Need friends that comment and eat!!



  • SimplyAllys
    I love eating, so much in fact, that I'm a culinary student! I like to eat food, learn about food, and create food! I'm a 22 year old mom of 2 in San Diego. I now need to lose about 30 lbs to really be satisfied with myself again. I have a closet of clothes that looked great on my BEFORE I had my kids (1 1/2 and 7 months old). I'm starting to work out at the gym, take long weekend morning walks with one of the kids in the stroller and calisthenics at home (stay at home mom). I'm using my culinary abilities to make healthier meals for my family. I'm trying to stick to my 1200 cal/day amount, but sometimes I slip, especially on the weekends... oops...
    I'm always looking for more friends, especially those with similar situations to mine. I'm always on my iPhone, so I comment a LOT. Haha
    My goal for this week is to make it to the gym as many times as I can bribe hubs to watch the kids on his own (lol), not eat back the calories I execised off and to lose another lb. I'm trying to keep my losing goals realistic as I'm still getting the hang of this, and lately I've been exceeding my own expectations!
  • Chrissie_R
    Chrissie_R Posts: 224 Member
    yep same, have added you x
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I will be adding you!