Detox and Cleanse



  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    I can recommend a Juice fasting where you go on nothing but juice. But if done you would need to make sure you get all the colors of the rainbow in fruits and veggies (veggies are essential!). My father lost 20+ pounds on it and I lost about 5 pounds when I did it over the course of the week (but I did 2 juice meals and 1 solid). Hope I helped :)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
    Anna :)
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    O.k I Love all of the feedback Im getting! I will eat my calorie goal for the day which is very hard for me to do. And when I wkout I will eat some of my exercise calories back. But can someone please explain to me.... If we have to workout and burn calories to lose weight , why would I put back in my body the calories I just worked my butt off to get rid of?
  • dburdi02
    dburdi02 Posts: 16 Member
    Ever hear a reputable, successful dietician advise a detox/fast?? Nope, me either! And a juice fast; hello sugar, sounds like a great way to mess up your blood sugar levels. Eat your calories! My scale seems to be stuck too but my measurements are looking better and my clothes are getting loose. Just keep at it, our bodies change so much what worked 2 years ago may not work this time. Good luck!!
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    Ever hear a reputable, successful dietician advise a detox/fast?? Nope, me either! And a juice fast; hello sugar, sounds like a great way to mess up your blood sugar levels. Eat your calories! My scale seems to be stuck too but my measurements are looking better and my clothes are getting loose. Just keep at it, our bodies change so much what worked 2 years ago may not work this time. Good luck!!
    Thanks!! I think Im gonna focus more on measurements and Eating more calories! I just love my protein shakes in the mornings with greek yogurt and berries that it keeps me full for a while! So I might change my diet around a bit. :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Can anyone recommend a good detox and cleanse product? I think my body needs one because its not responding at all to diet and exercise! I know what I am doing is correct because i lost 40lbs after my 2nd child from diet and exercise and I lost the weight quickly! Now my body wont do anything And Ive been exercising and staying at my calorie goal for three weeks! Any suggestions what could be happening?
    Water and fiber.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    O.k I Love all of the feedback Im getting! I will eat my calorie goal for the day which is very hard for me to do. And when I wkout I will eat some of my exercise calories back. But can someone please explain to me.... If we have to workout and burn calories to lose weight , why would I put back in my body the calories I just worked my butt off to get rid of?
  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member
    Basically, you have to eat to lose. Your caloric intake is low considering the exercise as well. Your body is smart, if it feels that it's not getting the calories it needs it goes into survival mode and retains fat cells. It's calories in / calories out but you have to take in enough for your body to operate efficiently and if it is then it will not feel that it has to survive and allow you to lose the weight.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    At 140lbs, the absolute MINIMUM I would eat is 1400cals.

    MFP is setup so that you're cal target already has a deficit. (You most likely picked 2lbs/week yeah?) If you eat you're exercise cals back then you are still in a deficit. You don't want a deficit that is too large unless you are obese which you are not. As you get closer to you're goal weight the deficit should be smaller so that you preserve LBM.

    Any sort of bw resistance training is fine as well. There are plenty of ways that you can make them more challenging. Generally, if you can do more than about 10 reps per set though you need to make it harder somehow.

    And no, don't do a juice fast.
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    At 140lbs, the absolute MINIMUM I would eat is 1400cals.

    MFP is setup so that you're cal target already has a deficit. (You most likely picked 2lbs/week yeah?) If you eat you're exercise cals back then you are still in a deficit. You don't want a deficit that is too large unless you are obese which you are not. As you get closer to you're goal weight the deficit should be smaller so that you preserve LBM.

    Any sort of bw resistance training is fine as well. There are plenty of ways that you can make them more challenging. Generally, if you can do more than about 10 reps per set though you need to make it harder somehow.

    And no, don't do a juice fast.
    Thank-you! It makes alot more sense to me now. :happy:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    good stuff :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    When I am in a "don't want to eat my calories" mode, it's helpful for me to remember that my organs need that much to function. That gives me a solid, reasonable reason to eat what I need, beyond the sometimes hard to accept metabolism/weight loss issue.
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    Can anyone recommend a good detox and cleanse product? I think my body needs one because its not responding at all to diet and exercise! I know what I am doing is correct because i lost 40lbs after my 2nd child from diet and exercise and I lost the weight quickly! Now my body wont do anything And Ive been exercising and staying at my calorie goal for three weeks! Any suggestions what could be happening?

    Genesis 4 Total Cleanse. You don't have to change what you eat while doing the cleanse, but it is highly recommended you eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water...trying to stay away from processed junk and greasy foods. I go through a cycle of this stuff about once every 6 months, and going through a cycle right now because I've been experiencing fatigue and other issues which usually go away about a week after I start a cleanse cycle. I'm thinking all the rich food during my cruise about a month ago sent my system into a funk, because I have not been the same since getting back from vacation, though I've gone back to eating clean. After about 4 days on the cleanse, certain things are starting to get back to normal.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Try adding foods that are more calorically dense. Peanut butter, full fat yogurt...if you don't want to eat as much food just make sure you're getting more bang for your buck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    When we exercise, there are a number of benefits, including, increased muscle tone, increased metabolism, better cardio-vascular ability. It also allows you to eat more which means that you are getting more nutrients and are as a result healthier. Healithier = more energy = higher metabolism = more weight lost.

    But you need enough fuel in your body to be able to get these benefits. The net deficit calories you need are just that - net deficit, including taking into account excercise. Also, your body continues to burn more calories after a work-out - so you are effectively increasing your net calorific defecit anyway.

    In summary, eating enough keeps your metabolism up and allows you to exercise more.

    I understand your frustratiion. When I am counting calories, I also sometimes have a problem with eating enough - either because I am trying to eat healthier and as such eat lower calorie food, time (as I am now exercising more = less time to eat), or just that phsycological barrier of not wanting to go over your target calories (even by 1!). You just have to remind yourself it is a good thing to eat (within an appropriate limit) as it will benefit you in the long run.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Genesis 4 Total Cleanse. You don't have to change what you eat while doing the cleanse, but it is highly recommended you eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water...trying to stay away from processed junk and greasy foods. I go through a cycle of this stuff about once every 6 months, and going through a cycle right now because I've been experiencing fatigue and other issues which usually go away about a week after I start a cleanse cycle. I'm thinking all the rich food during my cruise about a month ago sent my system into a funk, because I have not been the same since getting back from vacation, though I've gone back to eating clean. After about 4 days on the cleanse, certain things are starting to get back to normal.

    So what exactly does Genesis 4 Total Cleanse do for you? (I get really worried reading about the "7 Channels of Elimination" discovered in 1904 by a Russian naturopath ) Between you and me I expect it's the healthier eating that you describe in your 2nd sentence that's making you feel better.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Hold on to your money, the so-called detox and cleanse products being sold have no benefits that can be demonstrated scientifically.

    1) Eat cleaner (reduce or eliminate processed foods)
    2) Eat lots of vegetables and fresh fruits and stick to lean protein sources
    3) Make sure that you're adequately hydrated
    4) Create a caloric deficit based on a diet that is healthy and sustainable
    5) Exercise (cardio & strength)

    Your body has its own "detox and cleanse" systems in place. Your liver and kidneys remove toxins and you "cleanse" every time you go to the bathroom.

    This! Chemical detoxes and cleanses can actually be really unhealthy and downright dangerous.

    Also, once you make some changes to you calorie intake, give it a week or two to show on the scale. Be patient - sometimes your body rebounds before hitting a stride.

    If you struggle getting in your calories, try swapping for higher protein/fat items without adding volume. Higher fat dairy, salad dressing, or other condiments, for example. Use honey in coffee instead of artificial sweetener. Add nuts, cheese, or (natural) peanut butter to fruit/veggie snacks. These things are less processed too - double bonus.
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    The Genesis just helps clean me out (apologize in advance for TMI). I've been eating healthy for quite some time now, but sometimes...let's just say the plumbing gets backed up. A few weeks ago, this was the case. NOTHING changed...I was still eating plenty of natural fiber, exercising, getting plenty of water, etc. I didn't add or remove any supplements, and I I found myself hurting with backed up plumbing. Usually, these things go away after a few days, but when this went on for more than a week, I knew it was time to go a a round again. Other signs I notice are I just feel generally worn out (which I was), I start to break out, etc.

    The Genesis gets things moving again, and helps clean out anything that got into the bloodstream because of the backup. It isn't like a laxative. I mean, I really don't even start feeling the effects until about day 3 or 4. By the end of the second week, on top of being regular again, my skin is usually clear again, and my energy levels have returned. It typically takes about a month for me to go through a full cycle, but afterwards, I'm good for about 6 months to a year after that.

    I'm not sure what triggers it all...sometimes it seems like it's stress. I'll go through a stressful situation (which I did recently at work), things get backed up, and after that, they just don't seem to return to normal on their own. The Genesis gives my body a little boost in the "fix itself" department.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Depends why you want to do it...I did a Standard Process Whole Food Cleanse (under the direction of a nutrionist)...I was having stomach issues among other things and it was recommended I try this to flush out my relied on lots of fruits, veggies, (certain ones were excluded) shakes with powder (powder was made up of all sorts of ground fruits and veggies - so you could get more nutrients into your system at one time), you could have things like lentils or brown rice and lean meats and fish...

    It wasn't a weight loss detox/cleanse - although most people do loose some weight on it (I lost maybe 4 lbs) - but rather to help restart and flush out your system of processed foods, added sugars, dairy, when you do start to add stuff back into your diet you can see if it affects your body...I found a few foods that made me sick (white button mushrooms for some reason) and found Dairy was not my friend (I wasn't a big dairy person before it...but the few times i attempted dairy after BAD things happened)