When is it ok to eat the sweets???

la8dcruz Posts: 82 Member
Ok everyone, I have a question. There are times when I have a really good day and I have put in the work and calculated my workouts with my diet, leaving me with some extra calories/fat/carbs and I wonder if it's cool for me to give into that sweet tooth. Sometimes satisfying the lil craving may keep me from over doing it when I go without it for a long period of time. I have the room for it on my food diary........ should I refrain from giving in to the sweet tooth????


  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    why refrain if you have the calories? enjoy, dont deprive yourself :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    When you have such a strong craving for it you cannot resist? Then enjoy every single morsel to the utmost extent possible. Stop when you've had enough. Even if it's a bite or two in.
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    moderation is the key- i just ate me some gummie bears its all good
  • JJShotz
    JJShotz Posts: 43 Member
    I never deprive myself...I just stay under my calorie goal. If I want something, I just work out enough so it fits and still lose weight. :)
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    If you were in your favorite store and saw something you really wanted and it fit within the budget you set for yourself that already accounted for your saving etc...would you deny yourself?
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    If your goal is to give up sugar/sweets, then don't do it. The more you go without those treats, the less you will crave them. For me, I love sweets and don't want to give them up. So, if it fits into your calories for the day, go for it! When I'm trying to be REALLY good, then I'll allow myself the treats only the weekends. But, there's nothing wrong with a treat every night if it fits into your calorie goal.
  • la8dcruz
    la8dcruz Posts: 82 Member
    I give in...... BUT I buy the lower calorie, low fat treats for the house. I even started checking my frozen yogurt and switch it up with soy ice cream at times. It all taste good and satisfys my sweet tooth
  • mandii066
    mandii066 Posts: 14
    Please, if you have time watch "Forks over knives".. an incredible documentary/short film two doctors made that links the consumption of animal meats, mostly red meat with diseases/cancers. They focus on eating colorful, alive, natural, whole foods, and how miscommunicated mostly Americans are. We eat double to tripple the amount of protein we need, which activates pre-existing cancer cells etc, which is the reason our nation is the most obese, unhealthy, sick, etc. We are literally killing ourselves with the foods we are eating. If it had a mother, father etc do not eat it!! Also check out on you tube, foods that can kill you. They focus on heart disease etc and how people literally are turning their blood fatty!!!!!!

  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    dont restrict yourself from the treats!! if you do that, you will find you may binge on them even more than if you just ate little amounts every few days or something! I ate sweets, chocolate, crisps, cakes etc when i want to! I just work around them with my calorie allowance :) and im still loosing weight by doing that! :) x
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Go for it! I think of it this way - if you really want a piece of chocolate cake and you have the calories, have a piece of chocolate cake. Because if you keep telling yourself no chocolate cake, eventually there's a chance you're going to go on a binge and eat an ENTIRE chocolate cake. This is doubly true for emotional eaters, since binges can be set off by a lot of things. I know that was a problem both my girlfriend and I had.
  • If my diary allows my calories, I do it.. but in moderation of course. I will have a bag of M&M's or something every now and then or a small brownie.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Please, if you have time watch "Forks over knives".. an incredible documentary/short film two doctors made that links the consumption of animal meats, mostly red meat with diseases/cancers. They focus on eating colorful, alive, natural, whole foods, and how miscommunicated mostly Americans are. We eat double to tripple the amount of protein we need, which activates pre-existing cancer cells etc, which is the reason our nation is the most obese, unhealthy, sick, etc. We are literally killing ourselves with the foods we are eating. If it had a mother, father etc do not eat it!! Also check out on you tube, foods that can kill you. They focus on heart disease etc and how people literally are turning their blood fatty!!!!!!


    Well, this thread took an odd turn.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Please, if you have time watch "Forks over knives".. an incredible documentary/short film two doctors made that links the consumption of animal meats, mostly red meat with diseases/cancers. They focus on eating colorful, alive, natural, whole foods, and how miscommunicated mostly Americans are. We eat double to tripple the amount of protein we need, which activates pre-existing cancer cells etc, which is the reason our nation is the most obese, unhealthy, sick, etc. We are literally killing ourselves with the foods we are eating. If it had a mother, father etc do not eat it!! Also check out on you tube, foods that can kill you. They focus on heart disease etc and how people literally are turning their blood fatty!!!!!!


    Um, off topic much?
  • la8dcruz
    la8dcruz Posts: 82 Member
    I've been educating myself on all of that! My office is BIG on that information. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    Fiber One has some chocolate brownies (find them by the granola bars in the grocery store) and they are only 90 calories...and delicious! I LOVE chocolate!!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I have ice cream just about every night. I have the calories, I've eaten good, healthy food all day long, and it helps me stick to this whole lifestyle change.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    For me, I subscribe to it's okay to eat the sweets if you have the calories, they are eaten in moderation and they don't replace your veggies and fruits or good proteins.
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 158 Member
    why refrain if you have the calories? enjoy, dont deprive yourself :)

    I second this.... it helps you stay on track and sane. I couldn't do this day after day if I felt deprived.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Please, if you have time watch "Forks over knives".. an incredible documentary/short film two doctors made that links the consumption of animal meats, mostly red meat with diseases/cancers. They focus on eating colorful, alive, natural, whole foods, and how miscommunicated mostly Americans are. We eat double to tripple the amount of protein we need, which activates pre-existing cancer cells etc, which is the reason our nation is the most obese, unhealthy, sick, etc. We are literally killing ourselves with the foods we are eating. If it had a mother, father etc do not eat it!! Also check out on you tube, foods that can kill you. They focus on heart disease etc and how people literally are turning their blood fatty!!!!!!


  • la8dcruz
    la8dcruz Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks everyone, I have been treating myself on weekends in moderation and enjoying it after working so hard in the week..... still losing weight and body fat....

    I just wanted to see what everyone thought..... i don't like to deprive myself and I figure that I earned it so why not! :wink: