and I were on the bus the other day and he has major social anxiety so I wanted to sit next to him but there were no empty seats. At one stop, this lady that was taking up a whole row got off so we were going to go sit and someone else came. He paused when he saw that I had gotten up then sat back down and said "do you want to sit? Go ahead. I like seeing a couple."

    BARF. That's my 19 year old brother! LOL
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My husband's best friend since High School is a female (now married with 4 kids) and she was our best woman in our wedding instead of a best man. My hubby was also her 'honor attendant' instead of Matron of Honor.

    In my circle of friends women and men are best friends. We're not sexist.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Because Harry said, "men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way."


    yes, this! undeniable. if one person hasn't thought it, the other one has and the sex part is officially out there B-)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    probably all about your mannerisms together....when people picture their ideal partner, it's supposed to be their best friend of the opposite sex......so if they see you two together and you already put out the best friend vibe/communicate well/etc, it fits

    Also it's easier to assume
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    I am glad to know it goes the other way to lol brother and sister are thought of as a couple....that is worse than your best friend lol maybe people should just keep their thoughts to themselves......
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    When I was about 16 or 17, I was helping my dad buy my mom's Christmas presents and the clerk in a store mistook us for a couple. My dad would have been 43 or 44 at the time. I'm still in therapy. :sick: