I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Children.... which to me is ANYONE under 18.... (well, I could make an exception here and there, but it would be a case by case basis).

    AND.... Mother's who have no freakin' sense and bring their 8 yr. old SON into the WOMEN'S locker room! There are FAMILY locker rooms just for this situation.

    You must not have kids...

    I agree with kids not being in the gym part, but sometimes you have to drag your son into the women's locker room if the family one is full! Especially if he has to pee. I am not sending him in the men's locker room by himself!

    I can appreciate that a need is a need, but I've felt pretty violated before by unexpected male children in the adult locker room. If there's a family locker room that's child-friendly and an adult one that isn't, I choose the adult one, because I don't want to feel like a creep for being naked like I should be allowed to in a locker room. I really don't want to get naked in front of someone's 8 year old boy.

    I know it's not as simple as just leaving your kids at home or whatever, but it makes me really uncomfortable to be confronted with other people's kids, particularly boys, when I'm naked.

    YES! Someone understands where I am coming from.... And for the record, I would NOT take my 8 yr. old son into the women "adult" locker room with me.... 3 yr. old? only in an emergency..
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Children.... which to me is ANYONE under 18.... (well, I could make an exception here and there, but it would be a case by case basis).

    AND.... Mother's who have no freakin' sense and bring their 8 yr. old SON into the WOMEN'S locker room! There are FAMILY locker rooms just for this situation.

    You must not have kids...

    Right. There is a daycare at the gyms for a reason.
    Yet I agree on the 8 year old in the locker room. "/

    Then they should be in the day care portion, not clinging to your legs in the workout room.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Screaming during any of the workout classes. Hell, screaming in general.

    As a group fitness instructor it bugs me when there's no interaction during classes. The energy level in the room just sky rockets with a little noise from the peanut gallery, hoots, howls, whistles, gasps, grunts, woots, and singing . . . I love it. I have a policy that if no one is interacting with me they have to listen to me sing . . . my singing will make your ears bleed. I'm of the mind set that there are thousands of ways to be fit and active and burn a few calories, so why not have fun doing it?
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Well, I don't belong to a gym anymore - I use the YMCA - but mine was the music that they blared through the house system. No matter the genre, it was always too loud.

    YMCA IS a gym :happy:
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    i hate it when skinny girls use equipment with blank looks on their face, it is like they aren't even trying to get a burn. or when big people use the treadmill and power walk with no incline, it is like honestly, put the incline up a little bit and you will burn so many more calories. ooh and highschool girls that have no clue what they are doing and just walk around flaunting their stuff.

    Seeing super tiny girls does irk me a little, but that's mostly from jealousy :p. I understand they're trying to maintain that body type and it makes me work harder so I can get to a point where all I have to do is maintain.

    As for walking with no incline: I walk flat because I don't want to develop big bulky calf muscles. My calves are already too big to get into most tall boots (love me some boots). Yeah, I might have to walk longer to burn more calories, but it's just a personal preference.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    the folks that set the speed and incline on the treadmill so fast and high that they have to hang on to the front of the machine. It irks the living **** out of me if you feel the need to hang on for dear life you're goin to fast or cant do the incline. STOP THAT MADNESS please

    :indifferent: I do this...it is where my hands are most comfortable...:ohwell:

    I do this too. I don't want to faceplant. I usually do it between running intervals.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Lady GaGa music..
  • chrissy10taylor
    People who wear jeans to work out ... for some reason it irks me. Usually they aren't really working out very hard anyway.
  • jcolier
    jcolier Posts: 64
    People doing curls in the squat rack!!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Tights are not pants. There is a huuuuuuuuge difference between tights and yoga leggings. That difference being: me not seeing your vajayjay. Oh lawd....I have seen things.

    Mostly just peeved today because I didn't realize gyms were pants optional.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    Other people!

    EDIT: But that's just cos I'm really self-conscious - I run like an idiot so I only ever power-walk and use the incline on a treadmill, because I'm scared of a) falling and being laughed at, and b) people laughing at me

    One of my big pet peeves is when people just sit on a machine, not doing anything - not even facing the right way - just talking to their friend for an hour!
  • aj_gettingfit
    ban girls that put no effort into their workouts but still look better than me!!!....rrrrrr

    ^^ This! Lol!

    I can't stand the girls that walk around in their cute little outfits that walk for 30 min and then go eat burger king and don't gain a pound. I hate genetics!

    genetics has very little to do with weight and weight loss and gain. It mostly comes down to lifestyle (how active you are and how much you eat) this is of course if you don't have any hormonal issues such as hypothyroidism among others.

    In general weight comes down to 80% diet, 10% activity, 10% genetics

    I get that diet is a big part of it. I have a friend at work who I talk to about this all the time. For 2 yrs we did the same workouts weekly and she would sit at her desk and eat oreos, cheetos, etc and I would eat grapes, carrots, etc and she wouldn't gain a pound while I struggled to lose even .5 lb. She seems to be 'naturally' thin while I have to put 110% effort into it. So unfair!
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Other people!

    ^^^^ THIS!!
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    the moron who carries around a GALLON of water!! YOU DO NOT NEED A GALLON OF WATER, IDIOT
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    People who wear jeans to work out ... for some reason it irks me. Usually they aren't really working out very hard anyway.
    I saw someone on the elliptical today wearing a quilted winter coat. WTH?!

    I wish my gym had a bad on people who don't wipe down the equipment after using it. It is becoming worse and worse (it has only been open a few months) and I have taken to wiping down my equipment before and after I use it.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    People taking the middle of three machines. :mad:

    I am so curious what is annoying about this? Seriously, not being snarky here just perplexed! Do tell.

    my thoughts exactly. They may like that machine better for a variety of reasons. I usually pick my machine (if I have the option) based on position to the fan (I like it blowing on me to help keep me somewhat cool).

    Sometimes when you start working out, the middle machine is the only one open because others have taken the machines on either end (after all, most people love their space and would probably give someone the stink eye if they jumped on the machine next to us if there was another one open). The other members' workouts end and you're in the middle of no one.
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
  • aanderson1126
    the groups of 21 year olds that use the express circuit machines as their after school hang out. Not working out, just laying on the machines posing.


    Totally with you on this one! Get the F*&$# outta the gym if you're not going to work out!
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    high school cheerleaders who stand around and chat for an hour. loudly.