Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis program



  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    i truly think it comes down to personality. i don't want to be talked at a lot, and i would rather go at my own pace, so this is great for me. if you want real direction all the time, it may not be ideal. overall, though, i am astounded at the changes in my shape, and cannot wait to hit day 365.

    good luck!

    That's what I say too, I liked the mat work, but the lack of direction really bothered me and I didn't feel like the money was worth not getting instruction so I did return it but it definitely is a personal thing.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    not worth the money just go to the gym and lift heavy weights
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I did it tonight. It was hard.

    I have 2 gym memberships, sadly, that are both under-utilized. But, it's easier to workout out at home and skip the 30 minutes of commuting.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I just read the rest of the posts. Not sure how my back will handle it, but we'll see. It's not plyometric type jumping, so maybe it won't be too bad. I definitely need better shoes. I did some step touching and not all jumping and couldn't finish all the reps on the muscle work, but my 37-year old, 2 kid later body just isn't what it used to be.

    The lack of direction, etc. didn't bother me. I found it pretty easy to follow.

    I barely made it up the steps to the shower though, so not sure I will be able to walk tomorrow!

    I may have to alternate her dance cardio w/30 minutes on my recumbent bike if it's too much on my back.

    I do love how there are not lunges and super-fast movement changes like Jillian, etc.
  • Her workouts are incredible. I have never had results the way her workouts have done for me before. It's amazing! I'm only on day 33 and I've lost 8 pounds and like 7 inches. And I get to do this for 60 MORE DAYS!!! I can't believe it!!

    I don't follow her diet plan, I just do the cardio and muscular structure work.

    Honestly, it's all about attitude. You can stick to any workout. I like that this one is more free and fun, and less like a drill sergeant. It's very difficult, but the hour flies by. I highly recommend it to everyone, and I have had 3 people now (including my Mom!) start it, too.
  • fatgirlslimagain
    fatgirlslimagain Posts: 51 Member

    I know this is an old post but have a few questions.

    Interesting responses. Sounds like you either love or hate this program

    I'm wondering how it went for your Kkerri? Did you get good results

    I'd also like to know - how long do the work outs go for?

    One thing I don't have a lot of it time

  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member

    I know this is an old post but have a few questions.

    Interesting responses. Sounds like you either love or hate this program

    I'm wondering how it went for your Kkerri? Did you get good results

    I'd also like to know - how long do the work outs go for?

    One thing I don't have a lot of it time


    here is a breakdown of the pros and cons for me:

    CONS (I start here as I like to end on a positive note)
    -Not a lot of guidance. She talks through the videos, and explains things, but sometimes it would be nice to have a clearer view or explanation. This is sporadic, however. For the most part if I watch a video a few times I get it.
    -Cardio dance work out is really tough on me in the chestal region. I have to wear two sports bras, and my downstairs neighbor hates me, I am sure. I don't find the dance that interesting, and would rather kick something or flow in yoga, so I don't do it.
    - The website needs a serious overhaul. It looks like I made it, which isn't saying much cuz I have terrible website building skills

    - Joint injuries--I have heard some people say they have trouble if they have knee or wrist issues. I have problems with my shouledr from time to time and it has been fine except for ONE ten day cycle. But it was easy to work around.

    -The mat exercises are amazing-some very difficult, but most of the time really fun. I have seen results in a short period of time in one area,and definitely overall.
    -They are only 1/2 hour long and you can do them in the privacy of your own home. Anyone who says it's a waste just go to the gym is missing the entire point of having a home work out. I would rather work out in my own home and use my own discarded band-aid free shower. Plus, for me the commute to the gym is huge. My success rate with Tracy Anderson is high - usually at least 5 days a week becuase I can just get up and do it.
    -Low investment
    -online support - There are a lot of groups on the TA site, and all over. I have found a lot of blogs with great input.

    I have not followed TA's diet, and I am just working off some extra weight I gained from the failed EMTWL experiment, but overall after a year I feel so much stronger and leaner. Things fit better and the biggest thing for me is that I am STILL doing it- I just did the 195th day yesterday. That is a big one for me as I went to the gym probably 80 times two years ago, despite location and all that.

    Good luck, and feel free to message me if you have any other specific questions.
  • LittleEEE
    LittleEEE Posts: 1
    Metamorphosis is great - but her first DVDs are better if you are new to her teaching method - The Mat Workout, and the PostPregnancy Workout. I've had these in my DVD collection for three years and still use them A LOT.

    Tracy's workouts are not for everyone. And not every woman is built the same. I am short, and even though I'm not stocky, I DO bulk up in the upper body when lifting weights.

    So I use Tracy's DVDs in the summer to make my muscles leaner and look slimmer overall. I lift heavy weights in the fall and winter to strengthen my muscles and bones and speech up my metabolism.