What kind of results are you seeing with an elliptical??



  • i_luv_irs
    i_luv_irs Posts: 30 Member
    I enjoy using the elliptical at the gym but I don't use it exclusively. I always try to switch up my routine. I do feel like the elliptical is effective if you use a high enough resistance. I have to feel the muscles working otherwise I don't think I'm working hard enough.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I have an elliptical and love it. The action is more effective at burning calories than walking on a treadmill, and far less boring. Mine has a fan and tells me how many cals and carbs I've burned, plus time elapsed. This modeI has moving handlebars so my arms get a workout too, and it can be set for different grades. I've done anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes per sessionon this, and I trust what the machine tells me about calories; the MFP site was grossly overestimating that. The machine knows how fast I'm going. Legs are stronger, more energy, better stamina. Easy on my problematic back. I highly reccommend elliptical machines.
  • Nigzy85
    Nigzy85 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the information. This will help me when I start to exercise. Right now I just started watching what I am eating and marking it all down and just walking. I will start next week with the machines. Hope to drop pounds like everyone else. Love the posts.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    The results of me on an elliptical: I rarely use the elliptical anymore. LOL it's BORING! But it's a good starting point and a good way to get cardio in..

    Lift weights in addition to cardio.. it's the real path to losing weight..

    oh and do exercise videos that combine strength with cardio.. those will get you toned up and stronger in no time! people love 30 shred (i didn't like level 1, but haven't tried 2 or 3 yet) and they say they do great with it and it's like 10 bucks. I love tae-bo and cardio salsa :~)
  • Reneeisfat
    Reneeisfat Posts: 126 Member
    I just bought me an elliptical machine being I see how many people swear by the results, burning calories and toning their bodies. I am curious to know how long you excercise a day/week, and what kind of results are you seeing. I am realling trying to lose 25 lbs and tone up this body after having 4 kids. I am on a 1200 cal diet and been using my elliptical for 3 days and I just wanna know what anyone thinks about it. also looking for buddies!!! :))

    Since January 1st (10 weeks) I've lost 24 pounds. I use a precor elliptical for an hour most days and a minimum 30 min. I also to strength training and Zumba 3x week. I too am a 1200 calorie a day diet.

    The results besides weight lost have been overall toning. It's funny...the other day I was looking in my full length mirror and while standing on my tip toes I saw something black on my calf. I looked again and it was a shadow under my calf! Lol! The muscle was sticking out throwing a shadow and I didn't know what it was!

    I have an open diary and fitness diary. I also log everyday. Friend me if you want.
  • acbabbitt
    acbabbitt Posts: 50
    I use my elliptical for the high intensity interval training mentioned earlier. I do that for 20-30 mins 3-4 times a week + strength training.
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    I use the elliptical occasionally at the gym but I hate that my feet fal asleep on it. Can usually do 30 min then have to switch to another machine to wake up my feet.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    When walking (power walking, over 4 MPH), I didn't break a sweat. Did that for years.

    I use the elliptical every day at the gym and I increase the resistance all the time, do "sprints" where I go faster and get my heartrate up, and I get all nice and sweaty. I am getting an awesome cardio workout. I also do pushups and strength training.

    I burned 435 calories in 35 minutes tonight, which is my most calories burned ever. I remember when I first started, I felt happy if I burned 280. I love the elliptical!!
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I use the elliptical occasionally at the gym but I hate that my feet fal asleep on it. Can usually do 30 min then have to switch to another machine to wake up my feet.

    Have you tried loosening up your shoelaces? I had this problem when I first started and then I realized I probably shouldn't have my laces so tight. :smile:
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I use the elliptical occasionally at the gym but I hate that my feet fal asleep on it. Can usually do 30 min then have to switch to another machine to wake up my feet.

    Have you tried loosening up your shoelaces? I had this problem when I first started and then I realized I probably shouldn't have my laces so tight. :smile:
    I had this issue even with loose laces. I got some different shoes, problem solved.