I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    the moron who carries around a GALLON of water!! YOU DO NOT NEED A GALLON OF WATER, IDIOT

  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    For me its when people complain when i slam down the weight in a last ditch effort to save me from getting hurt. I control the weight, but if something goes wrong when I'm doing Olympic lifts, I will disregard your need to have a quite gym and only consider my safety.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    The goons in the men's locker room who slam our wooden lockers that don't need to be slammed. The 'noise pollution' nearly snaps my eardrums. Now if we were still in HS, where you had to slam your locker to get the locking mechanism to engage, I'd get it. But sold wood on to solid wood? Easy there, Godzilla.
  • irishgurl79
    people who sit on the equipment and socialize more then working out
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    People who wear jeans to work out ... for some reason it irks me. Usually they aren't really working out very hard anyway.

    That annoys me too.... Really anyone working out in NON-workout clothes. It's just...weird!
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    For me its when people complain when i slam down the weight in a last ditch effort to save me from getting hurt. I control the weight, but if something goes wrong when I'm doing Olympic lifts, I will disregard your need to have a quite gym and only consider my safety.

    Couldn't care less, dropping weights and grunting/flexing in mirrors just to look at yourself should be banned. If you can't lift and lower the weight safely then your lifting too much.

    I'm on board with the others who've said something to the same effect. No saying I don't care if you get hurt but I do care when people are loud to that point that it bothers my concentration in a shared environment.
  • debbie2268
    People who take up residence on the circuit machines.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Rude people... I once picked a treadmill no where near anyone and turned on and pointed a fan directly at me ( i like a breeze lol)... with 10 other open treadmills and older lady ( like 70 years) went to the treadmill right next to me, and then left to turn off my fan lol... I didn't even know what to say! I just finished my workout and left... how can you yell at someone as old as your grandma lol
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    This may get some "likes" too, but what about the weekend warriors who don't understand the, "May I work in with you" concept? I notice that at night and on the weekends, the real novices come in and after one set, literally sit on their bench/cybex machine, or whatever, while you're standing there waiting to work in. What the heck? Get up, rerack your weight (yet another bannable offense), and let me get to it. OMGosh, if you need to sit there to recover from a set of dumbell curls with 15lbs each, please stay downstairs in the child-center... Just sayin.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    People who bring their laptops (mine has free wifi for members) and do their online classes there with the volume turned up all the way instead of using headphones.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    This may get some "likes" too, but what about the weekend warriors who don't understand the, "May I work in with you" concept? I notice that at night and on the weekends, the real novices come in and after one set, literally sit on their bench/cybex machine, or whatever, while you're standing there waiting to work in. What the heck? Get up, rerack your weight (yet another bannable offense), and let me get to it. OMGosh, if you need to sit there to recover from a set of dumbell curls with 15lbs each, please stay downstairs in the child-center... Just sayin.

    That's why I do my weights at home. I just started a month ago and just got to 15lbs and I'm not about to take up space in the weight room for my dinky workouts. I'd rather wait until I get to a higher number when I'll need the equipment and not just a dumbbell I can buy from any store.
  • plcarpenter
    plcarpenter Posts: 83 Member
    people who don't re-rack their weights!

    GRRRRR I hate that!!! I think there should be a ban on B.O. there was a guy on the eliptical and there was an open machine on either side of him because he STANK!!!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I wish my gym had a ban on...wearing makeup.

    I hate being the only bummy-looking bare-face girl there. :/ but at least I know my workout isn't going to cause me a breakout!

    I hear you, clearly you are not there to work out if you have that much make up on. The gym is not a place to meet a mate, you are there to exercise, and that doesn't look pretty if you do it right.

    That's absolutely not true. I go to the gym straight after work and do not take the time to take off my make-up. That doesn't mean I am not there to work out. I take pride in how I look, whether it be at the gym, grocery store, work, etc. I also think I look DAMN "pretty" when I work out, thank you very much. & I sweat A LOT.

    P.S. I also don't break out from wearing make-up to the gym. Let's try and remember that everyone is different.Thanks.

    + 1.
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    For me, it's not a particular set of people or actions... but I'm really irked by the showers that at first appear pretty nice and suddenly become disgusting when you realize there's a clump of hair that's been sitting atop the drain for... like... weeks. Makes me question the cleanliness of the whole place and I feel like retching (other people's hair does that to me; don't know why). For goodness' sake, gyms, clean your showers.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    People next to me on the treadmill or the elliptical that feel the need to look at my machine. Keep track of your own workouts, and not mine. K thnx
  • plcarpenter
    plcarpenter Posts: 83 Member
    People next to me on the treadmill or the elliptical that feel the need to look at my machine. Keep track of your own workouts, and not mine. K thnx

    Sorry, I just had to see if I was being lame and I have to step it up...LOL! Guilty
  • Myrtlemama4
    Myrtlemama4 Posts: 92 Member
    Women walking naked all over the locker room just for fun.
    There is a woman who is easy 350lbs..she is ALWAYS naked drying her hair when I come in. She sits on the stool and dries her hair with a hand towel over the front of her..um, has she seen the back of her? Im not skinny or better off, but come on, It goes without fail..once I saw her walking in, so I thought I would get in the lockeroom to go to the bathroom, she came out freakin naked..I swear..does she do this to irritate me?
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    For me its when people complain when i slam down the weight in a last ditch effort to save me from getting hurt. I control the weight, but if something goes wrong when I'm doing Olympic lifts, I will disregard your need to have a quite gym and only consider my safety.

    Couldn't care less, dropping weights and grunting should be banned. If you can't lift and lower the weight safely then your lifting too much.

    Obviously you've never tried hard. Come back to me when you can ATG squat 2x your body weight with out making a sound. Come back to me when you can perform a perfect oly snatch EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. Dude not even the people in the Olympics perform their lifts perfect every time and have to ditch the bar. Grow up and realize that some people have different lifting goals than you.
  • Guys hitting on you while you're trying to lift weights. Like dude it's 5 am and I'm not here to mingle. Pleaseeeeee go away. And the creepy ones keep doing it time after time. Eff off :mad:
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    everyone else but me

    Hahaha. Love it.